我是靠谱客的博主 魔幻小蘑菇,这篇文章主要介绍docker galaxy_前Galaxy Note 7车主可以在Note 8上获得大量优惠,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

docker galaxy

docker galaxy

The Galaxy Note 7 (no, I’m not going to call it the “Note7” no matter how many times the brand managers email me) was something of a disaster for Samsung. Those fans who put down the better part of a thousand bucks for the flagship phone a year ago were disheartened to learn that their top-of-the-line gadgets had an unusually high chance of melting through their pockets. It was, to put it lightly, a bummer.

Galaxy Note 7(不,无论品牌经理给我发电子邮件多少次,我都不会将其称为“ Note7”)对三星来说是一场灾难。 那些在一年前为旗舰手机支付了上千美元大部分钱的粉丝感到沮丧,得知他们的顶级产品极有可能从口袋里融化。 简而言之,这真是个无赖。

But there’s good news for those of you who are still firmly in Samsung’s camp, and who didn’t use your return and refund to go out and buy something equally expensive. Samsung has a fantastic trade-in deal for former Galaxy Note 7 owners, offering $425 off the new Galaxy Note 8 with a valid trade-in phone. Combined with free pre-order accessories, that’s an effective value of well over $500—not a bad way to say “sorry” to those customers who had to bid farewell to their Notes last year. Here’s how to get the best deal and the maximum rebate.

但是对于仍然坚守三星阵营的那些人来说,这是一个好消息,他们没有使用您的退货和退款去购买同样昂贵的东西。 三星为以前的Galaxy Note 7拥有者提供了一笔不错的折价交易,通过有效的折价电话,新版Galaxy Note 8可以优惠425美元。 结合免费的预购配件,其有效价值超过500美元-对去年不得不告别其Notes的那些客户说“对不起”的好方法。 这是获得最佳交易和最大回扣的方法。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

In order to do this, you’ll need two things:


  • The email address you used to register your Galaxy Note 7. This determines your eligibility for the expanded trade-in rebate. This is the email you used for your Samsung account, not your Google or carrier account (though they might be the same).

    您用来注册Galaxy Note 7的电子邮件地址。 这决定了您有资格获得以旧换新的返利。 这是您用于Samsung帐户的电子邮件,而不是Google或运营商帐户的电子邮件(尽管它们可能相同)。

  • A recent high-end Android Phone or iPhone. Only the following models are accepted:

    最近的高端Android Phone或iPhone 。 仅接受以下型号:

    • Samsung Galaxy S5, S6, S6 Edge, S6 Edge+, S7, S7 Edge, or Note 5

      三星Galaxy S5,S6,S6 Edge,S6 Edge +,S7,S7 Edge或Note 5
    • Apple iPhone SE, 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, or 7 Plus

      Apple iPhone SE,5、5S,6、6S,6S Plus,7或7 Plus
    • LG G4, G5, G6, or V20

      LG G4,G5,G6或V20
    • Google Pixel or Pixel XL

      Google Pixel或Pixel XL

    A recent high-end Android Phone or iPhone. Only the following models are accepted:

    最近的高端Android Phone或iPhone 。 仅接受以下型号:

You do have to trade in one of the above phones in order to get the discount. But not only is the Galaxy Note 7 trade-in program eligible for a higher $425 trade-in value (the maximum for everyone else is $300), it’s also the same value for all of the phones that are accepted. So for the purpose of the upgrade, a Galaxy S5 from three years ago gets you the same trade-in value as a brand new iPhone 7 Plus.

您必须以上述电话之一进行交易以获得折扣。 但不仅是Galaxy Note 7折价计划符合更高的425美元折价值(其他所有人的最高折价为300美元),而且所有接受的手机的价值相同。 因此,出于升级目的,三年前的Galaxy S5为您带来了与全新iPhone 7 Plus相同的折旧价值。

Because the rebate is coming from Samsung and not a carrier, the phone that you trade in doesn’t even need to be yours, since you’ll be wiping it anyway. If you don’t have one of the above models (or you want to keep that new iPhone 7 Plus as a backup), you can save a huge amount of money on the new Note 8 by buying one of the older phones above and sending it in. All that you have to do is find one that’s working, not blacklisted by a carrier (read: stolen), and doesn’t have a cracked screen or other extreme defect.

由于回扣来自三星,而不是运营商,因此您交易的手机甚至都不必是您的手机,因为无论如何都会擦拭它。 如果您没有上述型号之一(或者希望保留该新iPhone 7 Plus作为备份),则可以通过购买上述其中一部较旧的手机并发送,从而在新的Note 8上节省大量资金。您所要做的就是找到一个正在运行的,没有被运营商列入黑名单的设备(读:被盗),并且没有破裂的屏幕或其他极端缺陷。

The Galaxy S5 and LG G4 are the clear picks for inexpensive stand-ins. You can find working, secondhand models for under $100 on eBay, still giving you an effective $325 discount. And that’s before the bonus goodies for the pre-order. It’s still the best deal around on a very desirable phone.

Galaxy S5和LG G4是便宜的替代产品的明显选择。 您可以在eBay上找到价格低于100美元的二手二手型号,但仍可享受325美元的有效折扣。 而这是在预购的额外赠品之前。 在非常理想的手机上,这仍然是最好的选择。

您可以节省多少? (How Much Can You Save?)

Let’s break this down. Without any kind of carrier discounts, if you buy the unlocked Galaxy Note 8 directly from Samsung, it costs $930 USD, and you can give or take a few bucks for carrier differences. With the boosted Note 7 owner trade-in value, you get a direct $425 discount, bringing the effective price to $505. That’s pretty awesome for a top-of-the line Samsung model. Shipping to the US is free.

让我们分解一下。 在没有运营商折扣的情况下,如果您直接从三星购买解锁的Galaxy Note 8,则价格为930美元,您可以付出或花几美元来弥补运营商的差异。 借助提高的Note 7所有者以旧换新价值,您可以直接享受425美元的折扣,从而使有效价格达到505美元。 对于顶级三星型号来说,这真是太棒了。 运送到美国是免费的。

Now consider the pre-order goodies. Samsung gives you a choice between a bundle that includes a 128GB MicroSD card and a Samsung-brand wireless charging stand, or a Gear 360 action camera. The bundle is worth $190 according to Samsung, and the camera goes for $230. That’s a bit cheeky on Samsung’s part: even first-party Samsung chargers and 128GB cards together only cost about $80-90 from Amazon, and the latest model of the Gear 360 camera is going for $200.

现在考虑预订的东西。 三星为您提供了包括128GB MicroSD卡和三星品牌无线充电座或Gear 360运动相机在内的捆绑产品供您选择。 根据三星的说法,该套装的价值为190美元,相机的价格为230美元。 这在三星方面有点厚脸皮:甚至第一方三星充电器和128GB卡加在一起,在亚马逊上的售价也仅为80-90美元左右,而最新款的Gear 360相机售价为200美元。

So assuming you don’t actually want any of that stuff, I’d get the camera, resell it at 50-60% of its retail value (according to recent eBay prices), and bring the effective price of the phone itself down to $405. Awesome. Of course, you can save yourself the hassle and the discount and just keep the extras if you really want them.

因此,假设您实际上并不需要这些东西,我会拿相机,以零售价的50-60%(根据最近的eBay价格)转售,并将手机的有效价格降至405美元。 太棒了当然,您可以为自己省去麻烦和折扣,并在需要时保留多余的东西。

Even if you need to find a used phone that’s compatible with the trade-in deal, this is a huge amount of savings on a brand new flagship phone, and you can make back the initial loss of buying the older phone by selling the bonuses.


时钟的滴答声 (The Clock’s Ticking)

In addition to being only available for people who bought and then returned the Note 7 in the recall, this deal is only going to be valid until the end of September. The pre-order goodies are also, obviously, only for pre-orders. Since the Galaxy Note 8 officially releases on September 15th, it would be better to get an order in sooner rather than later. Also be aware that at this point, most of the new orders are delayed by a few weeks, so it might be October before you actually get your phone.

除了仅适用于在召回中购买并退还Note 7的人,此交易将一直有效到9月底。 显然,预订商品也仅适用于预订商品。 自从Galaxy Note 8于9月15日正式发布以来,最好早点下订单。 另请注意,此时,大多数新订单都延迟了几周,因此实际获取手机的时间可能是十月。

Another thing to note (no pun intended): for some reason, Samsung’s rebate system is very picky about this particular deal. The email link they send you to redeem your Note 7 upgrade offer is only good once. If you close out your session or remove the Note 8 and extras from your Samsung.com cart at any time, the rebate won’t work again, even if you re-send another email. I discovered this to my detriment while getting the screenshots for this article.

需要注意的另一件事(无双关语):由于某种原因,三星的回扣系统对这笔特殊交易非常挑剔。 他们发送给您用来兑换Note 7升级优惠的电子邮件链接仅一次有效。 如果您随时关闭会话或从Samsung.com购物车中删除Note 8和其他功能,则即使重新发送了一封电子邮件,折扣也无法再次使用。 在获取本文的屏幕截图时,我发现了这一点,这是不利的。

It might be possible to get a second chance at redeeming this promotion if you call in to Samsung support, but it’s not definite, and it might take a few days, pushing your phone’s shipping date back even farther.


这些东西在哪里 (Where to Go for All This Stuff)

Here’s the link for Samsung’s promotional page for former Note 7 owners. The Samsung store is selling unlocked Galaxy Note 8 models that work on all US carriers, as well as carrier-specific versions. The prices are fairly similar for all of them, and interest-free financing is available if you qualify (the monthly price goes down to about $20 for the discounted phone).

这是前Note 7所有者三星促销页面的链接。 三星商店出售的解锁版Galaxy Note 8型号适用于所有美国运营商,以及运营商特定的版本。 所有这些产品的价格都非常相似,如果您符合资格,则可以使用无息融资(打折手机的每月价格降至约20美元)。

Here’s an eBay search for the Galaxy S5 or the LG G4 if you don’t have a trade-in phone ready. Swappa is a good alternative (S5, G4)—again, both of these models can be found for less than $100, and it doesn’t matter what carrier you buy them for. If you can’t find them below $100 on eBay, try Craigslist in major city hubs. Remember, as long as it’s in decent condition and the screen isn’t cracked, you get the same discount.

如果您还没有准备好以旧换新的手机,请在eBay上搜索Galaxy S5或LG G4 。 Swappa是一个不错的选择( S5 , G4 ),同样,这两种型号的价格都不到100美元,而购买它们的运营商则无关紧要。 如果在eBay上找不到低于100美元的商品,请在主要城市中心尝试Craigslist。 请记住,只要它状况良好并且屏幕没有破裂,您将获得相同的折扣。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324413/former-galaxy-note-7-owners-can-get-a-great-deal-on-a-note-8/

docker galaxy


以上就是魔幻小蘑菇最近收集整理的关于docker galaxy_前Galaxy Note 7车主可以在Note 8上获得大量优惠的全部内容,更多相关docker内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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