I''ve been thinking on this long and hard, and I can''t seem to come up
with an answer on it.
Why is it almost always assumed the MySQL will be the server for nearly
any PHP app?
Why is it MySQL and not PostGRES or SQLite?
At this point the only reason I can think of is that MySQL has a much
more friendly name. But is that really it?
Is there some winning advantage that MySQL has over PostGRES that makes
it the de-facto standard in the PHP world?
Just curious, because I''ve been playing with PostGRES for about a month
now and it seems to scale MUCH better than MySQL, what with
clustering,transactions and all that jazz.
解决方案sm*****@gmail.com wrote:
I''ve been thinking on this long and hard, and I can''t seem to come up
with an answer on it.
Why is it almost always assumed the MySQL will be the server for nearly
any PHP app?
Why is it MySQL and not PostGRES or SQLite?
At this point the only reason I can think of is that MySQL has a much
more friendly name. But is that really it?
Is there some winning advantage that MySQL has over PostGRES that makes
it the de-facto standard in the PHP world?
Just curious, because I''ve been playing with PostGRES for about a month
now and it seems to scale MUCH better than MySQL, what with
clustering,transactions and all that jazz.
My thoughts?
Go Postgresql!
But you found that website already I guess. :-)
All Postgresql-functions in PHP work perfectly.
I''ll never switch db as long as Postgresql is around.
It scales better, has LOADS more functionality, and is superrobust.
Erwin Moller
Actually I pretty much feel the same... My question I''m asking though
is why MySQL? I just get the feeling that with it''s prevailance that I
must be missing something here, other than of course it seems to be the
defacto standard.
sm*****@gmail.com wrote:Actually I pretty much feel the same... My question I''m asking though
is why MySQL? I just get the feeling that with it''s prevailance that
I must be missing something here, other than of course it seems to be
the defacto standard.
I think it is a chicken and egg situation with ISPs. They offered it,
because it was popular and it was popular because ISP offered it.
Well, that is my theory anyway. Everyone tells me that Postsomething is the
best DB out there. Hopefully MySQL will come to the play.
以上就是孝顺星月为你收集整理的为什么php都用mysql,PHP MySQL为什么?的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决为什么php都用mysql,PHP MySQL为什么?所遇到的程序开发问题。
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