我是靠谱客的博主 小巧夕阳,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍历届图灵奖获得者,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。




  1. 1966 A.J. Perlis

    alan.gif 因在新一代编程技术和编译架构方面的贡献而获奖

    For his influence in the area of advanced programming techniques and compiler construction.

  2. 1967 Maurice V. Wilkes

    maurice.jpg 因设计出第一台具有内置存储程序的计算机EDSAC而获奖

    Professor Wilkes is best known as the builder and designer of the EDSAC, the first computer with an internally stored program. Built in 1949, the EDSAC used a mercury delay line memory. He is also known as the author, with Wheeler and Gill, of a volume on "Preparation of Programs for Electronic Digital Computers" in 1951, in which program libraries were effectively introduced.

  3. 1968 Richard Hamming

    hamming.jpg 因在计数方法、自动编码系统、检测及纠正错码方面的贡献被授予图灵奖

    For his work on numerical methods, automatic coding systems, and error-detecting and error-correcting codes

  4. 1969 Marvin Minsky

    minsky.gif 因在人工智能方面的贡献而获奖

    The citation for this award winner is not currently available. For his work on numerical methods, automatic coding systems, and error-detecting and error-correcting codes

  5. 1970 J.H. Wilkinson

    wilkinson.jpg 因在利用数值分析方法来促进高速数字计算机的应用方面的研究而获奖

    For his research in numerical analysis to facilitiate the use of the high-speed digital computer, having received special recognition for his work in computations in linear algebra and "backward" error analysis.

  6. 1971 John McCarthy

    mccarthy.jpg 因对人工智能的贡献被授予图灵奖

    Dr. McCarthy's lecture "The Present State of Research on Artificial Intellegence" is a topic that covers the area in which he has achieved considerable recognition for his work.

  7. 1972 E.W. Dijkstra

    dijkstra.jpg ALGOL的推广者,率先实现了ALGOL60的编译器.他还在图论、算法和操作系统有很大的贡献。图论中的求最短路径的方法之一就是Dijkstra算法。还有操作系统中的PV操作(荷兰语通过和释放的意思)也是他提出的

    Edsger Dijkstra was a principal contributor in the late 1950's to the development of the ALGOL, a high level programming language which has become a model of clarity and mathematical rigor. He is one of the principal exponents of the science and art of programming languages in general, and has greatly contributed to our understanding of their structure, representation, and implementation. His fifteen years of publications extend from theoretical articles on graph theory to basic manuals, expository texts, and philosophical contemplations in the field of programming languages.

  8. 1973 Charles W. Bachman

    因在数据库方面的杰出贡献而获奖 。他提出并实现的第一个网状数据库系统

    For his outstanding contributions to database technology.

  9. 1974 Donald E. Knuth

    donald.gif 因在算法分析和编程语言设计方面的贡献而获奖。他著有著作art of computer programming。字符串匹配中KMP算法的K就是他。编译中学到的LR(k)文法也是他提出的

    For his major contributions to the analysis of algorithms and the design of programming languages, and in particular for his contributions to the "art of computer programming" through his well-known books in a continuous series by this title.

  10. 1975 Herbert A. Simon

    hsimon.gif 他们在人工智能、认知心里学、表处理等方面的贡献。CMU三驾马车之二还有一个Perlis

    In joint scientific efforts extending over twenty years, initially in collaboration with J. C. Shaw at the RAND Corporation, and subsequentially with numerous faculty and student collegues at Carnegie-Mellon University, they have made basic contributions to artificial intelligence, the psychology of human cognition, and list processing.

  11. 1975 Allen Newell

    newell.gif 他们在人工智能、认知心里学、表处理等方面的贡献。CMU三驾马车之二还有一个Perlis

    In joint scientific efforts extending over twenty years, initially in collaboration with J. C. Shaw at the RAND Corporation, and subsequentially with numerous faculty and student collegues at Carnegie-Mellon University, they have made basic contributions to artificial intelligence, the psychology of human cognition, and list processing.

  12. 1976 Michael O. Rabin

    michael.jpg 因他们的论文"有限自动机与它们的决策问题"中所提出的非决定性机器这一很有价值的概念而获奖

    For their joint paper "Finite Automata and Their Decision Problem," which introduced the idea of nondeterministic machines, which has proved to be an enormously valuable concept. Their (Scott & Rabin) classic paper has been a continuous source of inspiration for subsequent work in this field.

  13. 1976 Dana S. Scott

    scott.jpg 因他们的论文"有限自动机与它们的决策问题"中所提出的非决定性机器这一很有价值的概念而获奖

    For their joint paper "Finite Automata and Their Decision Problem," which introduced the idea of nondeterministic machines, which has proved to be an enormously valuable concept. Their (Scott & Rabin) classic paper has been a continuous source of inspiration for subsequent work in this field.

  14. 1977 John Backus

    backus.jpg FORTRAN语言和backus范式(BNF)的发明人。因对可用的高级编程系统设计有深远和重大的影响而获奖

    For profound, influential, and lasting contributions to the design of practical high-level programming systems, notably through his work on FORTRAN, and for seminal publication of formal procedures for the specification of programming languages.

  15. 1978 Robert W. Floyd

    floyd.gif 因其在软件编程的算法方面的深远影响,并开创了包括剖析理论、编程语言的语义、自动程序检验、自动程序合成和算法分析在内的多项计算机子学科而被授予该奖

    For having a clear influence on methodologies for the creation of efficient and reliable software, and for helping to found the following important subfields of computer science: the theory of parsing, the semantics of programming languages, automatic program verification, automatic program synthesis, and analysis of algorithms.

  16. 1979 Kenneth E. Iverson

    iverson.gif 因对程序设计语言理论、互动式系统及APL的贡献被授予该奖

    For his pioneering effort in programming languages and mathematical notation resulting in what the computing field now knows as APL, for his contributions to the implementation of interactive systems, to educational uses of APL, and to programming language theory and practice.

  17. 1980 C. Antony R. Hoare

    antony.jpg 因对程序设计语言的定义和设计所做的贡献而获奖 。著名的快速排序算法和case语句都是他的杰作。

    For his fundamental contributions to the definition and design of programming languages.

  18. 1981 Edgar F. Codd

    edgar.jpg 因在数椐库管理系统的理论和实践方面的贡献而获奖 。他第一个提出了关系模型。

    For his fundamental and continuing contributions to the theory and practice of database management systems. He originated the relational approach to database management in a series of research papers published commencing in 1970. His paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks" was a seminal paper, in a continuing and carefully developed series of papers. Dr. Codd built upon this space and in doing so has provided the impetus for widespread research into numerous related areas, including database languages, query subsystems, database semantics, locking and recovery, and inferential subsystems.

  19. 1982 Stephen A. Cook

    stephen.jpg 因奠定了NP-Completeness理论的基础而获奖。NP完全理论的奠基人。计算复杂性中的Cook定律

    For his advancement of our understanding of the complexity of computation in a significant and profound way. His seminal paper, "The Complexity of Theorem Proving Procedures," presented at the 1971 ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing, Laid the foundations for the theory of NP-Completeness. The ensuing exploration of the boundaries and nature of NP-complete class of problems has been one of the most active and important research activities in computer science for the last decade.

  20. 1983 Ken Thompson

    ken.jpg 因在通用操作系统理论方面的突出贡献,特别是对UNIX操作系统的推广的贡献而获奖。C和UNIX的发明人

    For their development of generic operating systems theory and specifically for the implementation of the UNIX operating system.

  21. 1983 Dennis M. Ritchie

    ritchie.gif 因在通用操作系统理论方面的突出贡献,特别是对UNIX操作系统的推广的贡献而获奖。C和UNIX的发明人

    For their development of generic operating systems theory and specifically for the implementation of the UNIX operating system.

  22. 1984 Niklaus Wirth

    niklaus.jpg 因开发了EULER、 ALGOL-W、 MODULA和PASCAL一系列崭新的计算语言而获奖

    For developing a sequence of innovative computer languages, EULER, ALGOL-W, MODULA and PASCAL. PASCAL has become pedagogically significant and has provided a foundation for future computer language, systems, and architectural research.

  23. 1985 Richard M. Karp

    richard.jpg 因对算法理论的贡献而获奖。他在最大网络流和组合优化问题上算法理论的贡献。他第一个提出P类的概念。并提出了P=?NP的问题

    For his continuing contributions to the theory of algorithms including the development of efficient algorithms for network flow and other combinatorial optimization problems, the identification of polynomial-time computability with the intuitive notion of algorithmic efficiency, and, most notably, contributions to the theory of NP-completeness. Karp introduced the now standard methodology for proving problems to be NP-complete which has led to the identification of many theoretical and practical problems as being computationally difficult.

  24. 1986 John Hopcroft

    hopcroft.jpg 他们在数据结构和算法设计分析方面的贡献。数据结构中学到的B树就是他们提出

    For fundamental achievements in the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.

  25. 1986 Robert E. Tarjan

    tarjan.gif 他们在数据结构和算法设计分析方面的贡献。数据结构中学到的B树就是他们提出

    For fundamental achievements in the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.

  26. 1987 John Cocke

    john_cocke.jpg 因在面向对象的编程语言和相关的编程技巧方面的贡献而获奖

    For significant contributions in the design and theory of compilers, the architecture of large systems and the development of reduced instruction set computers (RISC); for discovering and systematizing many fundamental transformations now used in optimizing compilers including reduction of operator strength, elimination of common subexpressions, register allocation, constant propagation, and dead code elimination.

  27. 1988 Ivan E. Sutherland

    ivan.jpg 因在计算机图形学方面的贡献而获奖。他成功地开发了Sketchpad其中许多方法今天依然在使用,如物体递归层次建模,几何变形,多边形的裁剪等等。记得图形学的课本上有Sutherland的算法。

    For his pioneering and visionary contributions to computer graphics, starting with Sketchpad, and continuing after. Sketchpad, though written twenty-five years ago, introduced many techniques still important today. These include a display file for screen refresh, a recursively traversed hierarchical structure for modeling graphical objects, recursive methods for geometric transformations, and an object oriented programming style. Later innovations include a "Lorgnette" for viewing stereo or colored images, and elegant algorithms for registering digitized views, clipping polygons, and representing surfaces with hidden lines.

  28. 1989 William (Velvel) Kahan

    william.gif 因在数值分析方面的贡献而获奖 。特别是他在浮点计算的贡献。IEEE754标准的制订者。

    For his fundamental contributions to numerical analysis. One of the foremost experts on floating-point computations. Kahan has dedicated himself to "making the world safe for numerical computations."

  29. 1990 Fernando J. Corbató

    fernando.jpg 因在开发大型多功能、可实现时间和资源共享的计算系统,如CTSS和Multics方面的贡献而获奖

    For his pioneering work organizing the concepts and leading the development of the general-purpose, large-scale, time-sharing and resource-sharing computer systems, CTSS and Multics.

  30. 1991 Robin Milner

    robin%20milner.jpg 他有三个贡献: 1) 形式化逻辑系统的一个数学模型LCF(Logic of Computable Functions)。2) 多态类型的元语言ML。3) 并行计算的理论CCS(Calculus for Communication)

    For three distinct and complete achievements: 1) LCF, the mechanization of Scott's Logic of Computable Functions, probably the first theoretically based yet practical tool for machine assisted proof construction; 2) ML, the first language to include polymorphic type inference together with a type-safe exception-handling mechanism; 3) CCS, a general theory of concurrency. In addition, he formulated and strongly advanced full abstraction, the study of the relationship between operational and denotational semantics.

  31. 1992 Bulter W. Lampson

    lampson.gif 他在个人计算机、工作站、网络、操作系统、显示系统、人机交互等方面的工作而获奖。开发了一个图形化的编辑器Bravo。

    For contributions to the development of distributed, personal computing environments and the technology for their implementation: workstations, networks, operating systems, programming systems, displays, security and document publishing.

  32. 1993 Richard E. Stearns

    stearns.jpg 他们创立了计算复杂性理论。

    In recognition of their seminal paper which established the foundations for the field of computational complexity theory.

  33. 1993 Juris Hartmanis

    juris.jpg 他们创立了计算复杂性理论。

    In recognition of their seminal paper which established the foundations for the field of computational complexity theory.

  34. 1994 Raj Reddy

    raj.jpg 他们是大规模的人工智能系统的设计和实现的先驱。他们合力开发了第一个专家系统DENDRAL

    For pioneering the design and construction of large scale artificial intelligence systems, demonstrating the practical importance and potential commercial impact of artificial intelligence technology.

  35. 1994 Edward A. Feigenbaum

    edward.jpg 他们是大规模的人工智能系统的设计和实现的先驱。他们合力开发了第一个专家系统DENDRAL

    For pioneering the design and construction of large scale artificial intelligence systems, demonstrating the practical importance and potential commercial impact of artificial intelligence technology.

  36. 1995 Manuel Blum

    blum.jpg 因在计算复杂性理论、应用密码学和程序测试方面的贡献而获奖

    In recognition of his contributions to the foundations of computational complexity theory and its application to cryptography and program checking.

  37. 1996 Amir Pnueli

    amir.gif 他将时序逻辑引入计算机科学,为程序和系统的检测验证方面提供一种有力的工具。

    For seminal work introducing temporal logic into computing science and for outstanding contributions to program and systems verification.

  38. 1997 Douglas Engelbart

    douglas.jpg 因在人机交互方面的贡献而获奖。他是鼠标的发明人和超文本系统的先驱

    For an inspiring vision of the future of interactive computing and the invention of key technologies to help realize this vision.

  39. 1998 James Gray

    jim.gif 因在数据库事务处理方面的贡献而获奖。他参与过IBM System R的开发工作。后来跳槽到Microsoft开发了Sql Server 7.0

    For seminal contributions to database and transaction processing research and technical leadership in system implementation.

  40. 1999 Frederick P. Brooks Jr.

    frederick.jpg 因在计算机体系结构、操作系统和软件工程方面的贡献而获奖。IBM360的总设计师。软件工程中的瀑布模型也是他提出来的。

    For landmark contributions to computer architecture, operating systems, and software engineering.

  41. 2000 Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

    andrew.jpg 因在计算理论方面的贡献而获奖。包括伪随机数的生成算法、加密算法和通讯复杂性。

    In recognition of his fundamental contributions to the theory of computation, including the complexity-based theory of pseudorandom number generation, cryptography, and communication complexity.

  42. 2001 Kristen Nygaard

    nygaard.jpg 他们因在面向对象程序设计方面的贡献而获奖。他们实现了语言Simula I和Simula 67

    For ideas fundamental to the emergence of object oriented programming, through their design of the programming languages Simula I and Simula 67.

  43. 2001 Ole-Johan Dahl

    olejohan.gif 他们因在面向对象程序设计方面的贡献而获奖。他们实现了语言Simula I和Simula 67

    For ideas fundamental to the emergence of object oriented programming, through their design of the programming languages Simula I and Simula 67.

  44. 2002 Adi Shamir

    adi-shamir.jpg 他们因在公共密匙算法方面的贡献而获奖

    For Seminal Contributions to the Theory and Practical Application of Public Key Cryptography

  45. 2002 Ronald L. Rivest

    rivest.jpg 他们因在公共密匙算法方面的贡献而获奖

    For Seminal Contributions to the Theory and Practical Application of Public Key Cryptography

  46. 2002 Leonard M. Adleman

    adleman.gif 他们因在公共密匙算法方面的贡献而获奖

    For Seminal Contributions to the Theory and Practical Application of Public Key Cryptography

  47. 2003 Alan Kay


    For pioneering many of the ideas at the root of contemporary object-oriented programming languages, leading the team that developed Smalltalk, and for fundamental contributions to personal computing.





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