我是靠谱客的博主 美满西牛,这篇文章主要介绍北大计算机专业胡亮,胡亮-吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


1、*Hu, Liang, Che, Xi-Long, Zheng, Si-Qing ,Online System for Grid Resource Monitoring and Machine Learning-Based Prediction ,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 23(1), pp 134-145,

2012/1. ,0 ,SCI 期刊论文

2、Zhao, Jian, Liu, Lei, *Hu, Liang ,Extended representation of the conceptual element in temporal context and the diachronism of the knowledge system ,Knowledge-Based Systems, 33卷, pp 136-144, 2012/9. ,0,SCI 期刊论文

3、Hu, Liang, *Che, Xilong, Cheng, Xiaochun ,Bandwidth Prediction based on Nu-Support Vector Regression and Parallel Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization ,International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 3(1), pp 70-83, 2010/4. ,8 ,EI,SCI 期刊论文

4、Hu, Liang, Zhang, Meng, Zhang, Yi, Tang, Jijun,LABEL-GUIDED GRAPH EXPLORATION WITH ADJUSTABLE RATIO OF LABELS,International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 23(4), pp 903-929, 2012/6.,0,SCI 期刊论文

5、Hu, Liang, Lin, Lin, *Che, Xilong, Li, Changwu,GSWAP: A DATA EXCHANGING PARTITION FOR THE EXECUTION OF GRID JOBS,International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, 8(9), pp 6271-6282, 2012/9.,0,EI,SCI 期刊论文

6、Hu, Liang, Nurbol, Liu, Zhiyu, He, Jinshan, *Zhao, Kuo,A Time-stamp Frequent Pattern-based Clustering Method for Anomaly Detection,IETE Technical Review, 27(3), pp 220-227, 2010/6MAY-JUN.,0,EI,SCI 期刊论文

7、Zhao, Kuo, Nurbol, Shi, Guang-Kun, *Hu, Liang,HSTCP: A High-speed Traffic Collection Platform for Intrusion Detection/Prevention Based on Sampling on FPGAs,IETE Technical Review, 27(3), pp 235-243,

2010/6MAY-JUN.,0,EI,SCI 期刊论文

8、Hu, Liang, Chi, Ling, Li, Hong-tu, Yuan, Wei, *Sun, Yuyu, Chu, Jian-feng,The Classic Security Application in M2M: the Authentication Scheme of Mobile Payment,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 6(1), pp 131-146, 2012/1/30.,0,SCI 期刊论文

9、Yuan, Wei, Hu, Liang, *Li, Hongtu, Chu, Jianfeng, Yang, Kun,Cryptanalysis and Enhancement of an Efficient and Provably Secure Password-based Group Key Agreement Protocol,Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 15(11A), pp 4507-4512, 2012/11.,0,SCI 期刊论文

10、Yuan, Wei, Hu, Liang, *Li, Hongtu, Chu, Jianfeng,An Efficient Password-based Group Key Exchange Protocol Using Secret Sharing,Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 7(1), pp 145-150,

2013/1.,0,SCI 期刊论文

11、胡亮, 初剑峰, 林海群, 袁巍, *赵阔,IBE体系的密钥管理机制,计算机学报, 32(03), pp 543-551, 2009/3/15.,EI 期刊论文

12、胡亮, 刘哲理, 孙涛, 刘芳,基于身份密码学的安全性研究综述,计算机研究与发展, 46(09), pp 1537-1548, 2009/9/15.,EI 期刊论文




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