我是靠谱客的博主 细心高跟鞋,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Different 3DS and OTP(一次密碼),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


  1. What is 3D Secure?

3D Secure is a FREE service facilitated by VISA and MasterCard that lets you transact online securely using your Debit or Credit Card. This service is available only on 3D Secure merchant sites. Verified by Visa (VBV) / MasterCard SecureCode (MSC) use password protection during an Internet purchase to authenticate the customer as an added fraud prevention measure.

  1. What are the benefits of 3D Secure?

VBV/MSC provides added assurance by verifying you while using your Standard Chartered Visa/MasterCard Card to make payments online. You can be assured that any online merchant giving VBV/MSC service is a legitimate commercial entity. A private code means added protection against unauthorised use of your Card when you make payments online.
VBV/MSC protects your existing Visa/MasterCard giving you assurance that you and only you can use your Visa/Master Card for electronic payments. The added protection of VBV/MSC is automatically enabled on your card.

  1. What is One-time Password (OTP)?

A One-time Password is a password that is valid for only one login session or transaction, on a computer system or other digital devices. OTP is automatically generated via SMS to your mobile for authentication.

  1. How do I register for 3D Secure?

No registration is required. This feature will be automatically enabled on your card. Please ensure that you have updated your latest mobile phone number with us, as the OTP will be sent to the mobile number in our records.

  1. I have existing 3D secure for credit card whereI currently input my own password, will this affect me?

Yes, with the launch, all static 3D secure will be converted to one time password, where one time password will be sent to your mobile number instead and you will no longer input your own set password.


以上就是细心高跟鞋为你收集整理的Different 3DS and OTP(一次密碼)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Different 3DS and OTP(一次密碼)所遇到的程序开发问题。



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