
import jqdata p1 = 5 p2 = 60 def initialize(context): set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') set_option('use_real_price', True) set_order_cost(OrderCost(close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock') g.security = ['601318.XSHG'] def handle_data(context, data): for stock in g.security: hist = attribute_history(stock, count=p2) ma5 = hist['close'][-5:].mean() ma60 = hist['close'].mean() if ma5 > ma60 and stock not in context.portfolio.positions: order = order_value(stock, context.portfolio.available_cash) if order: print('Buying: %dat Price: %.2f' % (order.amount, order.price)) elif ma5 < ma60 and stock in context.portfolio.positions: order = order_target_value(stock, 0) if order: print('Selling: %d at Price: %.2f' % (order.amount, order.price)) record(ma5=ma5, ma60=ma60)

# 导入函数库 import jqdata # 初始化函数,设定基准等等 def initialize(context): set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') set_option('use_real_price', True) set_order_cost(OrderCost(close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock') g.security = get_index_stocks('000300.XSHG') g.q = query(valuation).filter(valuation.code.in_(g.security)) g.N = 10 run_monthly(handle, 1) def handle(context): df = get_fundamentals(g.q) df = df.sort(columns='market_cap') df = df[:g.N] tohold = df['code'].values for stock in context.portfolio.positions: if stock not in tohold: #卖出 order_target(stock, 0) tobuy = [stock for stock in tohold if stock not in context.portfolio.positions] cash = context.portfolio.available_cash n = len(tobuy) #买入 for stock in tobuy: order_value(stock, int(cash/n))

import jqdata import math import numpy as np import pandas as pd def initialize(context): set_option('use_real_price', True) set_order_cost(OrderCost(close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock') g.benchmark = '000300.XSHG' set_benchmark(g.benchmark) g.ma_days = 30 g.stock_num = 10 run_monthly(handle, 1) #run_monthly(handle, 11) def handle(context): tohold = get_hold_list(context) for stock in context.portfolio.positions: if stock not in tohold: order_target_value(stock, 0) tobuy = [stock for stock in tohold if stock not in context.portfolio.positions] if len(tobuy)>0: cash = context.portfolio.available_cash cash_every_stock = cash / len(tobuy) for stock in tobuy: order_value(stock, cash_every_stock) def get_hold_list(context): stock_pool = get_index_stocks(g.benchmark) stock_score = pd.Series(index=stock_pool) for stock in stock_pool: df = attribute_history(stock, g.ma_days, '1d', ['close']) ma = df.mean()[0] current_price = get_current_data()[stock].day_open ratio = (ma - current_price) / ma stock_score[stock] = ratio return stock_score.nlargest(g.stock_num).index.values

# 导入函数库 import jqdata def initialize(context): set_option('use_real_price', True) set_order_cost(OrderCost(close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock') set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') g.security = ['600036.XSHG'] g.N = 2 g.ma_days = 20 def handle_data(context, data): for stock in g.security: df = attribute_history(stock, g.ma_days) middle = df['close'].mean() upper = middle + g.N * df['close'].std() lower = middle - g.N * df['close'].std() p = get_current_data()[stock].day_open # 如果价格突破阻力线 if p >= upper and stock in context.portfolio.positions: order_target(stock, 0) cash = context.portfolio.available_cash / len(g.security) for stock in g.security: df = attribute_history(stock, g.ma_days) middle = df['close'].mean() upper = middle + g.N * df['close'].std() lower = middle - g.N * df['close'].std() p = get_current_data()[stock].day_open # 如果价格跌破支撑线 if p <= lower and stock not in context.portfolio.positions: order_target(stock, cash)

def initialize(context): set_option('use_real_price', True) set_order_cost(OrderCost(close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock') set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') g.security = get_index_stocks('000300.XSHG') g.N = 20 run_monthly(handle, 1) def handle(context): df = get_fundamentals(query(valuation.code, valuation.pe_ratio, indicator.inc_net_profit_year_on_year).filter(valuation.code.in_(g.security))) df = df[(df['pe_ratio']>0) & (df['inc_net_profit_year_on_year']>0)] df['PEG'] = df['pe_ratio'] / df['inc_net_profit_year_on_year'] / 100 df = df.sort(columns='PEG')[:g.N] tohold = df['code'].values for stock in context.portfolio.positions: if stock not in tohold: order_target_value(stock, 0) tobuy = [stock for stock in tohold if stock not in context.portfolio.positions] if len(tobuy)>0: print('Buying') cash = context.portfolio.available_cash cash_every_stock = cash / len(tobuy) for stock in tobuy: order_value(stock, cash_every_stock)

def initialize(context): set_option('use_real_price', True) set_order_cost(OrderCost(close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock') set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') g.security = get_index_stocks('000300.XSHG') g.period = 3 g.N = 10 g.M = 2 print("init") run_monthly(handle, 10) stocks = get_sorted_stocks(context, g.security)[:g.N] cash = context.portfolio.available_cash / len(stocks) for stock in stocks: order_value(stock, cash) def get_sorted_stocks(context, stocks): df = history(g.period, field='close', security_list=stocks).T df['ret'] = (df.iloc[:,-1] - df.iloc[:,0]) / df.iloc[:,0] df = df.sort(columns='ret', ascending=False) return df.index.values def handle(context): stocks = get_sorted_stocks(context, context.portfolio.positions.keys()) for stock in stocks[-g.M:]: order_target(stock, 0) stocks = get_sorted_stocks(context, g.security) cash = context.portfolio.available_cash / g.M for stock in stocks: if len(context.portfolio.positions) >= g.N: break if stock not in context.portfolio.positions: order_target(stock, cash)

import jqdata import math import numpy as np import pandas as pd from collections import deque def initialize(context): set_option('use_real_price', True) set_order_cost(OrderCost(close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock') g.security = '000060.XSHE' set_benchmark(g.security) g.in_day = 20 g.out_day = 10 g.today_units = 0 g.current_units = 0 g.N=deque(maxlen=19) g.current_N = 0 g.last_buy_price = 0 price = attribute_history(g.security, g.N.maxlen*2+1, '1d', ('high', 'low', 'close')) for i in range(g.N.maxlen+1, g.N.maxlen*2+1): li = [] for j in range(i-19,i+1): a = price['high'][j]-price['low'][j] b = abs(price['high'][j]-price['close'][j-1]) c = abs(price['low'][j]-price['close'][j-1]) li.append(max(a,b,c)) current_N = np.array(li).mean() g.N.append(current_N) def before_trading_start(context): g.current_N = cal_N() g.today_units = 0 def handle_data(context, data): dt = context.current_dt current_price = data[g.security].price #上一分钟价格 value = context.portfolio.total_value cash = context.portfolio.available_cash unit = math.floor(value * 0.01 / g.current_N) if g.current_units == 0: buy(current_price, cash, unit) else: if stop_loss(current_price): return if sell(current_price): return addin(current_price, cash, unit) def cal_N(): # if len(g.N) < g.N.maxlen: # price = attribute_history(g.security, g.N.maxlen+2, '1d', ('high', 'low', 'close')) # li = [] # for i in range(1, g.N.maxlen+2): # a = price['high'][i]-price['low'][i] # b = abs(price['high'][i]-price['close'][i-1]) # c = abs(price['low'][i]-price['close'][i-1]) # li.append(max(a,b,c)) # current_N = np.array(li).mean() # else: price = attribute_history(g.security, 2, '1d', ('high', 'low', 'close')) a = price['high'][1]-price['low'][1] b = abs(price['high'][1]-price['close'][0]) c = abs(price['low'][1]-price['close'][0]) current_N = (max(a,b,c) + np.array(g.N).sum())/(g.N.maxlen+1) g.N.append(current_N) return current_N def buy(current_price, cash, unit): price = attribute_history(g.security, g.in_day, '1d', ('close',)) if current_price > max(price['close']): shares = cash / current_price if shares >= unit: print("buying %d" % unit) o = order(g.security, unit) g.last_buy_price = o.price g.current_units += 1 g.today_units += 1 return True return False def addin(current_price, cash, unit): if current_price >= g.last_buy_price + 0.5 * g.current_N: shares = cash / current_price if shares >= unit: print("adding %d" % unit) o = order(g.security, unit) g.last_buy_price = o.price g.current_units += 1 g.today_units += 1 return True return False def sell(current_price): price = attribute_history(g.security, g.out_day, '1d', ('close',)) if current_price < min(price['close']): print("selling") order_target(g.security, 0) g.current_units = g.today_units return True return False def stop_loss(current_price): if current_price < g.last_buy_price - 2 * g.current_N: print("stop loss") order_target(g.security, 0) g.current_units = g.today_units return True return False

# 导入函数库 import jqdata import numpy as np # 初始化函数,设定基准等等 def initialize(context): set_option('use_real_price', True) set_order_cost(OrderCost(close_tax=0.001, open_commission=0.0003, close_commission=0.0003, min_commission=5), type='stock') set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') g.up_price = {} #向上碎形最高价 g.low_price = {} #向下碎形最低价 g.up_fractal_exists = {} #判断有效向上碎形 g.down_fractal_exists = {} #判断有效向下碎形 g.AO_index = {} #存放连续的AO指标数据 g.cal_AC_index = {} #计算AC指标中转存储 g.AC_index = {} #存放连续的AC指标数据 g.amount = {} #满仓仓位 g.stock = get_index_stocks('000300.XSHG') g.buy_stock = [] g.month = context.current_dt.month run_monthly(select_universe,1,'open') #重置全局变量 def reset_global(): g.up_price = {} #向上碎形最高价 g.low_price = {} #向下碎形最低价 g.up_fractal_exists = {} #判断有效向上碎形 g.down_fractal_exists = {} #判断有效向下碎形 g.AO_index = {} #存放连续的AO指标数据 g.cal_AC_index = {} #计算AC指标中转存储 g.AC_index = {} #存放连续的AC指标数据 g.amount = {} #满仓仓位 g.buy_stock = [] def initial_stock_global(stock): g.up_price[stock] = 0 g.low_price[stock] = 0 g.up_fractal_exists[stock] = False g.down_fractal_exists[stock] = False #判断有效向下碎形 g.AO_index[stock] = [0] #存放连续的AO指标数据 g.cal_AC_index[stock] = [0] #计算AC指标中转存储 g.AC_index[stock] = [0] #存放连续的AC指标数据 g.amount[stock] = 0 #满仓仓位 #轮换选股后清空持仓 def reset_position(context): for stock in g.buy_stock: order_target(stock,0) log.info("sell %s for reset position"%stock) #选股 def select_universe(context): #每三个月操作一次 month = context.current_dt.month if month%6 != g.month%6: return #清空全局变量 reset_position(context) reset_global() hist = history(30,'1d','close',g.stock,df = False) for stock in g.stock: if is_sleeping_alligator(stock,hist,20): g.buy_stock.append(stock) #初始化该股票全局变量 initial_stock_global(stock) print g.buy_stock return None #睡着的鳄鱼 def is_sleeping_alligator(stock,hist,nday): for i in range(nday): if is_struggle(stock,hist,i) == False: return False return True #均线纠缠,BRG三线非常接近 def is_struggle(stock,hist,delta): blue_line = hist[stock][-21-delta:-8-delta].mean() red_line = hist[stock][-13-delta:-5-delta].mean() green_line = hist[stock][-8-delta:-3-delta].mean() if abs(blue_line/red_line-1)<0.02 and abs(red_line/green_line-1)<0.02: return True else: return False #判断 向上 或 向下 碎形 def is_fractal(stock,direction): hist = attribute_history(stock, 5, fields=[direction]) if direction == 'high': if np.all(hist.iloc[:2] < hist.iloc[2]) and np.all(hist.iloc[3:] < hist.iloc[2]): g.up_price[stock] = hist.iloc[2].values return True elif direction == 'low': if np.all(hist.iloc[:2] > hist.iloc[2]) and np.all(hist.iloc[3:] > hist.iloc[2]): g.low_price[stock] = hist.iloc[2].values return True return False #通过比较碎形与红线位置,判断碎形是否有效 def is_effective_fractal(stock, direction): if is_fractal(stock,direction): hist = attribute_history(stock, 11) red_line = hist['close'][:-3].mean() close_price = hist['close'][-1] if direction == 'high': if close_price > red_line: g.up_fractal_exists[stock] = True else: g.up_fractal_exists[stock] = False elif direction == 'low': if close_price < red_line: g.down_fractal_exists[stock] = True else: g.down_fractal_exists[stock] = False #N日内最高价格的N日线 def nday_high_point(stock,n): hist = history(2*n,'1d','high',[stock],df = False)[stock] high_point = [] for i in range(n): high_point.append(max(hist[-5-i:-1-i])) return np.array(high_point).mean() #N日内最低价格的N日线 def nday_low_point(stock,n): hist = history(2*n,'1d','low',[stock],df = False)[stock] low_point = [] for i in range(n): low_point.append(max(hist[-5-i:-1-i])) return np.array(low_point).mean() #AO=5日内(最高-最低)/2的5日移动平均-34日内(最高-最低)/2的34日移动平均 def AO_index(stock): g.AO_index[stock].append(nday_high_point(stock,5)/2 + nday_low_point(stock,5)/2 - nday_high_point(stock,34)/2 - nday_low_point(stock,34)/2) return None #AO-AO的5日平均值的5日平均 def AC_index(stock): AO_index(stock) if len(g.AO_index[stock]) >= 5: g.cal_AC_index[stock].append(g.AO_index[stock][-1] - np.array(g.AO_index[stock][-5:]).mean()) if len(g.cal_AC_index[stock]) >=5: g.AC_index[stock].append(np.array(g.cal_AC_index[stock][-5:]).mean()) #判断序列n日上行 def is_up_going(alist,n): if len(alist) < n: return False for i in range(n-1): if alist[-(1+i)] <= alist[-(2+i)]: return False return True #判断序列n日下行 def is_down_going(alist,n): if len(alist) < n: return False for i in range(n-1): if alist[-(1+i)] >= alist[-(2+i)]: return False return True #碎形被突破 def active_fractal(stock,direction): close_price = history(1,'1d','close',[stock],df=False)[stock][0] if direction == 'up' and close_price > g.up_price[stock]: return True elif direction == 'down' and close_price < g.low_price[stock]: return True return False #进场,初始仓位 def set_initial_position(stock,context): close_price = history(1,'1d','close',[stock],df=False)[stock][0] g.amount[stock] = context.portfolio.cash/close_price/len(g.buy_stock)*3 order(stock, g.amount[stock]) log.info("buying %s 股数为 %s"%(stock,g.amount[stock])) g.down_fractal_exists[stock] = False #卖出 def sell_all_stock(stock,context): order_target(stock,0) log.info("selling %s"%stock) g.up_fractal_exists[stock] = False #加仓 def adjust_position(stock,context,position): order(stock,g.amount[stock]*position) log.info("adjust position buying %s 股数为 %s"%(stock,g.amount[stock]*position)) # 计算股票前n日收益率 def security_return(days,security_code): hist1 = attribute_history(security_code, days + 1, '1d', 'close',df=False) security_returns = (hist1['close'][-1]-hist1['close'][0])/hist1['close'][0] return security_returns # 止损,根据前n日收益率 def conduct_nday_stoploss(context,security_code,days,bench): if security_return(days,security_code)<= bench: for stock in g.buy_stock: order_target_value(stock,0) log.info("Sell %s for stoploss" %stock) return True else: return False # 计算股票累计收益率(从建仓至今) def security_accumulate_return(context,data,stock): current_price = data[stock].price cost = context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost if cost != 0: return (current_price-cost)/cost else: return None # 个股止损,根据累计收益 def conduct_accumulate_stoploss(context,data,stock,bench): if security_accumulate_return(context,data,stock) != None and security_accumulate_return(context,data,stock) < bench: order_target_value(stock,0) log.info("Sell %s for stoploss" %stock) return True else: return False # 个股止盈,根据累计收益 def conduct_accumulate_stopwin(context,data,stock,bench): if security_accumulate_return(context,data,stock) != None and security_accumulate_return(context,data,stock) > bench: order_target_value(stock,0) log.info("Sell %s for stopwin" %stock) return True else: return False def handle_data(context,data): #大盘止损 if conduct_nday_stoploss(context,'000300.XSHG',3,-0.03): return for stock in g.buy_stock: #个股止损 if conduct_accumulate_stopwin(context,data,stock,0.3) or conduct_accumulate_stoploss(context,data,stock,-0.1): return #计算AO,AC指标 AC_index(stock) #空仓时,寻找机会入场 if context.portfolio.positions[stock].amount == 0: #计算向上碎形 is_effective_fractal(stock,'high') #有效向上碎形存在,并被突破,买入 if g.up_fractal_exists and active_fractal(stock,'up'): close_price = history(5, '1d', 'close', [stock],df = False) if is_up_going(g.AO_index[stock],5) and is_up_going(g.AC_index[stock],3) and is_up_going(close_price[stock],2): set_initial_position(stock,context) #有持仓时,加仓或离场 else: #计算向下碎形 is_effective_fractal(stock,'low') #出场条件1:有效向下碎形存在,并被突破,卖出 if g.down_fractal_exists and active_fractal(stock,'down'): sell_all_stock(stock,context) return
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