我是靠谱客的博主 优美丝袜,这篇文章主要介绍VMware 全系列产品测试License--7月1日过期,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

下面的授权中包含的VMWARE目前在售的所有产品的测试KEY,到了过期日 ,我会再更新,敬请试用。

New 60-day Evaluation License Keys - Expire on or about July 1st, 2011
The next license series will be released on or before June 20th to replace these licenses to insure that you do not suffer a lapse in functionality in the middle of an engagement or class.
The enclosed serial numbers are all 60-day evaluation licenses. Note that some licenses expire shortly after July 1st, due to different creation methods. For tracking purposes, I am treating all licenses as expiring on July 1st, 2011.
To avoid license extraction problems, the SRM version 1 and VI-3.X license files are contained in a single .zip file that is attached.
Note: Please insure that you are familiar with the implications of “per-VM” licensing of many products.   Reference http://www.vmware.com/support/licensing/per-vm/per-vm-faq.html regarding per-VM licensing.
Be aware that you must be running vCenter 4.1 or later to use per-VM licensing.  Before you attempt to use per-VM license keys at a customer location, please insure that they are running vCenter 4.1 or greater.   If they are using vCenter 4.0, per-VM licensing will not work, and there are many products where per-CPU licensing is no longer available for new licensing.
Please send any questions about or problems with these licenses to eduoperations@vmware.com.  Before reporting problems, please review the appropriate product documentation to insure that the licenses are being applied correctly.  We have received many reports of license problems that ended up being that the licenses were not applied to the correct product, or in the correct manner.
License files in zip file (to avoid corruption as message p_w_upload):
Site Recovery Manager 16-CPU
VI-3.X Infrastructure (Hosted and Served)
VI-3 Served License Feature Support:
License Counts
VC Management Server 2
VMotion 32
VC Agent for ESX Server 32
VMware HA 32
VMware DRS 32
ESX Server Enterprise/Standard 32
VMware Consolidated Backup 32
License keys that expire on or about July 1st, 2011:
VMware vSphere, 16 processor (vSphere 4 Enterprise Plus, vCenter Server 4.X Standard-Note that Series A and B allows identical functionality and are used in certain test/demo configurations):
Series A:
VMware vSphere 4.X Enterprise Plus for 16 processors (Max 12 cores per processor) -  Q509L-RL082-P8L39-02A0H-94JH4
VMware vCenter Server 4.X Standard for vSphere (Includes Orchestrator and Linked Mode) - MN40L-UA202-K8U3C-0L02P-81CM0
Series B:
VMware vSphere 4.X Enterprise Plus for 16 processors (Max 12 cores per processor) - L0013-RL09K-68U38-0H2UM-9JT04
VMware vCenter Server 4.X Standard for vSphere (Includes Orchestrator and Linked Mode) -  HH013-UAH5H-P8K32-0K8HK-1M3P4
Other products:
VMware ACE 2 Management Server - A449P-4DEZA-1TP07-4R2KR

VMware ACE Volume Licensing Key - Additive Licenses (For WS 6.X only! Evaluation licenses for WS 7 ACE are not available.)  - A4HCP-3DZJ6-VKKGN-4C58N
VMware vCenter AppSpeed - 16 CPU - PN491-WL24K-P8U31-0R3RH-8ML00
VMware vCenter AppSpeed - 1 VM - 410AM-H314K-J88T3-ACAA0-30J3J
VMware vCenter Capacity IQ - 16 CPU - No longer available-per VM licensing only
VMware vCenter Capacity IQ - 1 VM -  00087-H2H1H-58CTA-AL226-8MKQJ
VMware vCenter Capacity IQ - 1500 VM Pack - 64497-H2452-J83TJ-ANZK7-0TU5J
 VMware vCenter Chargeback - 1000 VM Pack - DN095-H1F4K-J8CT1-AYXAH-1MHNJ

VMware vCenter Chargeback - 16 CPU - 65285-MN182-N8230-0U20M-9RA7N
VMware vCenter Chargeback - 1 VM -  54097-M1HDK-J8CTC-A21HK-812NJ
VMware vCenter Chargeback - vCloud Bundle - 90417-H1F9K-183T8-AQM2P-9HAQN
VMware Fusion 3.X - 0J496-UU2E7-J8H3A-0HAK0-80VPL
VMware vCenter Server Heartbeat 6.3 - 1 vCenter Server - 4N613-MWLEK-180P2-A09AK-9982H
VMware Lab Manager 4.X - 16 CPU - KM68M-KRHE6-58J30-0R980-CJC2J
VMware Lifecycle Manager 1.1 - 16 CPU - 60084-MMH9M-58T39-0L2HH-2HV4J
VMware Site Recovery Manager 4.X - 16 CPU - K50CP-MT111-58A30-0392P-20L41
VMware ThinApp 4.X Suite / Virtualization Packager - 51022-RF10K-27TF8-AC2W0-82444
VMware vCloud Director - 1 VM - 1522M-M5J50-483TA-AL3AK-15A55
VMware vCloud Director - 1000 VM Pack - 91236-M5GDH-H82T9-APZAP-082N5
VMware Operations Manager Standard Edition- 1500 VM - 7M4A3-M7PD2-H8VWT-AXWUN-89LJ5
VMware View Manager 4.X stand-alone, with View Composer Enabled, licensed for 100 desktop connections with experimental Offline Desktop - X508L-P0LEM-58R4T-0HEU2-8DQKJ
VMware View 4.X-VMware vSphere 4 Enterprise Plus for Desktop Stand Alone - WN611-PXJ4K-28V3J-0A4RM-CE3H4
VMware vShield App - 100 VM Pack - 94616-HZ35H-08VRH-A2D82-0DHJJ
VMware vShield App - 1 VM - 50296-HZ180-08VRC-A01A4-108LN
VMware vShield Edge - 100 VM Pack - 9509M-MYLE3-M8KRH-AA5C0-2626J
VMware vShield Edge - 1 VM - 9001Q-51Y92-58VT0-A4M0P-8NZ5J
VMware vShield Endpoint - 100 VM Pack - X040P-P0HE2-08KTT-AAGUK-9TRHN
VMware vShield Endpoint - 1 VM - N4004-P029K-H8LT3-AVARM-1M20J
VMware vShield for VMware vCloud Director - 91486-MYX91-H8UR8-AYN80-2HAPN
VMware Workstation 6 for Linux ESD - A4N3P-MFDL1-HPP45-4UNRW
VMware Workstation 6 for Windows ESD - ADN1F-MKJL3-GH53H-4JK11
VMware Workstation 7.X for Linux and Windows ESD - N46C1-PV11L-18V3A-093A6-3DWMX



以上就是优美丝袜最近收集整理的关于VMware 全系列产品测试License--7月1日过期的全部内容,更多相关VMware内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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