News Update
Title: Article Title
Tags: tag1 tag2
Categories: Article Category, 2nd Article Category
Article snippet.
Message: Article Message. Images. More text,
more text. Lorem impsum dolor sit amet.
//These functions searches the open e-mail for the the prefix defining strings.
//Need a function to search after the space after the strings because the subject, categories, snippet, tags and message are constant-changing.
$subject = strpos($open_email_msg, "Title:"); //Searches the open e-mail for the string "Title"
$subject = str_replace("Title: ", "" ,$subject);
$categories = strpos($open_email_msg, "Categories:"); //Searches the open e-mail for the string "Categories"
$snippet = strpos($open_email_msg,"Snippet"); //Searches the open e-mail for the string "Snippet"
$content = strpos($open_email_msg, "Message"); //Searches the open-email for the string "Message"
$tags = str_replace(' ',',',$subject); //DDIE
$uri = str_replace(' ','-',$subject); //DDIE
$when = strtotime("now"); //date article was posted
以上就是动听歌曲最近收集整理的关于php (strpos,php – 在strpos()的字符串中使用正则表达式的全部内容,更多相关php内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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