I have been assigned on designing a java program on a linux machine that:
Connects to a database
reads a record
retrieve certain information and send to Nagios according to a field known as 'threat_level'
read next record and repeat step number 3 until all records have been read
Now, I needed to get this to run every few minutes; so what my partner did was create a script that uses a loop to run the program, sleeps a few minutes, and repeat.
Recently, my boss told us that its good but would like the whole procedure to be completely self contained in java; meaning that it loops and sleeps within java. On top of that, he would like to have the sleep duration be determined by command line each time that the program is run.
I did some research and it seems that using Thread.sleep() is inefficient in certain circumstances and I cannot tell if this is one of them or not. Also, I am still unclear on how to have the sleep time be determined via command line upon running the program. I can provide the code if necessary.
4 个解决方案
Thread.sleep() is just fine, especially when you want to sleep for "few minutes":
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
final int sleepSeconds = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
while(true) {
//do your job...
Thread.sleep(sleepSeconds * 1000);
Thread.sleep() might be inefficient or not precise enough in millisecond time ranges, but not in your case. But if you want the process to run in the same frequency (as opposed to with fixed delay), consider:
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
//do your job...
final long runningTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
Thread.sleep(sleepSeconds * 1000 - runningTime);
This is important of "do your job" part might take significant amount of time and you want the process with exact frequency.
Also for readability consider TimeUnit class (uses Thread.sleep() underneath):
Set a system property on the command line when the program is started: -Dmy.sleep.time=60000 Then get that parameter: long mySleepTime = System.getProperty("my.sleep.time");
程序启动时在命令行上设置系统属性:-Dmy.sleep.time = 60000然后获取该参数:long mySleepTime = System.getProperty(“my.sleep.time”);
Look at the Executor framework. The ScheduledExecutorService has a scheduleWithFixedDelay that will probably do what you want (run your code with a delay in between executions).
查看Executor框架。 ScheduledExecutorService有一个scheduleWithFixedDelay可能会执行您想要的操作(在执行之间延迟运行代码)。
Take a look at the java.util.Concurrent API, in particular, you may be interested in the ScheduledExecutorService
看一下java.util.Concurrent API,特别是你可能对ScheduledExecutorService感兴趣
When you run something in Java with a command-line arguments, they are stored in the main function's parameter args, as in:
public static void main(String[] args)
If you have only the one argument, and it is a number, you can turn it into an integer by using:
Which will return the integer value represented by the String stored as the zero element of the array args.
EDIT: Note that you send command-line arguments when you invoke the Java Virtual Machine with:
java MyCompiledFile arg0 arg1 arg2
Where MyCompiledFile is the name of the file you want to run, and arg0, arg1, and arg2 (you can have as many arguments as you want) are the Strings that are going into args[0], args[1], and args[2] in the parameter passed to main. If you have multiple files in multiple directories, you'll need to specify a classpath - a directory which contains all the directories which contain your files. (Note that these are binary files, the result of compiling source files, not the source files themselves). In that case, use:
其中MyCompiledFile是您要运行的文件的名称,而arg0,arg1和arg2(您可以拥有任意数量的参数)是进入args [0],args [1]和args的字符串[2]在传递给main的参数中。如果多个目录中有多个文件,则需要指定一个类路径 - 一个包含所有包含文件的目录的目录。 (请注意,这些是二进制文件,编译源文件的结果,而不是源文件本身)。在这种情况下,使用:
java -cp MyClassPath MyCompiledFile arg0 arg1 arg2
Where MyClassPath is the Linux classpath (such as /home/usr/bin).
其中MyClassPath是Linux类路径(例如/ home / usr / bin)。
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