我是靠谱客的博主 笑点低乐曲,这篇文章主要介绍oracle ebs有多少表,ORACLE EBS常用表【ZZ】,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

call fnd_global.APPS_INITIALIZE(1318,50583,401)

select fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID') FROM DUAL

select * from hr_operating_units hou where hou.organization_id=204


select * from fnd_application

select * from fnd_application_tl where application_id=101

select * from fnd_application_vl where application_id = 101


select * from fnd_flex_value_sets

select * from fnd_flex_values

select * from fnd_flex_values_vl


select * from fnd_id_flexs

select * from fnd_id_flex_structures where id_flex_code='GL#'

select * from fnd_id_flex_segments where id_flex_code='GL#' and id_flex_num=50671

select * from fnd_profile_options_vl

select * from fnd_concurrent_programs 程序表

select * from fnd_concurrent_requests 请求表

select * from fnd_concurrent_processes 进程表


select * from org_organization_definitions 库存组织

select * from mtl_parameters 组织参数

select * from mtl_system_items_b where inventory_item_id = 171 and organization_id=204 物料表

select * from mtl_secondary_inventories 子库存

select * from mtl_item_locations 货位

select * from mtl_lot_numbers 批次

select * from mtl_onhand_quantities 现有量表

select * from mtl_serial_numbers 序列

select * from mtl_material_transactions 物料事务记录

select * from mtl_transaction_accounts 会计分录

select * from mtl_transaction_types 事务类型

select * from mtl_txn_source_types 事务来源类型

select * from mfg_lookups ml where ml.LOOKUP_TYPE = 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ACTION'


select * from po_requisition_headers_all 请求头

select * from po_requisition_lines_all 请求行

select * from po_headers_all 订单头

select * from po_lines_all 订单行

select * from po_line_locations_all

select * from po_distributions_all 分配

select * from po_releases_all 发送

select * from rcv_shipment_headers 采购接收头

select * from rcv_shipment_lines 采购接收行

select * from rcv_transactions 接收事务处理

select * from po_agents

select * from po_vendors 订单

select * from po_vendor_sites_all


select * from ra_customers 客户

select * from ra_addresses_all 地址

select * from ra_site_uses_all 用户

select * from oe_order_headers_all 销售头

select * from oe_order_lines_all 销售行

select * from wsh_new_deliveries 发送

select * from wsh_delivery_details

select * from wsh_delivery_assignments


select * from gl_sets_of_books 总帐

select * from gl_code_combinations gcc where gcc.summary_flag='Y' 科目组合

select * from gl_balances 科目余额

select * from gl_je_batches 凭证批

select * from gl_je_headers 凭证头

select * from gl_je_lines 凭证行

select * from gl_je_categories 凭证分类

select * from gl_je_sources 凭证来源

select * from gl_summary_templates 科目汇总模板

select * from gl_account_hierarchies 科目汇总模板层次


select * from ar_batches_all 事务处理批

select * from ra_customer_trx_all 发票头

select * from ra_customer_trx_lines_all 发票行

select * from ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all 发票分配

select * from ar_cash_receipts_all 收款

select * from ar_receivable_applications_all 核销

select * from ar_payment_schedules_all 发票调整

select * from ar_adjustments_all 会计分录

select * from ar_distributions_all 付款计划


select * from ap_invoices_all 发票头

select * from ap_invoice_distributions_all 发票行

select * from ap_payment_schedules_all 付款计划

select * from ap_check_stocks_all 单据

select * from ap_checks_all 付款

select * from ap_bank_branches 银行

select * from ap_bank_accounts_all 银行帐号

select * from ap_invoice_payments_all 核销


以上就是笑点低乐曲最近收集整理的关于oracle ebs有多少表,ORACLE EBS常用表【ZZ】的全部内容,更多相关oracle内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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