我是靠谱客的博主 呆萌往事,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Android 9.0源码学习-AccessibilityManagerAccessibility ArchitectureAccessibility FlowAM与AMS联系AccessibilityEvent Dispatch,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Android Accessibility是为了帮助残障人士更好使用手机开发出来一个模块,比如屏幕阅读器,手势等等,当然现在已经被玩坏了,各种外挂,比如微信抢红包的外挂,也是基于Accessibility写出来的。

Android developer有关于Accessibility的介绍(需要科学上网),我自己也基于这个有一篇笔记Android-Accessibility(Android 8.0以上)。

Accessibility Architecture

先拿一个具体的例子来看,这是一个抢红包的外挂,把WeChat称作Target APP,就是被监控的APP,当跳出来一个红包,触发了一个AccessibilityEvent,system_server中的AccessibilityManagerService将AccessibilityEvent分发给有AccessibilityService的APP,称为Accessibility APP,这个AccessibilityService受到这个AccessibilityEvent后,会找到这个页面的Open Button,模拟点击。(Target APP和Accessibility APP是我看别的博客这么取的)

Core Class


  • AccessibilityManager(AM):Send AccessibilityEvent
  • AccessibilityServiceManager(AMS):Dispatch
  • AccessibilityService(AS):Response


File List

File NameFile Path

Accessibility Flow

Accessibility Flow主要有下面几个Flow了:

  1. AMS绑定AS
  2. AM与AMS联系
  3. AccessibilityEvent Dispatch
  4. Response to AccessibilityEvent





  • Settings->Accessibility->enable(enableAccessibilityServiceLocked()
  • Settings->Accessibility->disable(disableAccessibilityServiceLocked()
  • Some RegisterBroadcastReceivers (registerBroadcastReceivers()
    • onSomePackagesChanged()
    • onPackageUpdateFinished()
    • onHandleForceStop()
    • onPackageRemoved()
  • Others State Change

当用户在设置->无障碍里面选择了开启或关闭一个辅助功能,会导致一些系统状态会变化;Accessibility APP的安装状态会以BroadcastReceivers的方式会通知状态改变;还有其他的一些状态改变。这些变化最终会调用到AMS的onUserStateChangedLocked()方法。


AccessibilityManagerService.java – enableAccessibilityServiceLocked()

2333       * Enables accessibility service specified by {@param componentName} for the {@param userId}.
2334       */
2335      private void enableAccessibilityServiceLocked(ComponentName componentName, int userId) {
2336          final SettingStringHelper setting =
2337                  new SettingStringHelper(
2338                          mContext.getContentResolver(),
2339                          Settings.Secure.ENABLED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES,
2340                          userId);
2341          setting.write(ComponentNameSet.add(setting.read(), componentName));
2343          UserState userState = getUserStateLocked(userId);
2344          if (userState.mEnabledServices.add(componentName)) {
2345              onUserStateChangedLocked(userState);
2346          }
2347      }

AccessibilityManagerService.java – disableAccessibilityServiceLocked()

2350       * Disables accessibility service specified by {@param componentName} for the {@param userId}.
2351       */
2352      private void disableAccessibilityServiceLocked(ComponentName componentName, int userId) {
2353          final SettingsStringUtil.SettingStringHelper setting =
2354                  new SettingStringHelper(
2355                          mContext.getContentResolver(),
2356                          Settings.Secure.ENABLED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES,
2357                          userId);
2358          setting.write(ComponentNameSet.remove(setting.read(), componentName));
2360          UserState userState = getUserStateLocked(userId);
2361          if (userState.mEnabledServices.remove(componentName)) {
2362              onUserStateChangedLocked(userState);
2363          }
2364      }

AccessibilityManagerService.java – registerBroadcastReceivers()

    private void registerBroadcastReceivers() {
324          PackageMonitor monitor = new PackageMonitor() {
325              @Override
326              public void onSomePackagesChanged() {
327                  synchronized (mLock) {
328                      // Only the profile parent can install accessibility services.
329                      // Therefore we ignore packages from linked profiles.
330                      if (getChangingUserId() != mCurrentUserId) {
331                          return;
332                      }
333                      // We will update when the automation service dies.
334                      UserState userState = getCurrentUserStateLocked();
335                      // We have to reload the installed services since some services may
336                      // have different attributes, resolve info (does not support equals),
337                      // etc. Remove them then to force reload.
338                      userState.mInstalledServices.clear();
339                      if (readConfigurationForUserStateLocked(userState)) {
340                          onUserStateChangedLocked(userState);
341                      }
342                  }
343              }
345              @Override
346              public void onPackageUpdateFinished(String packageName, int uid) {
347                  // Unbind all services from this package, and then update the user state to
348                  // re-bind new versions of them.
349                  synchronized (mLock) {
350                      final int userId = getChangingUserId();
351                      if (userId != mCurrentUserId) {
352                          return;
353                      }
354                      UserState userState = getUserStateLocked(userId);
355                      boolean unboundAService = false;
356                      for (int i = userState.mBoundServices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
357                          AccessibilityServiceConnection boundService =
358                                  userState.mBoundServices.get(i);
359                          String servicePkg = boundService.mComponentName.getPackageName();
360                          if (servicePkg.equals(packageName)) {
361                              boundService.unbindLocked();
362                              unboundAService = true;
363                          }
364                      }
365                      if (unboundAService) {
366                          onUserStateChangedLocked(userState);
367                      }
368                  }
369              }
371              @Override
372              public void onPackageRemoved(String packageName, int uid) {
373                  synchronized (mLock) {
374                      final int userId = getChangingUserId();
375                      // Only the profile parent can install accessibility services.
376                      // Therefore we ignore packages from linked profiles.
377                      if (userId != mCurrentUserId) {
378                          return;
379                      }
380                      UserState userState = getUserStateLocked(userId);
381                      Iterator<ComponentName> it = userState.mEnabledServices.iterator();
382                      while (it.hasNext()) {
383                          ComponentName comp = it.next();
384                          String compPkg = comp.getPackageName();
385                          if (compPkg.equals(packageName)) {
386                              it.remove();
387                              // Update the enabled services setting.
388                              persistComponentNamesToSettingLocked(
389                                      Settings.Secure.ENABLED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES,
390                                      userState.mEnabledServices, userId);
391                              // Update the touch exploration granted services setting.
392                              userState.mTouchExplorationGrantedServices.remove(comp);
393                              persistComponentNamesToSettingLocked(
394                                      Settings.Secure.
395                                      TOUCH_EXPLORATION_GRANTED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES,
396                                      userState.mTouchExplorationGrantedServices, userId);
397                              onUserStateChangedLocked(userState);
398                              return;
399                          }
400                      }
401                  }
402              }
404              @Override
405              public boolean onHandleForceStop(Intent intent, String[] packages,
406                      int uid, boolean doit) {
407                  synchronized (mLock) {
408                      final int userId = getChangingUserId();
409                      // Only the profile parent can install accessibility services.
410                      // Therefore we ignore packages from linked profiles.
411                      if (userId != mCurrentUserId) {
412                          return false;
413                      }
414                      UserState userState = getUserStateLocked(userId);
415                      Iterator<ComponentName> it = userState.mEnabledServices.iterator();
416                      while (it.hasNext()) {
417                          ComponentName comp = it.next();
418                          String compPkg = comp.getPackageName();
419                          for (String pkg : packages) {
420                              if (compPkg.equals(pkg)) {
421                                  if (!doit) {
422                                      return true;
423                                  }
424                                  it.remove();
425                                  persistComponentNamesToSettingLocked(
426                                          Settings.Secure.ENABLED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES,
427                                          userState.mEnabledServices, userId);
428                                  onUserStateChangedLocked(userState);
429                              }
430                          }
431                      }
432                      return false;
433                  }
434              }
435          };
437          // package changes
438          monitor.register(mContext, null,  UserHandle.ALL, true);
440          // user change and unlock
441          IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
442          intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_SWITCHED);
443          intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED);
444          intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED);
445          intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_PRESENT);
446          intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SETTING_RESTORED);
448          mContext.registerReceiverAsUser(new BroadcastReceiver() {
449              @Override
450              public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
451                  String action = intent.getAction();
452                  if (Intent.ACTION_USER_SWITCHED.equals(action)) {
453                      switchUser(intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, 0));
454                  } else if (Intent.ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED.equals(action)) {
455                      unlockUser(intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, 0));
456                  } else if (Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED.equals(action)) {
457                      removeUser(intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, 0));
458                  } else if (Intent.ACTION_USER_PRESENT.equals(action)) {
459                      // We will update when the automation service dies.
460                      synchronized (mLock) {
461                          UserState userState = getCurrentUserStateLocked();
462                          if (readConfigurationForUserStateLocked(userState)) {
463                              onUserStateChangedLocked(userState);
464                          }
465                      }
466                  } else if (Intent.ACTION_SETTING_RESTORED.equals(action)) {
467                      final String which = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SETTING_NAME);
468                      if (Settings.Secure.ENABLED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES.equals(which)) {
469                          synchronized (mLock) {
470                              restoreEnabledAccessibilityServicesLocked(
471                                      intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SETTING_PREVIOUS_VALUE),
472                                      intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SETTING_NEW_VALUE));
473                          }
474                      }
475                  }
476              }
477          }, UserHandle.ALL, intentFilter, null, null);
478      }



AccessibilityManagerService.java – onUserStateChangedLocked()

1765       * Called when any property of the user state has changed.
1766       *
1767       * @param userState the new user state
1768       */
1769      private void onUserStateChangedLocked(UserState userState) {
1770          // TODO: Remove this hack
1771          mInitialized = true;
1772          updateLegacyCapabilitiesLocked(userState);
1773          updateServicesLocked(userState);
1774          updateAccessibilityShortcutLocked(userState);
1775          updateWindowsForAccessibilityCallbackLocked(userState);
1776          updateAccessibilityFocusBehaviorLocked(userState);
1777          updateFilterKeyEventsLocked(userState);
1778          updateTouchExplorationLocked(userState);
1779          updatePerformGesturesLocked(userState);
1780          updateDisplayDaltonizerLocked(userState);
1781          updateDisplayInversionLocked(userState);
1782          updateMagnificationLocked(userState);
1783          updateSoftKeyboardShowModeLocked(userState);
1784          scheduleUpdateFingerprintGestureHandling(userState);
1785          scheduleUpdateInputFilter(userState);
1786          scheduleUpdateClientsIfNeededLocked(userState);
1787          updateRelevantEventsLocked(userState);
1788          updateAccessibilityButtonTargetsLocked(userState);
1789      }

AccessibilityManagerService.java – updateServicesLocked(userState)

1541    	private void updateServicesLocked(UserState userState) {
1542          Map<ComponentName, AccessibilityServiceConnection> componentNameToServiceMap =
1543                  userState.mComponentNameToServiceMap;
1544          boolean isUnlockingOrUnlocked = LocalServices.getService(UserManagerInternal.class)
1545                      .isUserUnlockingOrUnlocked(userState.mUserId);
1547          for (int i = 0, count = userState.mInstalledServices.size(); i < count; i++) {
1548              AccessibilityServiceInfo installedService = userState.mInstalledServices.get(i);
1549              ComponentName componentName = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(
1550                      installedService.getId());
1552              AccessibilityServiceConnection service = componentNameToServiceMap.get(componentName);
1554              // Ignore non-encryption-aware services until user is unlocked
1555              if (!isUnlockingOrUnlocked && !installedService.isDirectBootAware()) {
1556                  Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Ignoring non-encryption-aware service " + componentName);
1557                  continue;
1558              }
1560              // Wait for the binding if it is in process.
1561              if (userState.mBindingServices.contains(componentName)) {
1562                  continue;
1563              }
1564              if (userState.mEnabledServices.contains(componentName)
1565                      && !mUiAutomationManager.suppressingAccessibilityServicesLocked()) {
1566                  if (service == null) {
1567                      service = new AccessibilityServiceConnection(userState, mContext, componentName,
1568                              installedService, sIdCounter++, mMainHandler, mLock, mSecurityPolicy,
1569                              this, mWindowManagerService, mGlobalActionPerformer);
1570                  } else if (userState.mBoundServices.contains(service)) {
1571                      continue;
1572                  }
1573                  service.bindLocked();
1574              } else {
1575                  if (service != null) {
1576                      service.unbindLocked();
1577                  }
1578              }
1579          }
1581          final int count = userState.mBoundServices.size();
1582          mTempIntArray.clear();
1583          for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
1584              final ResolveInfo resolveInfo =
1585                      userState.mBoundServices.get(i).mAccessibilityServiceInfo.getResolveInfo();
1586              if (resolveInfo != null) {
1587                  mTempIntArray.add(resolveInfo.serviceInfo.applicationInfo.uid);
1588              }
1589          }
1590          // Calling out with lock held, but to a lower-level service
1591          final AudioManagerInternal audioManager =
1592                  LocalServices.getService(AudioManagerInternal.class);
1593          if (audioManager != null) {
1594              audioManager.setAccessibilityServiceUids(mTempIntArray);
1595          }
1596          updateAccessibilityEnabledSetting(userState);
1597      }


3650	public final ArrayList<AccessibilityServiceConnection> mBoundServices = new ArrayList<>();
3652    public final Map<ComponentName, AccessibilityServiceConnection> mComponentNameToServiceMap =
3653                  new HashMap<>();
3655    public final List<AccessibilityServiceInfo> mInstalledServices =
3656                  new ArrayList<>();
3658    private final Set<ComponentName> mBindingServices = new HashSet<>();
3660    public final Set<ComponentName> mEnabledServices = new HashSet<>();




AccessibilityServiceConnection.java – bindLocked()

91      public void bindLocked() {
92          UserState userState = mUserStateWeakReference.get();
93          if (userState == null) return;
94          final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
95          try {
96              int flags = Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE | Context.BIND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE_WHILE_AWAKE;
97              if (userState.mBindInstantServiceAllowed) {
98                  flags |= Context.BIND_ALLOW_INSTANT;
99              }
100              if (mService == null && mContext.bindServiceAsUser(
101                      mIntent, this, flags, new UserHandle(userState.mUserId))) {
102                  userState.getBindingServicesLocked().add(mComponentName);
103              }
104          } finally {
105              Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity);
106          }
107      }

进而调用到Context中的bindServiceAsUser(),它传入了Intent信息,这个Intent包含了ComponentName等信息,进而绑定了AS。接下来的过程其实就相当于是跨进程的IPC(也就是Binder了)。AS会通过onBind(Intent intent)这个函数返回一个IAccessibilityServiceClientWrapper对象给AccessibilityServiceConnection,这个对象就是AS的本地Binder,AccessibilityServiceConnection通过这个本地Binder去和AS通信。

return new IAccessibilityServiceClientWrapper(this, getMainLooper(), new Callbacks();

AccessibilityServiceConnection会在onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder service)的IBinder参数中传入IAccessibilityServiceClientWrapper,然后通过IAccessibilityServiceClient.Stub.asInterface(service)生成IAccessibilityServiceClient类型代理对象mServiceInterface,这个代理对象包含了AS的Callbacks函数,AMS通过这个代理对象去调用AS中的方法。

141		 public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder service) {
142          synchronized (mLock) {
143              if (mService != service) {
144                  if (mService != null) {
145                      mService.unlinkToDeath(this, 0);
146                  }
147                  mService = service;
148                  try {
149                      mService.linkToDeath(this, 0);
150                  } catch (RemoteException re) {
151                      Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed registering death link");
152                      binderDied();
153                      return;
154                  }
155              }
156              mServiceInterface = IAccessibilityServiceClient.Stub.asInterface(service);
157              UserState userState = mUserStateWeakReference.get();
158              if (userState == null) return;
159              userState.addServiceLocked(this);
160              mSystemSupport.onClientChange(false);
161              // Initialize the service on the main handler after we're done setting up for
162              // the new configuration (for example, initializing the input filter).
163              mMainHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(
164                      AccessibilityServiceConnection::initializeService, this));
165          }
166      }

AccessibilityService.java – Callbacks{}

373     /**
374       * Interface used by IAccessibilityServiceWrapper to call the service from its main thread.
375       * @hide
376       */
377      public interface Callbacks {
378          void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event);
379          void onInterrupt();
380          void onServiceConnected();
381          void init(int connectionId, IBinder windowToken);
382          boolean onGesture(int gestureId);
383          boolean onKeyEvent(KeyEvent event);
384          void onMagnificationChanged(@NonNull Region region,
385                  float scale, float centerX, float centerY);
386          void onSoftKeyboardShowModeChanged(int showMode);
387          void onPerformGestureResult(int sequence, boolean completedSuccessfully);
388          void onFingerprintCapturingGesturesChanged(boolean active);
389          void onFingerprintGesture(int gesture);
390          void onAccessibilityButtonClicked();
391          void onAccessibilityButtonAvailabilityChanged(boolean available);
392      }





来看代码,当Target APP触发一个AccessibilityEvent(这个等会详细说),它会new一个AM的实例。

321      public static AccessibilityManager getInstance(Context context) {
322          synchronized (sInstanceSync) {
323              if (sInstance == null) {
324                  final int userId;
325                  if (Binder.getCallingUid() == Process.SYSTEM_UID
326                          || context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
327                                  Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS)
328                                          == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
329                          || context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
330                                  Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL)
331                                          == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
332                      userId = UserHandle.USER_CURRENT;
333                  } else {
334                      userId = context.getUserId();
335                  }
336                  sInstance = new AccessibilityManager(context, null, userId);
337              }
338          }
339          return sInstance;
340      }


AccessibilityManager.java – AccessibilityManager()

351     public AccessibilityManager(Context context, IAccessibilityManager service, int userId) {
352          // Constructor can't be chained because we can't create an instance of an inner class
353          // before calling another constructor.
354          mCallback = new MyCallback();
355          mHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper(), mCallback);
356          mUserId = userId;
357          synchronized (mLock) {
358              tryConnectToServiceLocked(service);
359          }
360      }

tryConnectToServiceLocked()中,不仅会得到AMS的本地Binder(函数中的service),会通过addClient(mClient, mUserId)这个函数把自己的信息注册进去。

AccessibilityManager.java – tryConnectToServiceLocked()

1115    private void tryConnectToServiceLocked(IAccessibilityManager service) {
1116          if (service == null) {
1117              IBinder iBinder = ServiceManager.getService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE);
1118              if (iBinder == null) {
1119                  return;
1120              }
1121              service = IAccessibilityManager.Stub.asInterface(iBinder);
1122          }
1124          try {
1125              final long userStateAndRelevantEvents = service.addClient(mClient, mUserId);
1126              setStateLocked(IntPair.first(userStateAndRelevantEvents));
1127              mRelevantEventTypes = IntPair.second(userStateAndRelevantEvents);
1128              mService = service;
1129          } catch (RemoteException re) {
1130              Log.e(LOG_TAG, "AccessibilityManagerService is dead", re);
1131          }
1132      }


276          private final IAccessibilityManagerClient.Stub mClient =
277              new IAccessibilityManagerClient.Stub()


AccessibilityEvent Dispatch


  • AccessibilityEvent Trigger
  • AccessibilityEvent Dispatch
  • AccessibilityEvent Response


AccessibilityEvent Trigger




View.java – performClick()

6590      public boolean performClick() {
6591          // We still need to call this method to handle the cases where performClick() was called
6592          // externally, instead of through performClickInternal()
6593          notifyAutofillManagerOnClick();
6595          final boolean result;
6596          final ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo;
6597          if (li != null && li.mOnClickListener != null) {
6598              playSoundEffect(SoundEffectConstants.CLICK);
6599              if (ViewDebugManager.DEBUG_TOUCH) {
6600                  Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "(View)performClick, listener = " + li.mOnClickListener
6601                          + ",this = " + this);
6602              }
6603              li.mOnClickListener.onClick(this);
6604              result = true;
6605          } else {
6606              result = false;
6607          }
6609          sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED);
6611          notifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded(true);
6613          return result;
6614      }


View.java – sendAccessibilityEvent()

7374      public void sendAccessibilityEvent(int eventType) {
7375          if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) {
7376              mAccessibilityDelegate.sendAccessibilityEvent(this, eventType);
7377          } else {
7378              sendAccessibilityEventInternal(eventType);
7379          }
7380      }


View.java – sendAccessibilityEventInternal()

7409      public void sendAccessibilityEventInternal(int eventType) {
7410          if (AccessibilityManager.getInstance(mContext).isEnabled()) {
7411              sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent.obtain(eventType));
7412          }
7413      }


View.java – sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked()

7430      public void sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent event) {
7431          if (mAccessibilityDelegate != null) {
7432              mAccessibilityDelegate.sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(this, event);
7433          } else {
7434              sendAccessibilityEventUncheckedInternal(event);
7435          }
7436      }

sendAccessibilityEventUncheckedInternal()中,会调用onInitializeAccessibilityEvent()初始化一些event信息,比如className/packageName/source等,然后会调用getParent().requestSendAccessibilityEvent(this, event)将event分发给ParentView。

View.java – sendAccessibilityEventUncheckedInternal()

7445      public void sendAccessibilityEventUncheckedInternal(AccessibilityEvent event) {
7446          // Panes disappearing are relevant even if though the view is no longer visible.
7447          boolean isWindowStateChanged =
7448                  (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED);
7449          boolean isWindowDisappearedEvent = isWindowStateChanged && ((event.getContentChangeTypes()
7450                  & AccessibilityEvent.CONTENT_CHANGE_TYPE_PANE_DISAPPEARED) != 0);
7451          if (!isShown() && !isWindowDisappearedEvent) {
7452              return;
7453          }
7454          onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event);
7455          // Only a subset of accessibility events populates text content.
7456          if ((event.getEventType() & POPULATING_ACCESSIBILITY_EVENT_TYPES) != 0) {
7457              dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event);
7458          }
7459          // In the beginning we called #isShown(), so we know that getParent() is not null.
7460          ViewParent parent = getParent();
7461          if (parent != null) {
7462              getParent().requestSendAccessibilityEvent(this, event);
7463          }
7464      }


ViewRootImpl.java – requestSendAccessibilityEvent()

7788      public boolean requestSendAccessibilityEvent(View child, AccessibilityEvent event) {
7789          if (mView == null || mStopped || mPausedForTransition) {
7790              return false;
7791          }
7793          // Immediately flush pending content changed event (if any) to preserve event order
7794          if (event.getEventType() != AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED
7795                  && mSendWindowContentChangedAccessibilityEvent != null
7796                  && mSendWindowContentChangedAccessibilityEvent.mSource != null) {
7797              mSendWindowContentChangedAccessibilityEvent.removeCallbacksAndRun();
7798          }
7800          // Intercept accessibility focus events fired by virtual nodes to keep
7801          // track of accessibility focus position in such nodes.
7802          final int eventType = event.getEventType();
7803          switch (eventType) {
7804              case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED: {
7805                  final long sourceNodeId = event.getSourceNodeId();
7806                  final int accessibilityViewId = AccessibilityNodeInfo.getAccessibilityViewId(
7807                          sourceNodeId);
7808                  View source = mView.findViewByAccessibilityId(accessibilityViewId);
7809                  if (source != null) {
7810                      AccessibilityNodeProvider provider = source.getAccessibilityNodeProvider();
7811                      if (provider != null) {
7812                          final int virtualNodeId = AccessibilityNodeInfo.getVirtualDescendantId(
7813                                  sourceNodeId);
7814                          final AccessibilityNodeInfo node;
7815                          node = provider.createAccessibilityNodeInfo(virtualNodeId);
7816                          setAccessibilityFocus(source, node);
7817                      }
7818                  }
7819              } break;
7820              case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS_CLEARED: {
7821                  final long sourceNodeId = event.getSourceNodeId();
7822                  final int accessibilityViewId = AccessibilityNodeInfo.getAccessibilityViewId(
7823                          sourceNodeId);
7824                  View source = mView.findViewByAccessibilityId(accessibilityViewId);
7825                  if (source != null) {
7826                      AccessibilityNodeProvider provider = source.getAccessibilityNodeProvider();
7827                      if (provider != null) {
7828                          setAccessibilityFocus(null, null);
7829                      }
7830                  }
7831              } break;
7834              case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED: {
7835                  handleWindowContentChangedEvent(event);
7836              } break;
7837          }
7838          mAccessibilityManager.sendAccessibilityEvent(event);
7839          return true;
7840      }

在AM和AMS的联系一节中讲到,AM会用AMS的本地BinderIAccessibilityManager去和AMS通信,在AM的sendAccessibilityEvent()可以看到定义了一个IAccessibilityManager类型的service,通过getServiceLocked()获取本地Binder,然后通过service.sendAccessibilityEvent(dispatchedEvent, userId)去调用AMS的sendAccessibilityEvent方法。到这里Trigger的部分就结束了,然后是AMS的分发过程。

AccessibilityManager.java – sendAccessibilityEvent()

456      public void sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
457          final IAccessibilityManager service;
458          final int userId;
459          final AccessibilityEvent dispatchedEvent;
460          synchronized (mLock) {
461              service = getServiceLocked();
462              if (service == null) {
463                  return;
464              }
465              event.setEventTime(SystemClock.uptimeMillis());
466              if (mAccessibilityPolicy != null) {
467                  dispatchedEvent = mAccessibilityPolicy.onAccessibilityEvent(event,
468                          mIsEnabled, mRelevantEventTypes);
469                  if (dispatchedEvent == null) {
470                      return;
471                  }
472              } else {
473                  dispatchedEvent = event;
474              }
475              if (!isEnabled()) {
476                  Looper myLooper = Looper.myLooper();
477                  if (myLooper == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
478                      throw new IllegalStateException(
479                              "Accessibility off. Did you forget to check that?");
480                  } else {
481                      // If we're not running on the thread with the main looper, it's possible for
482                      // the state of accessibility to change between checking isEnabled and
483                      // calling this method. So just log the error rather than throwing the
484                      // exception.
485                      Log.e(LOG_TAG, "AccessibilityEvent sent with accessibility disabled");
486                      return;
487                  }
488              }
489              if ((dispatchedEvent.getEventType() & mRelevantEventTypes) == 0) {
490                  if (DEBUG) {
491                      Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Not dispatching irrelevant event: " + dispatchedEvent
492                              + " that is not among "
493                              + AccessibilityEvent.eventTypeToString(mRelevantEventTypes));
494                  }
495                  return;
496              }
497              userId = mUserId;
498          }
499          try {
500              // it is possible that this manager is in the same process as the service but
501              // client using it is called through Binder from another process. Example: MMS
502              // app adds a SMS notification and the NotificationManagerService calls this method
503              long identityToken = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
504              try {
505                  service.sendAccessibilityEvent(dispatchedEvent, userId);
506              } finally {
507                  Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identityToken);
508              }
509              if (DEBUG) {
510                  Log.i(LOG_TAG, dispatchedEvent + " sent");
511              }
512          } catch (RemoteException re) {
513              Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error during sending " + dispatchedEvent + " ", re);
514          } finally {
515              if (event != dispatchedEvent) {
516                  event.recycle();
517              }
518              dispatchedEvent.recycle();
519          }
520      }

AccessibilityEvent Dispatch


AccessibilityManagerService.java – sendAccessibilityEvent()

519      public void sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event, int userId) {
520          boolean dispatchEvent = false;
522          synchronized (mLock) {
523              if (event.getWindowId() ==
524                  AccessibilityWindowInfo.PICTURE_IN_PICTURE_ACTION_REPLACER_WINDOW_ID) {
525                  // The replacer window isn't shown to services. Move its events into the pip.
526                  AccessibilityWindowInfo pip = mSecurityPolicy.getPictureInPictureWindow();
527                  if (pip != null) {
528                      int pipId = pip.getId();
529                      event.setWindowId(pipId);
530                  }
531              }
533              // We treat calls from a profile as if made by its parent as profiles
534              // share the accessibility state of the parent. The call below
535              // performs the current profile parent resolution.
536              final int resolvedUserId = mSecurityPolicy
537                      .resolveCallingUserIdEnforcingPermissionsLocked(userId);
539              // Make sure the reported package is one the caller has access to.
540              event.setPackageName(mSecurityPolicy.resolveValidReportedPackageLocked(
541                      event.getPackageName(), UserHandle.getCallingAppId(), resolvedUserId));
543              // This method does nothing for a background user.
544              if (resolvedUserId == mCurrentUserId) {
545                  if (mSecurityPolicy.canDispatchAccessibilityEventLocked(event)) {
546                      mSecurityPolicy.updateActiveAndAccessibilityFocusedWindowLocked(
547                              event.getWindowId(), event.getSourceNodeId(),
548                              event.getEventType(), event.getAction());
549                      mSecurityPolicy.updateEventSourceLocked(event);
550                      dispatchEvent = true;
551                  }
552                  if (mHasInputFilter && mInputFilter != null) {
553                      mMainHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(
554                              AccessibilityManagerService::sendAccessibilityEventToInputFilter,
555                              this, AccessibilityEvent.obtain(event)));
556                  }
557              }
558          }
560          if (dispatchEvent) {
561              // Make sure clients receiving this event will be able to get the
562              // current state of the windows as the window manager may be delaying
563              // the computation for performance reasons.
564              if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED
565                      && mWindowsForAccessibilityCallback != null) {
566                  WindowManagerInternal wm = LocalServices.getService(WindowManagerInternal.class);
567                  wm.computeWindowsForAccessibility();
568              }
569              synchronized (mLock) {
570                  notifyAccessibilityServicesDelayedLocked(event, false);
571                  notifyAccessibilityServicesDelayedLocked(event, true);
572                  mUiAutomationManager.sendAccessibilityEventLocked(event);
573              }
574          }
576          if (OWN_PROCESS_ID != Binder.getCallingPid()) {
577              event.recycle();
578          }
579      }


AccessibilityManagerService.java – notifyAccessibilityServicesDelayedLocked()

1378      private void notifyAccessibilityServicesDelayedLocked(AccessibilityEvent event,
1379              boolean isDefault) {
1380          try {
1381              UserState state = getCurrentUserStateLocked();
1382              for (int i = 0, count = state.mBoundServices.size(); i < count; i++) {
1383                  AccessibilityServiceConnection service = state.mBoundServices.get(i);
1385                  if (service.mIsDefault == isDefault) {
1386                      service.notifyAccessibilityEvent(event);
1387                  }
1388              }
1389          } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException oobe) {
1390              // An out of bounds exception can happen if services are going away
1391              // as the for loop is running. If that happens, just bail because
1392              // there are no more services to notify.
1393          }
1394      }


AbstractAccessibilityServiceConnection.java – notifyAccessibilityEvent()

967      public void notifyAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
968          synchronized (mLock) {
969              final int eventType = event.getEventType();
971              final boolean serviceWantsEvent = wantsEventLocked(event);
972              final boolean requiredForCacheConsistency = mUsesAccessibilityCache
973                      && ((AccessibilityCache.CACHE_CRITICAL_EVENTS_MASK & eventType) != 0);
974              if (!serviceWantsEvent && !requiredForCacheConsistency) {
975                  return;
976              }
978              // Make a copy since during dispatch it is possible the event to
979              // be modified to remove its source if the receiving service does
980              // not have permission to access the window content.
981              AccessibilityEvent newEvent = AccessibilityEvent.obtain(event);
982              Message message;
983              if ((mNotificationTimeout > 0)
984                      && (eventType != AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED)) {
985                  // Allow at most one pending event
986                  final AccessibilityEvent oldEvent = mPendingEvents.get(eventType);
987                  mPendingEvents.put(eventType, newEvent);
988                  if (oldEvent != null) {
989                      mEventDispatchHandler.removeMessages(eventType);
990                      oldEvent.recycle();
991                  }
992                  message = mEventDispatchHandler.obtainMessage(eventType);
993              } else {
994                  // Send all messages, bypassing mPendingEvents
995                  message = mEventDispatchHandler.obtainMessage(eventType, newEvent);
996              }
997              message.arg1 = serviceWantsEvent ? 1 : 0;
999              mEventDispatchHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, mNotificationTimeout);
1000          }
1001      }


AbstractAccessibilityServiceConnection.java – AbstractAccessibilityServiceConnection()

241      public AbstractAccessibilityServiceConnection(Context context, ComponentName componentName,
242              AccessibilityServiceInfo accessibilityServiceInfo, int id, Handler mainHandler,
243              Object lock, SecurityPolicy securityPolicy, SystemSupport systemSupport,
244              WindowManagerInternal windowManagerInternal,
245              GlobalActionPerformer globalActionPerfomer) {
246          mContext = context;
247          mWindowManagerService = windowManagerInternal;
248          mId = id;
249          mComponentName = componentName;
250          mAccessibilityServiceInfo = accessibilityServiceInfo;
251          mLock = lock;
252          mSecurityPolicy = securityPolicy;
253          mGlobalActionPerformer = globalActionPerfomer;
254          mSystemSupport = systemSupport;
255          mInvocationHandler = new InvocationHandler(mainHandler.getLooper());
256          mEventDispatchHandler = new Handler(mainHandler.getLooper()) {
257              @Override
258              public void handleMessage(Message message) {
259                  final int eventType =  message.what;
260                  AccessibilityEvent event = (AccessibilityEvent) message.obj;
261                  boolean serviceWantsEvent = message.arg1 != 0;
262                  notifyAccessibilityEventInternal(eventType, event, serviceWantsEvent);
263              }
264          };
265          setDynamicallyConfigurableProperties(accessibilityServiceInfo);
266      }


AbstractAccessibilityServiceConnection.java – notifyAccessibilityEventInternal()

1040      private void notifyAccessibilityEventInternal(
1041              int eventType,
1042              AccessibilityEvent event,
1043              boolean serviceWantsEvent) {
1044          IAccessibilityServiceClient listener;
1046          synchronized (mLock) {
1047              listener = mServiceInterface;
1049              // If the service died/was disabled while the message for dispatching
1050              // the accessibility event was propagating the listener may be null.
1051              if (listener == null) {
1052                  return;
1053              }
1055              // There are two ways we notify for events, throttled AND non-throttled. If we
1056              // are not throttling, then messages come with events, which we handle with
1057              // minimal fuss.
1058              if (event == null) {
1059                  // We are throttling events, so we'll send the event for this type in
1060                  // mPendingEvents as long as it it's null. It can only null due to a race
1061                  // condition:
1062                  //
1063                  //   1) A binder thread calls notifyAccessibilityServiceDelayedLocked
1064                  //      which posts a message for dispatching an event and stores the event
1065                  //      in mPendingEvents.
1066                  //   2) The message is pulled from the queue by the handler on the service
1067                  //      thread and this method is just about to acquire the lock.
1068                  //   3) Another binder thread acquires the lock in notifyAccessibilityEvent
1069                  //   4) notifyAccessibilityEvent recycles the event that this method was about
1070                  //      to process, replaces it with a new one, and posts a second message
1071                  //   5) This method grabs the new event, processes it, and removes it from
1072                  //      mPendingEvents
1073                  //   6) The second message dispatched in (4) arrives, but the event has been
1074                  //      remvoved in (5).
1075                  event = mPendingEvents.get(eventType);
1076                  if (event == null) {
1077                      return;
1078                  }
1079                  mPendingEvents.remove(eventType);
1080              }
1081              if (mSecurityPolicy.canRetrieveWindowContentLocked(this)) {
1082                  event.setConnectionId(mId);
1083              } else {
1084                  event.setSource((View) null);
1085              }
1086              event.setSealed(true);
1087          }
1089          try {
1090              listener.onAccessibilityEvent(event, serviceWantsEvent);
1091              if (DEBUG) {
1092                  Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "Event " + event + " sent to " + listener);
1093              }
1094          } catch (RemoteException re) {
1095              Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error during sending " + event + " to " + listener, re);
1096          } finally {
1097              event.recycle();
1098          }
1099      }

Accessibility Response





  • AccessibilityService分析与防御
  • 從源碼角度看AccessibilityService


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