select com.fname_l2 公司, to_char(vou.FBookedDate ,'yyyy-mm-dd') 记账日期,per.fnumber 期间,vou.fnumber 凭证号,'已过账' 凭证状态,per.fname_l2 制单人,pers.fname_l2 审核人,pers.fname_l2 过账人,
entry.fdescription 摘要,acct.fnumber 科目编码,acct.fname_l2 科目名称,cur.fname_l2 币别,entry.FOriginalAmount 原币金额,case FEntryDC when 1 then FLocalAmount end 借方,
case FEntryDC when 0 then FLocalAmount end 贷方, to_char( vou.fbizdate ,'yyyy-mm-dd') 业务日期,
case vou.FSourceSys when 6 then '总账系统'
when 7 then '出纳管理'
when 8 then '报表'
when 11 then '基础系统'
when 14 then '固定资产'
when 7 then '其他'end 来源系统,
case vou.FSourceType when 0 then '手工凭证'
when 1 then '结转损益'
when 2 then '期末调汇'
when 4 then '其它系统引入'
when 5 then '其它账簿生成'
when 7 then '科目调整'
when 3 then '其它'end 来源类型,
vou.fabstract 参考信息
from t_gl_voucherentry entry
left join t_gl_voucher vou on entry.fbillid=vou.fid
left join t_bd_accountview acct on entry.faccountid=acct.fid
left join t_org_company com on com.fid=vou.fcompanyid
left join T_BD_Period per on per.fid=vou.fperiodid
left join t_bd_currency cur on cur.fid=entry.fcurrencyid
left join T_PM_User user1 on user1.fid=vou.FCreatorID
left join t_bd_person per on per.fid=user1.fpersonid
left join T_PM_User users on users.fid=vou.fauditorid
left join t_bd_person pers on pers.fid=users.fpersonid
left join T_PM_User userg on userg.fid=vou.FPosterID
left join t_bd_person perg on perg.fid=userg.fpersonid
where 1=1
and vou.FBizStatus=5
and per.per.fnumber='201601'
and com.fnumber='01001'
order by per.fnumber,vou.fnumber
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