我是靠谱客的博主 文艺西牛,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍计算机性能的量度,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



1.What is a performance metric?
    Before we can begin to understand any aspect of a computer system’s performance,we must determine what things are interesting and useful to measure.The basic characteristics of a computer system that we typically need to measure are:
    •  a count of how many times an event occurs;
    •  the duration of some time interval;
    •  the size of some parameter.
    For instance,we may need to count how many times a processor initiates an input /output request.We may also be interested in how long each of these requests takes.Finally,it is probably also useful to determine the number of bits transmitted and stored.
From these types of measured values,we can derive the actual value that we wish to use to describe the performance of the system.This value is called a performance metric.

2.Processor and system performance metrics

    1)The clock rate
    In many advertisements for computer systems,the most prominent indication of performance is often the frequency of the processor’ s central clock.The implication to the buyer is that a 250 MHz system must always be faster at solving the user’ s problem than a 200 MHz system,for instance.However,this performance metric completely ignores how much computation is actually accomplished in each clock cycle,it ignores the complex interactions of the processor with the memory subsystem and the input /output subsystem,and it ignores the not at all unlikely fact that the processor may not be the performance bottleneck [1].
    A throughput or execution-rate performance metric is a measure of the amount of computation performed per unit time.Since rate metrics are normalized to a common basis,such as seconds,they are very useful for comparing relative speeds.For instance,a vehicle that travels at 50 m/s will obviously traverse more ground in a fixed time interval than will a vehicle traveling at 35 m/s.
    The MIPS metric is an attempt to develop a rate metric for computer systems that allows a direct comparison of their speeds.While in the physical world speed is measured as the distance traveled per unit time,MIPS defines the computer system’s unit of“distance” as the execution of an instruction.Thus,MIPS,which is an acronym for millions of instructions executed per second,is defined to be
                      (2. 1)

    where   is the time required to execute n total instructions.

    To standardize the definition of the actual result produced by a computer system in“typical”usage,several computer manufacturers banded to together to form the System Performance Evaluation Cooperative(SPEC).This group identified a set of integer and floating-point benchmark programs that was intended to reflect the way most workstation-class computer systems were actually used.Additionally,and,perhaps,most importantly,they also standardized the methodology for measuring and reporting the performance obtained when executing these programs.

4.Benchmark programs

    To measure the maximum speed of an automobile,it must be in motion.Similarly,a computer must be executing some sort of program when you attempt to measure any aspect of its performance.Since you are ultimately interested in how the computer performs[2] on your application programs,the best program to run is,obviously,one of your own applications. Unfortunately,this is not always possible since a substantial amount of time and effort may be required to port your existing application to a new computer system.It will perhaps not be cost-effective to port the application if the only goal is to measure the performance of the new system.
    Owing to these practical and logistical difficulties in running your application program on the system or systems being evaluated,you instead are often forced to rely on making measurements while the computer system is executing some other program.This surrogate program is referred to as a benchmark program since it is used as a standard reference for comparing performance results.
    Since different application domains have different execution characteristics,a wide range of benchmark programs has been developed in the attempt to characterize these different domains.Furthermore,different types of benchmarks satisfy the needs of many different types of users.Designers of new computer systems,for instance,often need benchmarks during the early stages of the design process that are focused on exercising specific components of the system.Since these early design stages typically rely on simulations to estimate performance,these benchmarks must be relatively small and easy to use.A large organization deciding which of several systems to purchase,on the other hand,may be committing a large sum of money on the basis of results of their performance tests.Consequently,they need much more complete benchmark programs that more accurately characterize their application environment.

  一个事件发生了多少次;
  某个时间间隔的持续时间;
  某个参数的大小。





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