Lifetime Scopes
创建Lifetme Scopes
手动创建作用域,并Disposal。 Lifetime scopes are disposable and they track component disposal, so make sure you always call “Dispose()”or wrap them in “using” statements.
给Lifetime Scopes打标签
有时候你可能需要在Unit of work内共享一些服务,但是由不希望采用全局的共享便利,如单例模式。例如web应用的per-request生命周期,在这中情况下你可以使用InstancePerMatchingLifetimeScope来标识你的生命周期和服务。
Adding Registrations to a Lifetime Scope
Autofac 允许你在创建生命周期时添加“on the fly”。This can help you when you need to do a sort of “spot weld” limited registration override or if you generally just need some additional stuff in a scope that you don’t want to register globally. You do this by passing a lambda to BeginLifetimeScope() that takes a ContainerBuilder and adds registrations.(在创建生命周期时,注册额外的服务,而不需要全局注册)
实例范围(Instance Scope)
实例范围决定了一个实例在request之间怎么共享的。 当请求一个服务时,autofac可以返回单例(single instance scope),新的实例(per dependency scope),或者某种上下文的单例,如线程或者http请求(per lifetime scope)。 This applies to instances returned from an explicit Resolve() call as well as instances created internally by the container to satisfy the dependencies of another component.
Instance Per Dependency
Single Instance
Instance Per Lifetime Scope
Instance Per Matching Lifetime Scope
Instance Per Request
Instance Per Owned
Thread Scope
Instance Per Dependency
在别的容器中也叫transient’ or ‘factory’,在每次请求服务时都会返回一个独一无二的实例。 如果没有指定的生命周期,这是默认行为。
Single Instance
Instance Per Lifetime Scope
这个作用域可以应用于嵌套作用域。per-lifetime scope组件在嵌套的作用域内最多有一个实例。 This is useful for objects specific to a single unit of work that may need to nest additional logical units of work. Each nested lifetime scope will get a new instance of the registered dependency.
Instance Per Matching Lifetime Scope
这个与Instance Per Lifetime Scope类似,但是可以用更精确的实例共享控制。 当创建嵌套生命周期时,可以给该周期打上“标签”或者“名字”。A component with per-matching-lifetime scope will have at most a single instance per nested lifetime scope that matches a given name。这样可以创建scoped singleton,其中的嵌套周期就可以共享组件,而不需要创建全局的实例。
对单个unit of work很有用,如http请求,作为嵌套生命周期来创建。 If a nested lifetime is created per HTTP request, then any component with per-lifetime scope will have an instance per HTTP request. (More on per-request lifetime scope below.)
在大部分应用中,只需要一个层级的容器嵌套就可以代表unit of work。如果需要多个嵌套层级(如global->request->transaction),组件可以通过tag来创建在特定层级共享。
Instance Per Request
一些应用类型自然的拥有“request”类型语义,如ASP.NET MVC。在这些应用类型中,拥有某种形式的“singleton per request”是很有帮助的。Instance per request builds on top of instance per matching lifetime scope by providing a well-known lifetime scope tag, a registration convenience method, and integration for common application types(每次请求获取一个实例,是通过提供一个well-known的生命周期tag,a registration convenience method, and integration for common application types来构建在per matching lifetime scope之上的). 本质上就是per matching lifetime scope。
这意味这如果没有当前请求,而你却去解析一个基于instance-per-request注册的组件时,就会抛出异常。 There is a detailed FAQ outlining how to work with per-request lifetimes.
Instance Per Owned
Owned隐式的关系类型,创建了新的嵌套生命周期。可以通过 instance-per-owned注册,可以将依赖范围限制在宿主实例中。
Thread Scope
我使用的是 Instance Per Lifetime Scope 模式。
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以上就是聪明墨镜为你收集整理的autofac 作用域_Autofac 控制作用域和生命周期(Scope and Lifetime)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决autofac 作用域_Autofac 控制作用域和生命周期(Scope and Lifetime)所遇到的程序开发问题。
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