我是靠谱客的博主 清脆月光,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍ROS By Example _Hydro_volume1_ CN_4,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


4.12.4 Setting the ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME Variables
    In any ROS network, one machine is designated as the ROS master and it alone runs the roscore process. Other machines must then set the ROS_MASTER_URI environment variable to point to the master host. Each computer must also set its ROS hostname
appropriately as we will show.
    In general, it does not matter which machine you choose to be the master. However, for a completely autonomous robot, you'll probably want to make the robot computer the master so that it does not depend in any way on the desktop.
    If we want the robot to be the ROS master, we set its ROS_HOSTNAME to its Zeroconf name and run the roscore process:

On the robot:

$ export ROS_HOSTNAME=my_robot.local
$ roscore

    Next, move to your desktop, set the ROS_HOSTNAME to its Zeroconf name and then set the ROS_MASTER_URI variable to point to your robot's Zeroconf URI.

On the desktop:

$ export ROS_HOSTNAME=my_desktop.local
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://my_robot.local:11311

    For an added check on time synchronization, we can run the ntpdate command to synchronize the desktop with the robot.

On the desktop:

$ sudo ntpdate -b my_robot.local
    If all goes well, you should be able to see the /rosout and /rosout_agg topics on your desktop as follows:
$ rostopic list


4.12.5 Opening New Terminals
    In any new terminal window you open on your desktop or robot, you need to set the ROS_HOSTNAME variable to that machine's Zeroconf name. And for new desktop terminals, you also have to set the ROS_MASTER_URI to point to the robot. (Or more generally, on any non-master computer, new terminals must set the ROS_MASTER_URI to point to the master computer.)
    在任何新的终端窗口,您在桌面或机器人上打开,则需要将ROS_HOSTNAME变量设置为机器的零配置名称。而对于新的桌面终端,还必须设置ROS_MASTER_URI指向机器人。 (或者更一般地,任何非主计算机上,新的终端必须设置ROS_MASTER_URI指向主计算机)。
    If you will use the same robot and desktop for a while, you can save yourself some time by adding the appropriate export lines to the end of the ~/ .bashrc file on each computer. If the robot will always be the master, add the following line to the end of its ~/.bashrc file:
export ROS_HOSTNAME=my_robot.local
    And on the desktop, add the following two lines to the end of its ~/.bashrc file:
export ROS_HOSTNAME=my_desktop.local
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://my_robot.local:11311
    (Of course, replace the Zeroconf names with those that match your setup.)
     You can also set your desktop up as the ROS master instead of the robot. In this case, simply reverse the roles and Zeroconf hostnames in the examples above.

4.12.6 Running Nodes on both Machines
    Now that you have your ROS network set up between your robot and desktop computer, you can run ROS nodes on either machine and both will have access to all topics and services.
    While many nodes and launch files can be run on either computer, the robot's startup files must always be run on robot since these nodes provide drivers to the robot's hardware. This includes the drivers for the robot base and any cameras, laser scanners or other sensors you want to use. On the other hand, the desktop is a good place to run RViz since it is very CPU-intensive and besides, you'll generally want to monitor your robot from your desktop anyway.
    Since the robot's computer may not always have a keyboard and monitor, you can use ssh to log into your robot and launch driver nodes from your desktop. Here's an example of how you might do this.
    From your desktop computer, use ssh to log in to your robot.
    On the desktop:
$ ssh my_robot.local
    Once logged in to the robot, fire up roscore and your robot's startup launch file(s).
    On the robot (via ssh):
$ export ROS_HOSTNAME=my_robot.local(要是~/.bashrc文件里面已经有了,可忽略)
$ roscore &
$ roslaunch my_robot startup.launch

    (You can omit the first export line above if you have already included it in the robot's ~/.bashrc file.)

    Notice how we send the roscore process into the background using the & symbol after the command. This brings back the command prompt so we can launch our robot's startup file without having to open another ssh session. If possible, launch all your robot's hardware drivers in one startup.launch file (it can be named anything you like). This way you will not have to open additional terminals to launch other drivers.
    Back on your desktop, open another terminal window, set the ROS_MASTER_URI to point to your robot, then fire up RViz:
    On the desktop:
$ export ROS_HOSTNAME=my_desktop.local
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://my_robot.local:11311
$ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/nav.rviz

    (You can omit the two export lines if you have already included them in the desktop's ~/.bashrc file.)
    Here we are running RViz with one of the configuration files included in the ros-by- example navigation package but you can also simply launch RViz without any configuration file.
    在这里,我们用配置文件中的一个运行RViz,配置文件包括在ros-by- example导航包中,但你也可以简单地启动RViz无需任何配置文件。

4.12.7 ROS Networking across the Internet
    While outside the scope of this book, setting up ROS nodes to communicate over the Internet is similar to the instructions given above using Zeroconf. The main difference is that now you need to use fully qualified hostnames or IP addresses instead of local Zeroconf names. Furthermore, it is likely that one or more of the machines will be behind a firewall so that some form of VPN (e.g. OpenVPN) will have to be set up. Finally, since most machines on the ROS network will be connected to a local router (e.g. wifi access point), you will need to set up port forwarding on that router or use dynamic DNS. While all this is possible, it is definitely not trivial to set up.

4.13 ROS Recap回顾
    Since it might have been awhile since you did the Beginner and tf Tutorials, here is a brief recap of the primary ROS concepts. The core entity in ROS is called a node. A node is generally a small program written in Python or C++ that executes some relatively simple task or process. Nodes can be started and stopped independently of one another and they communicate by passing messages. A node can publish messages on certain topics or provide services to other nodes.
    For example, a publisher node might report data from sensors attached to your robot's microcontroller. A message on the /head_sonar topic with a value of 0.5 would mean that the sensor is currently detecting an object 0.5 meters away. (Remember that ROS uses meters for distance and radians for angular measurements.) Any node that wants to know the reading from this sensor need only subscribe to the /head_sonar topic. To make use of these values, the subscriber node defines a callback function that gets executed whenever a new message arrives on the subscribed topic. How often this happens depends on the rate at which the publisher node updates its messages.
    例如,发布者节点可能报告来自连接到机器人的微控制器传感器的数据。在与值0.5的/head_sonar(头声纳)主题的消息将意味着,传感器当前检测到的对象距离0.5米。 (请记住,ROS使用米测量距离和弧度测量角度。)任何想要知道从该传感器的读取的节点只需要订阅/头声纳主题。要使用这些值,订阅节点定义一个每当有新邮件到达订阅话题时被执行的回调函数。如何经常发生这种情况频率取决于在该发布节点更新其消息的速率。
    A node can also define one or more services. A ROS service produces some behavior or sends back a reply when sent a request from another node. A simple example would be a service that turns an LED on or off. A more complex example would be a service that returns a navigation plan for a mobile robot when given a goal location and the starting pose of the robot.
    Higher level ROS nodes will subscribe to a number of topics and services, combine the results in a useful way, and perhaps publish messages or provide services of their own. For example, the object tracker node we will develop later in the book subscribes to camera messages on a set of video topics and publishes movement commands on another topic that are read by the robot's base controller to move the robot in the appropriate direction.
    更高层次的ROS节点能够订阅了多个主题和服务,会用一种有用的方式结合结果,也许为自己发布信息或提供服务。例如,对象跟踪节点,we will develop later in the book 通过一组视频主题订阅照相机信息,并在另一个主题上发布移动命令。机器人的基本控制器读取此话题,在适当的方向移动机器人。

4.14 What is a ROS Application?
    If you are not already familiar with a publish/subscribe architecture like ROS, programming your robot to do something useful might seem a little mysterious at first. For instance, when programming an Arduino-based robot using C, one usually creates a single large program that controls the robot's behavior. Moreover, the program will usually talk directly to the hardware, or at least, to a library specifically designed for the
hardware you are using.
    When using ROS, the first step is to divide up the desired behavior into independent functions that can be handled by separate nodes. For example, if your robot uses a webcam or a depth camera like a Kinect or Xtion Pro, one node will connect to the camera and simply publish the image and/or depth data so that other nodes can use it. If your robot uses a mobile base, a base controller node will listen for motion commands on some topic and control the robot's motors to move the robot accordingly. These nodes can be used without modification in many different applications whenever the desired behavior requires vision and/or motion control.
    当使用ROS,第一步是将所需的行为切分成可以由单独的节点来处理的独立功能。例如,如果你的机器人使用摄像头或深度相机像Kinect或者VS Xtion Pro,一个节点会连接到相机,只是发布的图像和/或深度数据,以便其他节点可以使用它。如果你的机器人使用了移动基站,基站控制器节点将侦听某些话题的运动指令,控制机器人的马达,相应地移动机器人。这些节点可以不加修改地在许多不同的应用使用,只要所需行为需要视觉和/或运动控制。
    An example of a complete application is the "follower" application we will develop later in the book. (The original C++ version by Tony Pratkanis can be found in the turtlebot_follower package.) The goal of the follower app is to program a Kinect- equipped robot like the TurtleBot to follow the nearest person. In addition to the camera and base controller nodes, we need a third node that subscribes to the camera topic and
publishes on the motion control topic. This "follower" node must process the image data (using OpenCV or PCL for example) to find the nearest person-like object, then command the base to steer in the appropriate direction. One might say that the follower node is our ROS application; however, to be more precise, the application really consists of all three nodes running together. To run the application, we use a ROS launch file to fire up the whole collection of nodes as a group. Remember that launch files can also include other launch files allowing for even easier reuse of existing code in new applications.
    一个完整的应用程序的一个例子是“跟随者”的应用程序,我们将在书后面开发 。(原始C ++版本by Tony Pratkanis turtlebot_follower包中找到。)随应用程序的目的是进行编程像TurtleBot一个Kinect-配备机器人跟随最近的人。除了摄像头和主控制器节点,我们需要第三个节点去订阅相机的话题,发布运动控制话题。这种“跟随者”的节点必须处理的图像数据(使用OpenCV的或PCL为例),找到最近的人状物体,然后命令base控制器在适当的方向引导。有人可能会说,跟随节点是我们的ROS应用;然而,更准确地说,应用程序真正由一起运行的所有三个节点组成。要运行此应用程序,我们使用了ROS启动文件启动连接成一组的全部节点。请记住,启动文件还可以包含其他允许现有代码在新的应用程序更容易重用的启动文件。
    Once you get used to this style of programming, there are some significant advantages. As we have already mentioned, many nodes can be reused without modification in other applications. Indeed, some ROS applications are little more than launch files combining existing nodes in new ways or using different values for the parameters. Furthermore, many of the nodes in a ROS application can run on different robots without
modification. For example, the TurtleBot follower application can run on any robot that uses a depth camera and a mobile base. This is because ROS allows us to abstract away the underlying hardware and work with more generic messages instead.
    Finally, ROS is a network-centric framework. This means that you can distribute the nodes of your application across multiple machines as long as they can all see each other on the network. For example, while the camera and motor control nodes have to run on the robot's computer, the follower node and RViz could run on any machine on the Internet. This allows the computational load to be distributed across multiple computers
if necessary.

4.15 Installing Packages with SVN(subversion颠覆), Git, and Mercurial易变的
    Once in awhile the ROS package you need won't be available as a Debian package and you will need to install it from source. There are three major source control systems popular with code developers: SVN, Git and Mecurial. The type of system used by the developer determines how you install the source. To make sure you are ready for all three systems, run the following install command on your Ubuntu machine:
$ sudo apt-get install git subversion mercurial
    For all three systems, there are two operations you will use most of the time. The first operation allows you to check out the software for the first time, while the second is used for getting updates that might be available later on. Since these commands are different for all three systems, let's look at each in turn.

4.15.1 SVN
Let's assume that the SVN source you would like to check out is located at http://repository/svn/package_name. To do the initial checkout and build the package in your personal catkin directory, run the following commands. (If necessary, change the first command to reflect the actual location of your catkin source directory.)

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ svn checkout http://repository/svn/package_name
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rospack profile

To update the package later on, run the commands:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/package_name
$ svn update
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

4.15.2 Git

Let's assume that the Git source you would like to check out is located at git://repository/package_name. To do the initial checkout and build the package in your personal catkin directory, run the following commands. (If necessary, change the first command to reflect the actual location of your personal catkin source directory.)

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone git://repository/package_name
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rospack profile

To update the package later on, run the commands:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/package_name
$ git pull
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

4.15.3 Mercurial
Let's assume that the Mercurial source you'd like to check out is located at http://repository/package_name. To do the initial checkout and build the package in your personal catkin directory, run the following commands. (If necessary, change the first command to reflect the actual location of your personal catkin source directory.)

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ hg clone http://repository/package_name
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rospack profile

(In case you are wondering why Mercurial uses hg for its main command name, Hg is the symbol for the element Mercury on the Periodic Table in chemistry.) To update the package later on, run the commands:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/package_name
$ hg update
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

4.16 Removing Packages from your Personal catkin Directory
    To remove a package installed in your personal catkin directory, first remove the entire
package source directory or move it to a different location outside of your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. For example, to remove a package called my_catkin_package from your ~/catkin_ws/src directory, run the commands:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ rm -rf my_catkin_package

    You also have to remove all catkin build objects. Unfortunately, there is no (easy) way to do this for just the package you removed—you have to remove all build objects for all packages and then rerun catkin_make:
CAUTION! Do not include the src directory in the rm command below or you will lose all your personal catkin source files!

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ rm -rf devel build install
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

    You can test that the package has been removed using the roscd command:
$ roscd my_ros_package

which should produce the output:
roscd: No such package 'my_ros_package'

4.17 How to Find Third-Party ROS Packages

    Sometimes the hardest thing to know about ROS is what's available from other developers. For example, suppose you are interested in running ROS with an Arduino and want to know if someone else has already created a ROS package to do the job. There are a few ways to do the search.

4.17.1 Searching the ROS Wiki
    The ROS Wiki at wiki.ros.org includes a searchable index to many ROS packages and stacks. If a developer has created some ROS software they'd like to share with others, they tend to post an announcement to the ros-users mailing list together with the link to their repository. If they have also created documentation on the ROS Wiki, the package should show up in a search of the index shortly after the announcement.
    The end result is that you can often find what you are looking for by simply doing a keyword search on the ROS Wiki. Coming back to our Arduino example, if we type "Arduino" (without the quotes) into the Search box, we find links referring to two packages: rosserial_arduino and ros_arduino_bridge.

4.17.2 Using the roslocate Command
    If you know the exact package name you are looking for and you want to find the URL to the package repository, use the roslocate command. (This command is only available if you installed rosinstall as described earlier.) For example, to find the location of the ros_arduino_bridge package for ROS Groovy, run the command:

$ roslocate uri ros_arduino_bridge

which should yield the result:
Using ROS_DISTRO: indigo
Not found via rosdistro - falling back to information provided by rosdoc

    This means that we can install the package into our personal catkin directory using the git command:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone git://github.com/hbrobotics/ros_arduino_bridge.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rospack profile

NOTE: Starting with ROS Groovy, the roslocate command will only return a result if the package or stack has be submitted to the indexer by the package maintainer for the ROS distribution you are currently using.

4.18 Getting Further Help with ROS
    There are several sources for additional help with ROS. Probably the best place to start is at the main ROS wiki at http://wiki.ros.org. As described in the previous section, be sure to use the Search box at the top right of the page.
    If you can't find what you are looking for on the Wiki, try the ROS Questions and Answers forum at http://answers.ros.org. The answers site is a great place to get help. You can browse through the list of questions, do keyword searches, look up topics based on tags, and even get email notifications when a topic is updated. But be sure to do some kind of search before posting a new question to avoid duplication.
    Next, you can search one of the ROS mailing list archives邮件列表归档:
• ros-users(有连接): for general ROS news and announcements
• ros-kinect: for Kinect related issues
• pcl-users: for PCL related issues
    NOTE: Please do not use the ros-users mailing list to post questions about using ROS or debugging packages. Use http://answers.ros.org instead.
    If you want to subscribe to one or more of these lists, use the appropriate link listed below:
• ros-users: Subscription page
• ros-kinect – It appears that this list may no longer be active.
• pcl_users - Subscription page

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ svn checkout http://repository/svn/package_name
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rospack profile

To update the package later on, run the commands:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/package_name
$ svn update
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash


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