http://code.google.com/p/ocupload/ Jquery.ocupload 一键上传官网重点内容
var myUpload = $(element).upload({
name: ‘file’,
action: ”,
enctype: ‘multipart/form-data’,
params: {},
autoSubmit: true,
onSubmit: function() {},
onComplete: function() {},
onSelect: function() {}
Jquery.ocupload 一键上传技术方法参数(name,enctype,action,autoSubmit,params,onSubmit,onComplete,onSelect方法参数详解,带中文翻译)
Both of the functions accept an optional options object, which can contain any or all of the following (default value):
* name: (“file”) The name of the file input form element.
* enctype: (“multipart/form-data”) The enctype attribute of the form, it is usually a good idea to leave this as default.
* action: (null) The form action attribute, the page that will do the processing on the server side.
* autoSubmit: (true) If true the form will be submitted after the user selects a file (after the file browser closes).
* params: ({}) Additional paramaters to be sent with the file, creates a hidden form element using the key as the name of the form and the value as the value.
* onSubmit: (null) The callback function called before submitting the form.
* onComplete: (null) The callback function called after the action page loads.
* onSelect: (null) The callback function called after the user has selected a file.
以上就是朴素天空为你收集整理的Jquery.ocupload 一键上传技术方法参数详解(中文翻译)(一键上传新手入门)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Jquery.ocupload 一键上传技术方法参数详解(中文翻译)(一键上传新手入门)所遇到的程序开发问题。
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