我是靠谱客的博主 满意飞机,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍V$BACKUP_FILES,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



V$BACKUP_FILES displays information about all RMAN backups (both image copies and backup sets) and archived logs.

This view simulates the LIST BACKUP and LIST COPY RMAN commands. This view requires that the database be set using the DBMS_RCVMAN.SETDATABASE procedure.

PKEYNUMBERPrimary key for the backup
BACKUP_TYPEVARCHAR2(32)Type of the backup:

  • COPY


FILE_TYPEVARCHAR2(32)Type of the file:




  • COPY (for an image copy backup)

  • PIECE (for a backup piece)

KEEPVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the backup has a retention policy different from the value for CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY (YES) or not (NO)
KEEP_UNTILDATEIf the KEEP UNTIL TIME clause of the BACKUP command was specified, then this column shows the date after which the backup becomes obsolete. If the column is null and KEEP_OPTIONS is not null, the backup never becomes obsolete.
KEEP_OPTIONSVARCHAR2(13)KEEP options for the backup:
  • LOGS - RMAN keeps the logs needed to recover the backup

  • NOLOGS - RMAN does not keep the logs needed to recover the backup

If this column is null, then the backup has no KEEP options and will be made obsolete based on the retention policy.

STATUSVARCHAR2(16)Status of the backup:




FNAMEVARCHAR2(1024)Name of the file
TAGVARCHAR2(32)Tag of the piece, copy, or proxy copy
MEDIAVARCHAR2(80)Media ID of the piece or proxy copy
RECIDNUMBERRecid of the record in the controlfile
STAMPNUMBERStamp of the record in the controlfile
DEVICE_TYPEVARCHAR2(255)Type of media device that stores the backup
BLOCK_SIZENUMBERBlock size for the backup (in bytes)
COMPLETION_TIMEDATETime when the backup completed
COMPRESSEDVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the backup piece is compressed (YES) or not (NO); valid only if FILE_TYPE is PIECE. Image copies cannot be compressed.
OBSOLETEVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the backup piece or copy is obsolete (YES) or not (NO); valid only if FILE_TYPE is PIECE or COPY
BYTESNUMBERSize of the file (in bytes)
BS_KEYNUMBERPrimary key of the backup set (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_COUNTNUMBERCount of the backup set from the controlfile record (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_STAMPNUMBERStamp of the backup set from the controlfile record (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_TYPEVARCHAR2(32)Type of the backup set (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET):


BS_INCR_TYPEVARCHAR2(32)Incremental type of the backup set (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_PIECESNUMBERNumber of backup pieces in the backup set (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_COPIESNUMBERNumber of copies of the backup set (valid only if FILE_TYPE is PIECE and BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_COMPLETION_TIMEDATECompletion time of the backup set (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_STATUSVARCHAR2(16)Status of the backup set (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET):



  • OTHER - Pieces which are part of the backup set do not have uniform status (that is, some of them are available, some not)

BS_BYTESNUMBERSum of all backup piece sizes in the backup set (valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_COMPRESSEDVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the backup pieces of the backup set are compressed (YES) or not (NO); valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET
BS_TAGVARCHAR2(1024)Tags of the backup set. If pieces have different tags, then all piece tags are concatenated and separated by commas. Valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BS_DEVICE_TYPEVARCHAR2(255)Device type of the backup set. If there is more than one device type, then they are separated by commas. Valid only if BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET
BP_PIECE#NUMBERNumber of pieces inside the backup set (valid only if FILE_TYPE is PIECE and BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
BP_COPY#NUMBERNumber of copies of the backup set (valid only if FILE_TYPE is PIECE and BACKUP_TYPE is BACKUP SET)
DF_FILE#NUMBERAbsolute file number of the datafile (valid only if FILE_TYPE is DATAFILE)
DF_TABLESPACEVARCHAR2(30)Tablespace name of the datafile (valid only if FILE_TYPE is DATAFILE)
DF_RESETLOGS_CHANGE#NUMBERSystem change number (SCN) of the most recent RESETLOGS when the control file or datafile was created (valid only if FILE_TYPE is DATAFILE)
DF_CREATION_CHANGE#NUMBERCreation SCN of the control file or datafile (valid only if FILE_TYPE is DATAFILE)
DF_CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#NUMBERSystem change number (SCN) of the most recent control file or datafile checkpoint (valid only if FILE_TYPE is DATAFILE)
DF_CKP_MOD_TIMEDATEModification time in case of SPFILE, otherwise time when the control file or datafile was checkpointed (valid only if FILE_TYPE is DATAFILE)
RL_THREAD#NUMBERRedo log thread number of the archived log (valid only if FILE_TYPE is REDO LOG)
RL_SEQUENCE#NUMBERRedo log sequence number of the archived log (valid only if FILE_TYPE is REDO LOG)
RL_RESETLOGS_CHANGE#NUMBERSystem change number (SCN) of the most recent RESETLOGS when the record was created (valid only if FILE_TYPE is REDO LOG)
RL_FIRST_CHANGE#NUMBERFirst SCN of the redo log (valid only if FILE_TYPE is REDO LOG)
RL_FIRST_TIMEDATETime when the Oracle Database switched into the redo log (valid only if FILE_TYPE is REDO LOG)
RL_NEXT_CHANGE#NUMBERFirst SCN of the next redo log in the thread (valid only if FILE_TYPE is REDO LOG)
RL_NEXT_TIMEDATEFirst timestamp of the next redo log in the thread (valid only if FILE_TYPE is REDO LOG)





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