我是靠谱客的博主 健壮巨人,这篇文章主要介绍android程序运行log日志从哪找,在哪里可以找到我的版本信息和日志?,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

在哪里可以找到我的版本信息和日志?Where can I find my version information and logs?




版本信息Version information

Windows 版本信息Windows version information

Mac 版本信息Mac version information

Android SDK Tools,平台工具,生成工具Android SDK Tools, Platform-tools, Build-tools

IDE 和安装程序日志IDE and installer logs

Windows 日志Windows logs

Xamarin StudioXamarin Studio

面向 Visual Studio 的 XamarinXamarin for Visual Studio

Xamarin 通用安装程序Xamarin Universal installer

单个 .msi 安装程序,详细日志Individual .msi installers, verbose logs

Visual Studio 启动,详细日志Visual Studio startup, verbose logs

Mac 日志Mac logs

生成主机Build host

Visual Studio for MacVisual Studio for Mac

Xamarin StudioXamarin Studio

Xamarin 安装程序Xamarin installer

适用于 Xamarin 和 Xamarin iOS 应用的调试日志Debug logs for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS apps

Android adb logcat 日志Android adb logcat logs

(Mac 上的 iOS 模拟器日志)iOS simulator logs (on Mac)

(Mac 上的 iOS 设备日志)iOS device logs (on Mac)

版本信息Version information

通常最好将 " 复制信息 " 按钮中的所有信息发送回。It's usually best to send back all of the information from the Copy Information buttons. 否则,我们通常需要请求其他信息。Otherwise we will often need to request additional information. 例如,在帮助解决问题时,操作系统版本、Xcode 版本、安装的 Android API 级别和 .NET 版本都非常重要。For example, operating system versions, Xcode version, installed Android API levels, and .NET version can all be important when helping to troubleshoot a problem.

Windows 版本信息Windows version information

Xamarin StudioXamarin Studio

有关 > 显示详细信息 > 复制信息的帮助 > [button]Help > About > Show Details > Copy Information [button]

Visual StudioVisual Studio

有关 Microsoft Visual Studio > 复制信息的帮助 > [button]Help > About Microsoft Visual Studio > Copy Info [button]

Mac 版本信息Mac version information

Visual Studio for MacVisual Studio for Mac

Visual Studio > 关于 Visual Studio > 显示详细信息 > 复制信息 [button]Visual Studio > About Visual Studio > Show Details > Copy Information [button]

Android SDK Tools,平台工具,生成工具Android SDK Tools, Platform-tools, Build-tools

打开 Android SDK 管理器,然后获取顶部 工具 部分的屏幕截图。Open the Android SDK Manager, and take a screenshot of the top Tools section.

Visual Studio for MacVisual Studio for Mac

“工具”>“打开 Android SDK 管理器”****Tools > Open Android SDK Manager

Visual StudioVisual Studio

“工具”>“Android”>“打开 Android SDK 管理器...”****Tools > Android > Open Android SDK Manager...

IDE 和安装程序日志IDE and installer logs

对于每个日志位置,请确保压缩并附加整个日志文件夹。For each log location, be sure to zip up and attach the entire log folder.

Windows 日志Windows logs

Visual Studio Tools for XamarinVisual Studio Tools for Xamarin


Visual Studio 2017Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio 2015Visual Studio 2015

Xamarin "通用" 安装程序Xamarin "Universal" installer


这是安装程序中的日志 XamarinInstaller.exe 。These are the logs from the XamarinInstaller.exe installer.

单个 .msi 安装程序,详细日志Individual .msi installers, verbose logs

msiexec /i Xamarin.msi /l*vx "%USERPROFILE%DesktopXamarin.log"

Visual Studio 启动,详细日志Visual Studio startup, verbose logs

devenv.exe /log "%USERPROFILE%DesktopVisualStudio.log"

Mac 日志Mac logs

可以在 "查找器" 中选择 "前往" > "移 到文件夹 " 菜单项,然后将任何这些路径复制并粘贴到对话框中。You can select the Go > Go to Folder menu item in Finder, and then copy and paste any of these paths into the dialog.

Visual Studio for MacVisual Studio for Mac

~/Library/Logs/VisualStudio/7.0 (此数字可能会随你使用的版本而变化)~/Library/Logs/VisualStudio/7.0 (this number may change depending on the version you are using)

此文件夹还可以通过 "帮助-> 打开日志目录" 打开。This folder can also be opened via "Help -> Open Log Directory".

Xamarin StudioXamarin Studio

~/Library/Logs/XamarinStudio-6.0 (此数字可能会随你使用的版本而变化)~/Library/Logs/XamarinStudio-6.0 (this number may change depending on the version you are using)

此文件夹还可以通过 "帮助-> 打开日志目录" 打开。This folder can also be opened via "Help -> Open Log Directory".

Xamarin "通用" 安装程序Xamarin "Universal" installer


这是安装程序中的日志 XamarinInstaller.dmg 。These are the logs from the XamarinInstaller.dmg installer.

Xamarin 生成主机Xamarin Build Host


详细生成输出Verbose build output

对于 iOS 应用,还可以verbose mtouch output通过 -v -v -v -v 在 "项目属性" > > 常规 ("选项卡上添加" 项目属性 "来启用详细的 Mtouch 输出) > 附加选项 > 附加的 mtouch 参数。For iOS apps, also enable verbose mtouch output by adding -v -v -v -v under Project Properties > iOS Build > General (tab) > Additional Options > Additional mtouch arguments.

清除并重新生成项目。Clean and rebuild the project.

将 IDE 的生成输出复制并粘贴到文本文件中。Copy and paste the build output from the IDE into a text file.

Visual Studio (Windows) : View > 输出 > 显示以下输出:生成Visual Studio (Windows): View > Output > Show output from: Build

Visual Studio for Mac: > "> 生成输出" 选项卡中查看板 > 错误 (Visual Studio for Mac: View > Pads > Errors > Build Output (tab)

适用于 Xamarin 和 Xamarin iOS 应用的调试日志Debug logs for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS apps

Visual Studio for MacVisual Studio for Mac

查看 > Pad > 应用程序输出View > Pads > Application Output

(请注意,此菜单项仅在应用程序启动后才会显示。 )(Note that this menu item will only appear after the app has been launched.)

Visual StudioVisual Studio

查看 > 输出 > 显示输出:调试View > Output > Show output from: Debug

Android adb logcat 日志Android adb logcat logs

运行该 adb 命令后,从桌面附加 android_logcat.txt 文件。After running the adb command, attach back the android_logcat.txt file from your Desktop. 这些说明假定你只连接了一个设备。These instructions assume you have only one device attached.

Visual StudioVisual Studio

Tools > Android > 启动 Android Adb 命令提示符Tools > Android > Start Android Adb Command Prompt

清理日志: adb logcat -cClean the log: adb logcat -c

重现此问题。Reproduce the issue.

输出日志: adb logcat -vtime -d > "%USERPROFILE%Desktopandroid_logcat.txt"Output the log: adb logcat -vtime -d > "%USERPROFILE%Desktopandroid_logcat.txt"

Visual Studio for MacVisual Studio for Mac

工具 > 打开 Android SDK 命令提示符Tools > Open Android SDK Command Prompt

清理日志: adb logcat -cClean the log: adb logcat -c

重现此问题。Reproduce the issue.

输出日志: adb logcat -vtime -d > ~/Desktop/android_logcat.txtOutput the log: adb logcat -vtime -d > ~/Desktop/android_logcat.txt

(Mac 上的 iOS 模拟器日志)iOS simulator logs (on Mac)

若要访问系统日志,请选择 "调试" > 在 iOS 模拟器应用中 打开 "系统日志 ... "。To access the system log, select Debug > Open System Log... in the iOS Simulator app.

若要从模拟器查看故障报告,请打开 Console 并导航到 ~/Library/Logs > DiagnosticReports 。To view crash reports from the simulator, open Console.app and navigate to ~/Library/Logs > DiagnosticReports.

(Mac 上的 iOS 设备日志)iOS device logs (on Mac)

Visual Studio for MacVisual Studio for Mac

查看 iOS 设备日志 > 的 > 填充View > Pads > iOS Device Log


Windows > 设备 > $ {DeviceName}Window > Devices > ${DeviceName}

故障报告在 " 查看设备日志 " 按钮下提供。Crash reports are available under the View Device Logs button. 设备的系统日志显示在窗口底部的 "泄漏" 箭头下。The system log for the device appears at the bottom of the window under the disclosure arrow.

Xcode 5Xcode 5

> 设备 (的窗口 > 管理器) > $ {DeviceName}Window > Organizer > Devices (tab) > ${DeviceName}




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