我是靠谱客的博主 可爱诺言,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Python正则表达式的几种匹配用法 ,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。




regex= ur"" #正则表达式
if re. search( regex, subject) :
    do_something( )
else :
    do_anotherthing( )


regex= ur"Z" #正则表达式末尾以Z结束
if re. match( regex, subject) :
    do_something( )
else :
    do_anotherthing( )

3.创建一个匹配对象,然后通过该对象获得匹配细节(Create an object with details about how the regex matches (part of) a string)

regex= ur"" #正则表达式
match = re. search( regex, subject)
if match:
    # match start: match. start( )
    # match end ( exclusive) : atch. end( )
    # matched text: match. group( )
    do_something( )
else :
    do_anotherthing( )

4.获取正则表达式所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by the regex)

regex= ur"" #正则表达式
match = re. search( regex, subject)
if match:
    result = match. group( )
else :
    result = ""

5. 获取捕获组所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by a capturing group)

regex= ur"" #正则表达式
match = re. search( regex, subject)
if match:
    result = match. group( 1)
else :
    result = ""

6. 获取有名组所匹配的子串(Get the part of a string matched by a named group)

regex=ur"" #正则表达式
match = re.search(regex, subject)
if match:
    result = match.group"groupname")
    result = ""

7. 将字符串中所有匹配的子串放入数组中(Get an array of all regex matches in a string)

result = re. findall( regex, subject)

8.遍历所有匹配的子串(Iterate over all matches in a string)

for match in re. finditer( r"<(.*?)s*.*?/1>" , subject)
    # match start: match. start( )
    # match end ( exclusive) : atch. end( )
    # matched text: match. group( )

9.通过正则表达式字符串创建一个正则表达式对象(Create an object to use the same regex for many operations)

reobj = re. compile( regex)

10.用法1的正则表达式对象版本(use regex object for if/else branch whether (part of) a string can be matched)

reobj = re. compile( regex)
if reobj. search( subject) :
    do_something( )
else :
    do_anotherthing( )

11.用法2的正则表达式对象版本(use regex object for if/else branch whether a string can be matched entirely)

reobj = re. compile( r"Z" )  #正则表达式末尾以Z 结束
if reobj. match( subject) :
    do_something( )
else :
    do_anotherthing( )

12.创建一个正则表达式对象,然后通过该对象获得匹配细节(Create an object with details about how the regex object matches (part of) a string)

reobj = re. compile( regex)
match = reobj. search( subject)
if match:
    # match start: match. start( )
    # match end ( exclusive) : atch. end( )
    # matched text: match. group( )
    do_something( )
else :
    do_anotherthing( )

13.用正则表达式对象获取匹配子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by the regex)

reobj = re. compile( regex)
match = reobj. search( subject)
if match:
    result = match. group( )
else :
    result = ""

14.用正则表达式对象获取捕获组所匹配的子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by a capturing group)

reobj = re. compile( regex)
match = reobj. search( subject)
if match:
    result = match. group( 1)
else :
    result = ""

15.用正则表达式对象获取有名组所匹配的子串(Use regex object to get the part of a string matched by a named group)

reobj = re. compile( regex)
match = reobj. search( subject)
if match:
    result = match. group( "groupname" )
else :
    result = ""

16.用正则表达式对象获取所有匹配子串并放入数组(Use regex object to get an array of all regex matches in a string)

reobj = re. compile( regex)
result = reobj. findall( subject)

17.通过正则表达式对象遍历所有匹配子串(Use regex object to iterate over all matches in a string)

reobj = re. compile( regex)
for match in reobj. finditer( subject) :
    # match start: match. start( )
    # match end ( exclusive) : match. end( )
    # matched text: match. group( )




#用newstring替换subject中所有 与正则表达式regex匹配的子串
result = re. sub( regex, newstring, subject)


reobj = re. compile( regex)
result = reobj. sub( newstring, subject)



result = re. split( regex, subject)


reobj = re. compile( regex)
result = reobj. split( subject)


以上就是可爱诺言为你收集整理的Python正则表达式的几种匹配用法 的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Python正则表达式的几种匹配用法 所遇到的程序开发问题。



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