我是靠谱客的博主 冷傲板栗,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍android oreo_如何在Android Oreo中强制使用深色快速设置主题,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


android oreo

android oreo

Android Oreo (8.1) automatically applies either a light or dark theme to the Quick Settings menu depending on your wallpaper. If you want a specific wallpaper and theme instead, there’s an easy way to force it.

Android Oreo(8.1)会根据您的墙纸自动将浅色或深色主题应用于“快速设置”菜单。 如果您想要特定的墙纸和主题,则有一种简单的方法可以强制使用它。

This is all thanks to a new app named LWP+. It’s essentially a custom live wallpaper that “tricks” Android into thinking the wallpaper is whatever color you set within the app while applying the wallpaper you actually see on top of that. It’s a pretty brilliant workaround. You can use a dark theme with a light wallpaper, or a light theme with a dark wallpaper. The power is back in your hands.

这一切都要归功于一个名为LWP +的新应用。 本质上,这是一种自定义动态壁纸,可“欺骗” Android并认为壁纸是您在应用程序中设置的颜色,同时应用了您实际在壁纸上看到的颜色。 这是一个非常出色的解决方法。 您可以将深色主题与浅色墙纸一起使用,也可以将浅色主题与深色墙纸一起使用。 力量重新掌握在您手中。

Go ahead and give LWP+ an install, and we’ll run through how to use it. It’s pretty simple.

继续并给LWP +安装 ,我们将逐步介绍如何使用它。 很简单

After it’s installed, fire LWP+ up. The app is really just one screen. You first need to apply it as the wallpaper, which you can do by turning on the “Set as current live wallpaper” toggle at the top. This open the “Set Wallpaper” dialog with just a solid black screen—tap the “Set Wallpaper” button in the top right to make it your wallpaper. You can then choose to apply it to both the home and lock screens, or just the home screen. The choice is up to you.

安装完成后,启动LWP +。 该应用程序实际上只是一个屏幕。 首先,您需要将其应用为墙纸,您可以通过打开顶部的“设置为当前动态墙纸”开关来实现。 这仅用纯黑屏幕打开“设置墙纸”对话框-轻击右上角的“设置墙纸”按钮将其设置为墙纸。 然后,您可以选择将其应用于主屏幕和锁定屏幕,或仅应用于主屏幕。 这个选择由你。

After setting that choice, you’re back on the main app page. Tap the “Choose Background Image” button, and then select the image you actually want to see as your wallpaper. This part can be a little bit confusing. First, set the portrait crop, and then tap the crop button in the upper right. Next, set the landscape crop, and then hit that crop button again. The image you choose is then applied on top of the black background.

设置好该选项后,您将返回主应用程序页面。 点击“选择背景图像”按钮,然后选择您实际想要作为墙纸看到的图像。 这部分可能会有些混乱。 首先,设置纵向裁剪,然后点击右上方的裁剪按钮。 接下来,设置风景裁剪,然后再次单击该裁剪按钮。 然后,您选择的图像将应用在黑色背景上。

Since the app uses a black background as default, this should force the black system theme starting now. If you want to change this, you can use the “Select Background Color” button. If you prefer the lighter system theme, just choose a light color here.

由于该应用默认使用黑色背景,因此应立即强制使用黑色系统主题。 如果要更改此设置,可以使用“选择背景颜色”按钮。 如果您更喜欢较浅的系统主题,只需在此处选择浅色即可。

From there, everything should work beautifully. If it doesn’t, however, don’t stress. There’s also a “Use custom colors” option that should completely override the system theme. Toggle that setting on, and then set everything to black. Done and done.

从那里开始,一切都应该运转良好。 如果没有,请不要强调。 还有一个“使用自定义颜色”选项应完全覆盖系统主题。 启用该设置,然后将所有内容都设置为黑色。 做完了。

Now you can use whatever wallpaper you want and your preferred system theme. Awesome.

现在,您可以使用所需的任何墙纸以及首选的系统主题。 太棒了

Left: Before LWP+; Right: After LWP + ????

左:在LWP +之前; 右:LWP + After之后

It’s honestly something that should be built into Android in the first place, but at least there’s a good workaround.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/345132/how-to-force-the-dark-quick-settings-theme-in-android-oreo/

android oreo


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