我有以下jquery事件处理功能:$('.target').on('dblclick', function() {
//respond to double click event
我的问题是此事件处理程序无法在触摸设备(iPhone,iPad ...)上运行。 谁能推荐dblclick的可靠替代品,该替代品可在触摸设备上运行,并且仍然允许在全尺寸设备上舒适地双击使用?
9 个回复:
===============>>#1 票数:18 已采纳
var touchtime = 0; $(".target").on("click", function() { if (touchtime == 0) { // set first click touchtime = new Date().getTime(); } else { // compare first click to this click and see if they occurred within double click threshold if (((new Date().getTime()) - touchtime) < 800) { // double click occurred alert("double clicked"); touchtime = 0; } else { // not a double click so set as a new first click touchtime = new Date().getTime(); } } });
===============>>#2 票数:3
您可以在元素上绑定多个事件侦听器,并将jQuery的tap事件用于触摸设备。$( ".target" ).on({
dbclick: function() {
//do stuff
}, touch: function() {
//do the same stuff
===============>>#3 票数:3
我发现移动缩放功能会抛弃Jquery的dblclick。 基本上,它说您的视口不会有效改变以关闭缩放。 这适用于运行Chrome的Nexus 5。
===============>>#4 票数:1
var touchtime = 0; $('.target').on('click', function() { if (touchtime == 0) { touchtime = new Date().getTime(); } else { if (((new Date().getTime()) - touchtime) < 800) { alert("double clicked"); touchtime = 0; } else { touchtime = 0; } } });
click me!
then click me!
click link===============>>#5 票数:1
感谢您的解决方案-我唯一要做的就是添加一个超时,以便可以将其视为单独的事件var touchtime = 0;
var delay = 800;
var action = null;
$(".target").on("click", function() {
/*Double Click */
if((new Date().getTime() - touchtime) < delay){
/* Single Click */
touchtime = new Date().getTime();
action = setTimeout(function(){
尽管我尚未测试过,但也可能值得将以下内容添加到任何HTML 为: ” user-scalable = no“或不” user-scalable = no“
===============>>#6 票数:1
具有自己的doubleclick计数器的多个目标。 可接受的解决方案有2个错误,在这里已修复:如果单击目标并单击外部,然后在800毫秒内再次单击目标,则将触发doubleclick事件。
$(document).on("click", function(e) { var MAX_DELAY_IN_MS = 800; var current_time = new Date(); var targets = $(".target"); if ((typeof last_target == "undefined") || (last_target == 0)) { last_target = e.target; last_click = current_time; } else { if ((last_target == e.target) && ((targets.is(e.target) == true) || (targets.has(e.target).length !== 0)) && (current_time - last_click < MAX_DELAY_IN_MS)) { alert("double clicked"); } last_target = 0; last_click = 0; } });div{display:inline-block; width:30px; height:30px; margin:5px;} .target{background-color:lime;} .no_target{background-color:orange;}
===============>>#7 票数:0
我对上面的代码进行了改进,单击后未检测到双击:var touchtime = 0;
$(".target").on("click", function() {
if (((new Date().getTime()) - touchtime) < 500) {
alert("double clicked");
touchtime = new Date().getTime();
此代码检测所有双击。 我还将触摸时间减少到500ms(标准的doubleclick-time)。
===============>>#8 票数:-1
就这样...在CoffeeScript中onDblClick = -> "...your function to be fired..."
dbl_click = null
$(element).on 'mousedown', ->
onDblClick() if dbl_click
dbl_click = true
setTimeout () ->
dbl_click = false
, 250
===============>>#9 票数:-2
您需要在函数末尾输入“ return false”,如下所示var touchtime = 0;
$('.dbclickopen').click(function() {
if(touchtime == 0) {
//set first click
touchtime = new Date().getTime();
} else {
//compare first click to this click and see if they occurred within double click threshold
if(((new Date().getTime())-touchtime) < 800) {
//double click occurred
touchtime = 0;
window.location = this.href;
} else {
//not a double click so set as a new first click
touchtime = new Date().getTime();
return false;
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