我是靠谱客的博主 明理信封,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍mysql翻译插件_如何翻译 MySQL 图形工具,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


MySQL 图形工具(MySQL GUI Tools)已经发布了 5.0 r1a 版本,其中包括以下图形工具:

MySQL Administrator 1.2

MySQL Query Browser 1.2

MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1

MySQL Workbench 1.1

目前随安装包提供的国家语言包括:日文、德文、希腊文、波兰文和巴西文。没有简体中文和繁体中文的翻译,但可以自己翻译 po 文档,并使用安装包内附的转换程式转换为编译过的有效语言包 mo 文档。



Translating the MySQL GUI Tools

Author            : Michael G. Zinner

Revision by       : Stefan Hinz

Created           : 2005-11-04

Last edited       : 2005-11-30


This text explains how to translate the MySQL GUI tools. To add a new

language to one of the tools please follow this procedure.

Before you start the translation, please note that you will have to

grant us all rights on your translation, otherwise we cannot use it.

We have set up a site where you can "sign" the MySQL Translation

Agreement online. To grant you access to that site, we need your name,

postal address, and permanent e-mail address. Please send that

information to our co-ordinator of translations,

Stefan Hinz .

Once translated, the GUI tool will "speak" another language on all

supported platforms (at the moment, Windows, Linux/Gnome, and Mac OS).

The translation, however, should be done on Windows because part of the

process is to make sure that text lengths do not exceed the maximum

display width and get clipped. On Linux, some display elements have a

tendency of automatically adapting their size to the text they contain;

thus, things might be properly displayed on Linux but not on Windows.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1) Make sure you have a recent version of the GUI tool you're about to

translate installed. You should have the following versions (or

newer) installed:

- MySQL Administrator 1.1.5

- MySQL Query Browser 1.1.19

- MySQL Migration Toolkit (not scheduled yet)

- MySQL Workbench (not scheduled yet)

2) Create the proper subdirectories. To add the new translation you have

to create a subdirectory in the installation directory of the GUI

tool you're about to translate:


The name of the [lang] directory indicates the language and can be

found in the translation_list.txt file that you can find in the

locale subdirectory, or online:


For some languages, you have to use the 5-digit code, for example

to specify Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) or Traditional Chinese (zh_TW).

For other languages, you have a choice; for German, for example,

you may use either the 2-digit code de or the 5-digit code de_DE,

de_AT, etc.

If you want to translate a language that is not in that list, simply

add the language to the file [InstallDir]localelanguages_list.txt

Under the [lang] directory you need to create a subdirectory named



Example: To translate MySQL Administrator into German, you would

have this directory layout (assuming Administrator is installed in

the default location):

C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Administrator 1.1




3) Get the .po files from our public repositories that you can access

using a web browser. Each GUI tool has two associated .po files:

a) mysql-gui-common-template.po

This file is shared amoung all GUI tools. It can be obtained from


b) The .po file of the specific tool.

For MySQL Administrator, this would be

mysql-administrator-template.po, which can be obtained from


For MySQL Query Browser, this would be

mysql-query-browser-template.po, which can be obtained from


Download the files and place them in the LC_MESSAGES directory

created in step 1.

4) Download the GNU gettext binaries and dependencies for Windows from


Make sure *not* to download the "complete package" which contains

an installer for windows, but doesn't allow you to place the files

where MakeMo.bat needs them (see below). Here are the download links:



After downloading, extract the .zip files under [InstallDir]locale.

Make sure you have the file [InstallDir]localebinmsgcat.exe.

5) Install poEdit. It is best to use the 1.2.5 release which can be

downloaded from


6) Doubleclick a .po file to open it. For example, open this file:

C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Administrator 1.1localedeLC_MESSAGESmysql-gui-common-template.po

6.1) From the menu, select Catalog > Settings... fill in "Project

info", and save the file:

- project name and version (e.g. MySQL Administrator 1.1.5),

- team name (e.g. MA translation team),

- mail address (e.g. stefan@mysql.com),

- language (e.g. German),

- country (e.g. Germany),

- character set (utf-8),

- source code character set (utf-8).

Make sure to use UTF-8, not any other character set!

Unless you want to change the Project info, this step has to be

performed only once, right before you start the translation.

6.2) Now start the translation by selecting a word in the upper list

and entering the translation in the lower area.

To search for a specific word, click the upper list and start typing

the word. For more information how to use the poEdit interface, see

the documentation shipped with the product.

!! Things to notice.

! The translated text needs to have about the same length as the

original English text. Use abbreviations if necessary.

! The translation needs to be verified in the GUI. If the translation

results in a messed up display it has to be corrected. See the

next step for information about how to prepare translated files

for the application.

! In the translation, preserve special characters that indicate a

tab (t) or a new line (n).

! In the translation, preserve spaces, as in the following string:

-h,--host=name        Connect to host.n

This example contains two spaces preceding the string, and 8 spaces

in the middle. It's command-line output, which is the reason why

it uses space characters, rather than tabs.

! In the translation, preserve variables like these:

%s: could not connect to MySQL:n

%s (%i)n

In that example, don't touch %s and %i.

Here's a more complex example:

%d row%s fetched in %.4fs (%.4fs)

In that example, you should not touch %d, %s, and %.4fs.

! When you start a translation, poEdit will report "xx bad tokens"

in the status bar. Don't worry, here's the explanation: poEdit

checks whether C style placeholders ("%1.3f" and the like) match

between the untranslated original and the translation. Initially,

with empty translations, there are many mismatches, of course,

but these get fewer and fewer as the translation proceeds. When

you're done with the translation, no "bad tokens" should be left.

7) To make the translations available to the application you have to

compile the .po files using this batch file:


That file takes one parameter: [lang] (see step 1)

Open a command-line window, change into [InstallDir]locale, and

invoke the batch file with the appropriate language parameter.

Example for the German translation: MakeMo.bat de

The batch file creates a default.mo file in the

[InstallDir]locale[lang]LC_MESSAGES directory.

Now the application can be (re)started, and the new language can be

selected (Tools > Options > General Options).

Note that after switching the interface language the application

has to be restarted once again for that change to take effect.

This is a limitation we hope to remove soon.

8) Please send an email to gui-tools@lists.mysql.com once you have

finished a translation and want to have it included in the standard



以上就是明理信封为你收集整理的mysql翻译插件_如何翻译 MySQL 图形工具的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决mysql翻译插件_如何翻译 MySQL 图形工具所遇到的程序开发问题。



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