Logic Gates are the fundamental building blocks of a digital system. The name Logic Gates has been derived from the fact that the device should be able to make decisions on its own. It should be able to distinguish different output levels, for example, one output level is produced when some level of input is present and other output level is produced when another set of input is provided.
逻辑门是数字系统的基本构建块。 逻辑门之所以得名,是因为该设备应该能够自行做出决定。 它应该能够区分不同的输出级别,例如,当某个输入级别存在时,将生成一个输出级别,而当提供另一组输入时,则将生成另一个输出级别。
Input and Output of logic gates occur in only two states either ON/High/True or OFF/Low/False. We simply represent these in numerical form as 1 and 0 respectively.
逻辑门的输入和输出仅在两种状态下出现:ON / High / True或OFF / Low / False。 我们仅将它们分别以数字形式表示为1和0。
A Truth Table contains all possible combinations of inputs and their possible outputs. It shows how the logic circ
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