我是靠谱客的博主 虚拟小伙,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍MySQL Cluster ,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



1 .MySQL Cluster

集群是一个写操作可扩展的、实时的、符合 ACID 规则的事务处理数据库,可用性达 99.999%,且有开放源码,低TCO 特点。 MySQL 集群的架构是分布式多主结构,无单点故障,通过 SQL NoSQL 接口访问,可以

低成本硬件上横向扩展以支持大量读写工作量。 MySQL 集群的实时设计实现了可预计的毫秒级响应性能,每秒能支持数百万次操作。此外,MySQL 集群还支持内存和磁盘数据存储,以及自动数据分区(分片),并带有负载平衡和向正在运行的集群中添加注释(而不需停机)的功能,使线性数据库可以有效地扩展而处理最难以预计的互联网工作量。

复制和 Cluster 集群的区别
在复制系统中,一个 MySQL 主服务器会更新一个或多个从服务器。事务是顺序地提交的,因此一个慢事务就可能导致从服务器比主服务器落后一段时间。这也意味着如果主服务器出错失败了,那么从服务器可能会缺少记录最后的那一小部分事务日志。如果使用的是事务安全存储引擎的话,例如InnoDB,那么事务日志则会完全记录到从服务器上去或者完全不记录。但是复制不能保证主和从服务器上的数据总是保持一致性。 MySQL 集群中,所有的数据总是保持同步。在任何数据节点上提交的事务都同步到所有其他的数据节点上了,如果有一个数据节点失败了,其他正常的数据节点照样能保持数据的一致性。

集群可以运行在任何启用 NDB 的平台上。CPU 越快,内存越大,对集群性能提升越明显。64 位的 CPU 也可能比 32 位的处理器更快。每个作为数据节点的机器都必须有足够的内存来保存共享数据库,内存的使用量越大越好。 MySQL 集群适合用于高速带宽的环境中,它采用 TCP/IP 方式连接,它的性能跟主机间

的连接速率有直接关系,集群中的最小速率要求是常规的 100Mb 以太网或者等同的网络。

集群自动将表格划分到不同节点上,使数据库可以在低成本的商业硬件上横向扩展以支持读写量大的工作任务。另外由于有 active/active 的多主架构,更新可以在任何节点上操作,而且可以立即用到访问集群的所有其它客户机上。表可以自动分区到多个数据节点中,使数据库能够横向扩展以支持读写密集型的工作负荷。最高支持255个节点,其中的48个可以是数据节点。通过数据库层的自动分区表,MySQL集群无需在应用程序层面分片,因此大大简化了应用程序的开发和维护。分片对应用程序来说是完全透明的,应用程序能够连接到集群中的任何节点,并能在查询或事务处理时自动访问正确的分片。默认情况下,分片是基于整个主键的散列而进行的,这种分片方法使数据和查询能在集群中更加均匀地分布。需要注意的是,在MySQL集群下建表,必须要有主键ID另外,与其它分布式数据库不同,用户在不同片区间执行查询和事务处理时无需失去执 JOIN 操作的能力或牺牲ACID 保证,这一点很重要。MySQL 集群 7.2 开发里程碑版本中,适应性查询定位将JOIN 操作推到数据节点层面,在那里以本地、平行的方式执行,从而大大减少了网络跳跃,使网络吞吐量提高了20-40 倍,并降低了延迟。这使用户可以在正在活跃的 OLTP 数据集中执行复杂的查询,如实时分析性查询,从而为从用户行为和参数选择中获得更大价值提供了无数可能。MYSQL自动分区的示意图如下:



集群的分布式无共享架构,能确保足够的自我恢复和故障恢复能力,详细描述如下: 1MySQL 集群即时地检测各种故障,并自动对集群中的其它活跃节点进行控制,而无需中断客户端的服务。 2,在发生故障时,MySQL集群的节点能通过自我重启、恢复和动态化的重新配置而自我修复,且所有这些对应用程序来说都是完全透明的。 3,数据节点内的数据同步复制到节点组中的所有节点上。某个数据节点发生故障时,至少有一个其他节点存储着相同的信息。 4,某个数据节点发生故障时,MySQL服务器或应用程序节点可以使用节点组内的任何其它数据节点来执行事务处理。此时,应用程序简单地重试这个事务处理请求,而其它数据节点就会成功地满足这个请求。 5,可以部署复制管理服务器节点,这样,即使某个管理服务器发生故障,也不会丧失任何管理或裁断功能。用这种方式设计集群可以使系统具有更高的可靠性和可用性,因为消除了单点故障。何节点都可以发生故障而不会影响整个系统的功能。如下图所示,即使一个数据节点失效时,只要该节点组中还有一个或多个有效节点,应用程序就可以继续执行。

从上图所见,MYSQL 集群提高数据库系统可靠性和可用性的技术包括: 1,数据在节点组中的所有数据节点之间复制。这能减少节点发生故障时的失效备援时间,因为无需重新创建和查看日志文件。 2,节点在多个主机上执行,使MySQL 集群在发生硬件故障时也能运行。 3,由于有无共享架构,每个数据节点都有自己的磁盘和内存存储器,因此在共享存储器中的故障不会导致整个集群的停机。 4,消除了单点故障。即使多个节点发生故障,数据也不会丢失,使用数据库的应用程序也无需停止。类似地,网络也可以用这种方式实现互连单元之间的无单点故障结构。

2 .MySQL Cluster

2.1 MYSQL Cluster
Mysql Cluster
的介绍:http://www.mysql.com/products/cluster/ Mysql Cluster 下载地址:http://www.mysql.com/downloads/cluster/

管理节点服务器 Windows Server 2008
数据节点服务器 / SQL 节点服务器 Windows Server 2008 数据节点服务器 / SQL 节点服务器 Windows Server2008 SQL 节点服务器(暂时没用) CentOS Liunx SQL 节点服务器(暂时没用) CentOS Liunx 当前的部署示意图:

在现有的结构下,当 CentOS MYSQL 设置完成之后,会将 SQL 节点换成 / 两台服务器来承担。

2.3 MYSQL Cluster
Windows 下的安装
,分别在三台服务器上解压 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.8-winx64 ,改名成 mysql-cluster并在每一个 data 目录下面创建子目录ndbdata 2 管理节点服务器上面设置 Config.ini My.ini 文件不需要在管理节点中配置,Config.ini 配置如下。 [NDBD DEFAULT]

定义集群中每个表保存在拷贝数, 另外还指定节点组的大小. # 节点组指保存相同信息的节点集合. # 通常情况下不需要为该参数指定值. # NoOfReplicas 没有默认值, 最大的可能值为 4.

指定数据内存, 默认值为 80MB, 最小值 1MB, 无大小限制

指定索引内存, 默认值为 18MB, 最小值 1MB, 无大小限制

# #
该参数是 BackupDataBufferSize BackupLogBufferSize 之和。默认值是2MB + 2MB = 4MB

BackupMemory=64M [MGM DEFAULT]


DataDir=D:\mysql-cluster\data\ndbdata [NDB_MGMD] nodeid=1
管理节点服务器的 IP 地址

HostName= [NDBD] nodeid=2


DataDir=D:\mysql-cluster\data\ndbdata [NDBD] nodeid=3 HostName=\MySQL-Cluster\data\ndbdata [MySQLD]


HostName= [MySQLD] nodeid=5 HostName= 3 上面设置 my.ini 文件, My.ini 可查看现有文件,My.ini 文件的重点就在于加上以下的配置节。 [MYSQL_CLUSTER]
设置管理节点的地址及端口,这样就不需要在启动数据节点时输入 ndbd –c ipaddr:prot

ndb-connectstring= [mysqld] Ndbcluster

避免在建表的 sql 语句中还要加入 ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER

default-storage-engine=NDBCLUSTER 4
,安装 MySQL-Cluster,执行命令: mysql bin --defaults-file="D:mysql-clustermy.ini" mysqld --install MySQL

,启动 MySQL 进行下一步安装准备。 Net Start MySQL 6,配置 MYSQL 的访问信息。 Mysqlbin 下面 mysql -u root -pmysql>use mysql; mysql>desc user; //设置权限,让 MYSQL 可以被外部访问mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO root@"%" IDENTIFIED BY"root"; //更新密码为 123456

mysql>update user set Password = password('123456') where User='root'; //
立即生效 mysql>flushprivileges; mysql>exit; 7,关闭 MYSQL,等待 MySQL Cluster 集群的启动。 Net Stop MySQL

2.4 MYSQL Cluster
CentOS Liunx 下的安装

3 .MySQL Cluster

启动 MySQL Cluster 的顺序和方法
按照管理节点 ? 数据节点 ? SQL 节点的步骤启动MySQL Cluster 集群,第一次启动需要添加参数 --initial 1,启动管理节点,登陆10.21.11.81 服务器。执行命令: ndb_mgmd -f "D:/mysql-cluster/config.ini"--configdir="D:/mysql-cluster" 2,启动数据节点,分别登陆 两台服务器,执行命令:ndbd --initial 3启动 SQL 节点(windows)分别登陆 两台服务器,执行命令: Net start mysql

关闭 MySQL Cluster 的顺序和方法按照 SQL 节点 ? 数据节点 ? 管理节点的步骤关闭MySQL Cluster 集群。
,关闭管理节点,登陆 服务器。执行命令: ndb_mgm -e "SHUTDOWN" 2,关闭数据节点,分别登陆 两台服务器,执行命令:ndb_mgm -e "SHUTDOWN" 3启动 SQL 节点(windows)分别登陆 两台服务器,执行命令: Net Stop Mysql

4 .MySQL Cluster


每一个 ASP.NET 的应用分别执行多个事务、更新、查询。如下图所示:

详细的 SQL 执行列表:
begin transaction with isolation level: Unspecified INSERT INTO demo_role(RoleName) VALUES ('
角色'); select SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO demo_user (UserName,Createtime, RoleId) VALUES ('jadesun','2012-10-09T16:29:01.00', 2740970);select SCOPE_IDENTITY() commit transaction begin transaction with isolationlevel: Unspecified UPDATE demo_user SET UserName = 'bincle' , Createtime ='2012-10-09T16:29:01.00', RoleId = 2740970 WHERE commit transaction SELECT TOP(1 /* @p0 */) this_.Id this_.UserName this_.RoleId FROM demo_user this WHERESELECT demorole0_.Id FROM as Id14_0_, as UserName14_0_, as RoleId14_0_ Id =2740970 /* @p3_0 */

this_.Createtime as Createtime14_0_, this_.UserName = 'bincle' /* @p1 */

as Id13_0_,

demorole0_.RoleName as RoleName13_0_ demo_role demorole0_ WHERE demorole0_.Id =1

个并发虚拟用户响应时间 Transaction Name Minimum Average Maximum Std. 90 Pass DeviationPercent 1.25 2.198 0.221 1.362 Fail Stop 0

Action_transaction 0

642,090 0

最小。Average 平均。Maximum 最大。Std. Deviation 标准差,这值越小表明统计值越集中在某个点。 90 Percent 90%的平均值,一般我们取这个值为平均响应时间,这90%会在全部统计中去除共 10% 的最大、最小,以此降低统计偏差。Pass 事务成功次数。Fail 事务失败数。Stop 事务中止数。



5 .MySQL Cluster

模拟其中一个 SQL 节点宕机时,另一个 SQL 节点是否正常运行。 1,登陆,执行 net stop mysql; 177 上面的 SQL 节点关闭。进行查询时 177 报出了连接异常。

,连接 MYSQL 服务器,可以继续进行查询。



2 管理节点上面可以看到177 的数据节点和管理节点都关闭。

启动 177 SQL 节点,看看此时查询是否正常。是否能用到166 的数据节点中的数据。
SQL 节点已经启动,但 ndbd(NDB)节点还是脱机的。

连接上 SQL 节点进行查询,是有结果返回的。说明使用了集群中 166 的数据节点中的数据。5.3 当宕机的数据节点恢复之后,是否能快速的同步恢复数据。 1,在当前有一个数据节点脱机的情况下新增数据,看看能不能同步到另一个数据节点中。 INSERT INTOdemo_user (username,roleid) values ('jadesun',2); 2,将 177 的数据节点恢复入集群,然后将166 脱机。再查询一下数据总量是一致的,说明数据已经进行了同步恢复。


6 .MySQL Cluster

:如果发现关闭一台机器的 ndbd 进程,另一台机器的 ndbd 的进程也关闭,则需要修改参 NoOfReplicas 2./ndbd --initial 不能同时在所有数据节点机器上执行,如执行,会删除所有数据。 3:可以像操作非簇类型的数据库那样,操作 mysqld 节点。 4:每次修 config.ini 文件,重 ndb_mgmd 时,需要删 mysql-cluster 件下的 ndb_1_config.bin.1文件,因为 MySQL Cluster 默认调用此文件。 5如果在相关节点服务器启动时,注意查看~/mysql/mysql-cluster目录内的相关日志文件以获取错误信息。 6:在管理节点的配置文件里各[mysqld],[ndbd][ndb_mgmd]配置的选项值顺序应该如下:[mysqld] nodeid=4 HostName= Id 在顶端紧跟其后的是 HostName,如果顺序错了,当SQL 或数据节点连接管理节点时,管理节点无法正确的定位到其对应的节点配置上。因为无法定位到对应的节点配置,当没有剩余[空节点],客户端节点启动时(./mysqldor ./ndbd)还会报: Configuration error: Error : Could not alloc node id at192.168.0.231 port 1186: No free node id found for mysqld (API).Failed toinitialize consumers 7[空节点]是没有指定 HostName 选项的节点配置均为空节点,空节点可以用来动态配置一些动态 IP 的节点,一般管理节点的配置文件要预留 3个以上的空节点,因为备份时需要连接一个节点,如下:[mysqld] Id=6 8:配置集群的时候,正在加载的进程非正常中断了,并且报错信息如下,为什么会这样? ERROR 1114: The table 'my_cluster_table' is full 原因很有可能是因为设置的内存不足以装下所有的数据表及其索引,包括 NDB 存储引

擎中所需的主键以及如果没有定义主键时自动创建的索引。所有的数据节点的内存大小都要一样,因为集群中任何数据节点都不能使用比其他数据节点最小内存还多的内存。换句话,如果集群中有 4台计算机,如果有 3 台计算机的内存都 3GB,另外一台只有1GB,那么每个数据节点最多只能拿出 1GB 内存用于集群。 9MySQL 集群使用 TCP/IP 协议,这是否意味着可以跨越 Internet 网,把某些节点放在远程, 来使用集群呢? 在这种条件下, MySQL 集群不大可能有稳定的表现,因为 MySQL 集群是设计和实现在良好的高速连接速率环境下的。同样地,要清楚地意识到MySQL 集群的 2 个节点之间的通信是不安全的。它们没有经过任何保护机制加密或者防护。


1 -=============================================================================mysql> SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_NAME,EXTENT_SIZE*TOTAL_EXTENTS/1024/1024 AS TOTAL_MB,EXTENT_SIZE*FREE_EXTENTS/1024/1024 AS FREE_MB, EXTRA FROMinformation_schema.FILES WHERE FILE_TYPE="DATAFILE";+-----------------+------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+| TABLESPACE_NAME | FILE_NAME | TOTAL_MB | FREE_MB | EXTRA |+-----------------+------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+| ts_1 | data_2.dat | 10240.00000000 | 10146.00000000 | CLUSTER_NODE=4 | | ts_1| data_2.dat | 10240.00000000 | 10146.00000000 | CLUSTER_NODE=5 | | ts_1 |data_2.dat | 10240.00000000 | 10146.00000000 | CLUSTER_NODE=6 | | ts_1 |data_2.dat | 10240.00000000 | 10162.00000000 | CLUSTER_NODE=7 | | ts_1 |data_1.dat | 512.00000000 | 19.00000000 | CLUSTER_NODE=4 | | ts_1 | data_1.dat| 512.00000000 | 19.00000000 | CLUSTER_NODE=5 | | ts_1 | data_1.dat |512.00000000 | 16.00000000 | CLUSTER_NODE=6 | | ts_1 | data_1.dat |512.00000000 | 0.00000000 | CLUSTER_NODE=7 |+-----------------+------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+

mysql> Query 2 CREATE row

DATABASE 2 warnings zhang; sec)





mysql> mysql> mysql> mysql> show warnings; +---------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Level | Code | Message |+---------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Warning | 1296 | Got error 4009 'Cluster Failure' from NDB. Could not acquireglobal schema lock | | Warning | 1296 | Got error 4009 'Cluster Failure' fromCould not log query '%s' on other mysqld's |+---------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
ok /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe
3 ERROR 1296 (HY000): Got error 157'Unknown error code' from NDBCLUSTER -============================== mysql>Database mysql> mysql> mysql> ERROR 1296 mysql> mysql> mysql>mysql> mysql> mysql> ERROR 1296 mysql> mysql> use bg; changed

show (HY000): Got


create 157 'Unknown


table code' from


show (HY000): Got


create 157 'Unknown


table code' from


mysql> ERROR

create table bgt2(id 1005 (HY000): Can't create

int,name varchar(20))engine=ndb; table 'bg.bgt2' (errno: 157)

ok sql [root@banggodata]# Shutting down [root@banggo MySQL.... data]#

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld stop /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld [ ] start

Starting MySQL... [
] [root@banggodata]# mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g. YourMySQL connection id is 2 Server version: 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl MySQL ClusterCommunity Server (GPL) Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered affiliates. Other names owners.

trademark of Oracle may be trademarks

Corporation and/or its of their respective

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.mysql> Database mysql> +--------------+ | +--------------+ |+--------------+ 1 use show Tables_in_bg bgt1 row in set (0.03 bg; changedtables; | | sec) bgt1; Default | | | (0.02 Extra | | | sec)

mysql> desc +-------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field |Type | Null | Key | +-------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | id| int(11) | NO | PRI | 0 | name | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL+-------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 2 rows in set

4 ERROR 1296(HY000): Got error 157 'Unknown error code' from NDBCLUSTER --=============================================================================2012-07-18 09:58:15 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.41. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).'2012-07-18 09:58:16 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.39. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).'2012-07-18 09:58:16 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.39. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).'2012-07-18 09:58:17 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.41. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).'2012-07-18 09:58:17 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.41. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).'2012-07-18 09:58:18 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.39. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).' 2012-07-1809:58:18 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.39. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).'2012-07-18 09:58:19 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.41. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).'2012-07-18 09:58:19 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.41. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).'2012-07-18 09:58:20 [MgmtSrvr] WARNING -- Failed to allocate nodeid for API at10.100.200.39. Returned eror: 'No free node id found for mysqld(API).' ok [API] [API]config.ini sql 便 s

-- =============================================================================
5 --=============================================================================2012-07-18 23:34:48 [ndbd] INFO -- Start initiated (mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4)NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer Adding 7164Mb toZONE_LO (32896,229247) Adding 4301Mb to ZONE_LO (262145,137607)NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 forIn/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate bufferNDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer

NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 forIn/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate bufferNDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer WOPool::init(61, 9) RWPool::init(22,14) 2012-07-18 23:35:00 [ndbd] INFO -- timerHandlingLab now: 12658118985 sent:12658118306 diff: 679 2012-07-18 23:36:09 [ndbd] WARNING -- Ndb kernel thread 0is stuck in: Allocating memory elapsed=60029 2012-07-18 23:36:09 [ndbd] INFO --Watchdog: User time: 244 System time: 6855 2012-07-18 23:36:35 [ndbd] ALERT --Node 4: Forced node shutdown completed. Occured during startphase 0. Initiatedby signal 9.
ok 调小参数,内存超过了。 : mchdba

6 --=============================================================================mysql> CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_1.log' INITIAL_SIZE 1024M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 128 M ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have anerror in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQLserver version for the right syntax to use near 'M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 128 MENGINE NDBCLUSTER' at line 1 mysql> ok M -- CREATE LOGFILEGROUP lg_1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_1.log' INITIAL_SIZE 536870912 UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE67108864 ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; mysql> CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 ADD UNDOFILE'undo_1.log' INITIAL_SIZE 536870912 UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 67108864 ENGINENDBCLUSTER; Query OK, 0 rows affected (27.95 sec) -- CREATE TABLESPACE ts_1 ADDDATAFILE 'data_1.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 INITIAL_SIZE 536870912 ENGINENDBCLUSTER; mysql> CREATE TABLESPACE ts_1 ADD DATAFILE 'data_1.dat' USELOGFILE GROUP lg_1 INITIAL_SIZE 536870912 ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; Query OK, 0 rowsaffected (28.79 sec)

使 CREATE TABLE`bgtdisk` `Name` varchar(50) NOT `ProviderName` varchar(200) NOT PRIMARY KEY )tablespace ts_1 storage disk ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; : mchdba :


NULL, NULL, (`Name`)



7 --=============================================================================Caused by error 2353: 'Insufficent nodes for system restart(Restart error).Temporary error, restart node'. error:没有解决,后来重新部署了 cluster : mchdba : 2012-8-16 19:51

8 ERROR 1528(HY000): Failed to create LOGFILE GROUP --=============================================================================mysql> CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg_02 ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_02.log' INITIAL_SIZE5368709120 UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 67108864 ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; ERROR 1528 (HY000):Failed to create LOGFILE GROUP mysql> mysql> mysql> mysql> showerrors; +-------+------+--------------------------------+ | Level | Code |Message | +-------+------+--------------------------------+ | Error | 1528 |Failed to create LOGFILE GROUP |+-------+------+--------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> MYSQL 只有删掉原来的才可以创建新的。 LOGFILE GROUP


-- =============================================================================
9 ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table 'UserMvpbak' is full --=============================================================================mysql> insert into UserMvpbak select * from UserMvp limit 800000,200000; ERROR1114 (HY000): The table 'UserMvpbak' is full mysql> alter tablespace ts_1add datafile 'data_3.dat' initial_size 21474836480 engine ndb; ok mysql> altertablespace -> add datafile -> initial_size -> engine Query OK, 0 rowsaffected (1 min

ts_1 'data_2.dat' 10737418240 ndb; 54.30 sec)

另外,也有可能是 DataMemory 满了的原因。解决办法如下: ndb_mgm> all report memory; 使 config.ini Node 2: Data usageis 0%(22 32K pages of total 131072) Node 2: Index usage is 0%(16 8K pages oftotal 102432) Node 3: Data usage is 0%(22 32K pages of total 131072) Node 3:Index usage is 0%(16 8K pages of total 102432)

-- =============================================================================
10 ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table 'UserMvpbak' is full --=============================================================================mysql> insert into um select * from um limit 940000,3000000; ERROR 1205(HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction mysql> [ok] mysql> replaceinto um select * from um limit 940000,800000; Query OK, 755105 rows affected (2min 44.54 Records: 755105 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 sec)

11 Node 4: Forcednode shutdown completed. Occured during startphase 0. Initiated by signal 11.-- =============================================================================2012-08-15 12:35:38 [ndbd] INFO -- Start initiated (mysql-5.5.25 ndb-7.2.7)NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer 2012-08-15 12:35:45[ndbd] WARNING -- Ndb kernel thread 0 is stuck in: Polling for Receiveelapsed=159 2012-08-15 12:35:45 [ndbd] INFO -- timerHandlingLab now: 498814955sent: 498814782 diff: 173 2012-08-15 12:35:45 [ndbd] INFO -- Watchdog: Usertime: 28 System time: 497 2012-08-15 12:35:47 [ndbd] INFO -- timerHandlingLabnow: 498816970 sent: 498816803 diff: 167 2012-08-15 12:35:49 [ndbd] INFO --Watchdog: User time: 39 System time: 741 2012-08-15 12:35:49 [ndbd] WARNING --Watchdog: Warning overslept 262 ms, expected 100 ms. 2012-08-15 12:35:49 [ndbd]INFO -- timerHandlingLab now: 498818963 sent: 498818779 diff: 184 Adding 5201Mbto ZONE_LO (1152,166408) NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflatebuffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate bufferNDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 forIn/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate bufferNDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 forIn/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate bufferNDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 forIn/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate bufferNDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 forIn/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate bufferNDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 forIn/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer

NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile:Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 forIn/Deflate buffer NDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate bufferNDBFS/AsyncFile: Allocating 310392 for In/Deflate buffer 2012-08-15 12:35:56[ndbd] WARNING -- Ndb kernel thread 0 is stuck in: Allocating memoryelapsed=6002 2012-08-15 12:35:56 [ndbd] INFO -- Watchdog: User time: 61 Systemtime: 1179 2012-08-15 12:36:02 [ndbd] WARNING -- Ndb kernel thread 0 is stuckin: Allocating memory elapsed=12006 2012-08-15 12:36:02 [ndbd] INFO --Watchdog: User time: 64 System time: 1763 2012-08-15 12:36:08 [ndbd] WARNING --Ndb kernel thread 0 is stuck in: Allocating memory elapsed=18030 2012-08-1512:36:08 [ndbd] INFO -- Watchdog: User time: 70 System time: 1957 2012-08-1512:36:12 [ndbd] ALERT -- Node 4: Forced node shutdown completed. Occured duringstartphase 0. Initiated by signal 11.

#MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions=100000 #MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations=10000000#MaxNoOfLocalOperations=11000000 : mchdba

12 -- =============================================================================[root@banggo mysql-cluster]# ndb_mgmd -f/usr/local/mysql/cluster-conf/config.ini --reload MySQL Cluster ManagementServer mysql-5.5.25 ndb-7.2.7 2012-08-15 21:36:54 [MgmtSrvr] ERROR -- at line18: Illegal value 128 for parameter LockPagesInMainMemory. Legal values arebetween 0 and 2 2012-08-15 21:36:54 [MgmtSrvr] ERROR -- at line 18: Could notparse name-value pair in config file. 2012-08-15 21:36:54 [MgmtSrvr] ERROR --Could not load configuration from '/usr/local/mysql/cluster-conf/config.ini'2012-08-15 21:36:54 [MgmtSrvr] ERROR -- Could not determine which nodeid to usefor this node. Specify it with --ndb-nodeid=<nodeid> on command line[root@banggo mysql-cluster]# [root@banggo mysql-cluster]# okLockPagesInMainMemory值设置太大了!改成默认的 1,搞定。




13 1528 --=============================================================================mysql> CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 -> ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_2.log' ->INITIAL_SIZE 634217728 -> UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 134217728 -> ENGINENDBCLUSTER; ERROR 1528 (HY000): Failed to create LOGFILE GROUP mysql>mysql> mysql> mysql> show warnings; +---------+------+---------------------------------------------------+| Level | Code | Message |+---------+------+---------------------------------------------------+ |Warning | 1296 | Got error 1504 'Out of logbuffer memory' from NDB | | Error |1528 | Failed to create LOGFILE GROUP |+---------+------+---------------------------------------------------+ 2 rowsin set (0.00 sec) ok # UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 不能超过 config.ini 的配置 RedoBuffer=32M 大小,否则创建失败,CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_2.log' INITIAL_SIZE 634217728UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 33554432 ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; CREATE TABLESPACE ts_1 ADDDATAFILE 'data_10.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 INITIAL_SIZE 32212254720EXTENT_SIZE 33554432 ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; 执行结束之后,需要去数据目录/var/lib/mysql-cluster/里面看看 undo 文件和 data 文件, 2 CREATE TABLESPACEts_2 ADD DATAFILE 'data_20.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 INITIAL_SIZE 10737418240


33554432 NDBCLUSTER;

create table bguserdb.mcbak like test.mc; alter table bguserdb.mcbak tablespacets_1 storage disk ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert intobguserdb.mcbak select * from test.mc; CREATE TABLESPACE ts_1 ADD DATAFILE'data_10.dat‘ USE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 INITIAL_SIZE 32212254720 EXTENT_SIZE33554432 ENGINE NDBCLUSTER;
: mchdba mchdba : 2012-8-162012-8-16 20:17 20:17

14 1528 -=============================================================================mysql> insert into bguserdb.mv select * from test.mc; ERROR 1297 (HY000):Got temporary error 410 'REDO log files overloaded (decreaseTimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints or increase NoOfFragmentLogFiles)' from NDBCLUSTERmysql> TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints=30NoOfFragmentLogFiles=128 2

15 1005 -- =============================================================================mysql> create table bu.mcbak like test.mc; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07sec) mysql> alter table bu.mcbak tablespace ts_1 storage diskENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table'bu.#sql-14ab_2' (errno: 140) mysql> show errors;+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------+

| Level | Code | Message+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Error| 1005 | Can't create table 'bu.#sql-14ab_2' (errno:+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------+ 1 rowin set (0.00 mysql> show+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |Level | Code | Message+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |Warning | 1296 | Got error 755 'Invalid tablespace' from NDB | Error | 1005 |Can't create table 'bu.#sql-14ab_2' (errno:+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------+ 2rows in set (0.00 mysql>

| 140) |

sec) warnings; | | | sec)


ok CREATE LOGFILEGROUP lg_1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_1.log' INITIAL_SIZE 334217728 UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE33554432 ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; CREATE TABLESPACE ts_1 ADD DATAFILE 'data_11.dat'USE LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 INITIAL_SIZE 4294967296 EXTENT_SIZE 33554432 ENGINENDBCLUSTER; alter table bu.mc tablespace ts_1 storage disk ENGINE=ndbclusterDEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into bu.mc select * from test.mc limit 0,100000;

16 1005 --=============================================================================mysql> alter table oib TABLESPACE ts_1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=ndbclusterDEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'os.#sql-711_3'(errno: 851) mysql> show warnings;+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Level | Code | Message |+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Warning | 1296 | Got error 851 'Maximum 8052 bytes of FIXED columnssupported, use varchar or COLUMN_FORMAT DYNMIC instead' from NDB | | Error |1005 | Can't create table 'os.#sql-711_3' (errno:

851) |+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec) [
暂无解决方案]google 之,无果! : mchdba : 2012-8-16 20:22

17 1297 --=============================================================================mysql> alter table ebelkTABLESPACE ts_1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=ndbclusterDEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 comment ''; ERROR 1297 (HY000): Got temporary error 1501'Out of undo space' from NDBCLUSTER mysql> mysql> show errors; +-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+| Level | Code | Message |+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+| Error | 1297 | Got temporary error 1501 'Out of undo space' from NDBCLUSTER || Error | 1296 | Got error 4350 'Transaction already aborted' from NDBCLUSTER || Error | 1180 | Got error 4350 during COMMIT |+-------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> [ok] alter tablespacets_1 add datafile 'data_12.dat' initial_size 10737418240 engine NDBCLUSTER;alter tablespace ts_1 add datafile 'data_13.dat' initial_size 10737418240engine NDBCLUSTER; alter tablespace ts_1 add datafile 'data_14.dat'initial_size 10737418240 engine NDBCLUSTER; : mchdba : 2012-8-16 20:23

18 1297 --=============================================================================mysql> alter table aau TABLESPACE ts_1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=ndbclusterDEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 comment ''; ERROR 1297 (HY000): Got temporary error 1501'Out of undo space' from NDBCLUSTER mysql> show warnings;

+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+| Level | Code | Message |+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+| Warning | 1297 | Got temporary error 1501 'Out of undo space' from NDB | |Error | 1297 | Got temporary error 1501 'Out of undo space' from NDBCLUSTER | |Warning | 1296 | Got error 4350 'Transaction already aborted' from NDB | |Error | 1296 | Got error 4350 'Transaction already aborted' from NDBCLUSTER | |Error | 1180 | Got error 4350 during COMMIT |+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+5 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql>

【】暂时未解决。 : mchdba : 2012-8-16 20:24

19 1297 --=============================================================================ndb_mgm> Node 7: Forced node shutdown completed. Occured during startphase4. Caused by error 2303: 'System error, node killed during node restart byother node(Internal error, programming error or missing error message, pleasereport a bug). Temporary error, restart node'. Node 4: Forced node shutdowncompleted. Occured during startphase 4. Caused by error 2308: 'Another nodefailed during system restart, please investigate error(s) on othernode(s)(Restart error). Temporary error, restart node'. Node 5: Forced nodeshutdown completed. Occured during startphase 4. Caused by error 2308: 'Anothernode failed during system restart, please investigate error(s) on othernode(s)(Restart error). Temporary error, restart node'. Node 6: Forced nodeshutdown completed. Occured during startphase 4. Caused by error 2308: 'Anothernode failed during system restart, please investigate error(s) on othernode(s)(Restart error). Temporary error, restart node'. okbaidugoogle 之,没有得到相似的案列,看到一个emporary error, restart node 的提 restart node 重新在 4 data 节点,执行 ndbd --initial,等待 2 分钟,搞定!ohmy god,不知道其中 data node ndb_mgm> Node4: Started (version 7.2.7) Node 7: Started (version 7.2.7) Node 5: Started(version 7.2.7) Node 6: Started (version 7.2.7) sql

,原来的数据文件都无法显示了。简直是暴力破解啊,^_^ : mchdba mchdba : 2012-8-162012-8-16 21:51 21:44

-- =============================================================================
20 Out of undo space --=============================================================================mysql> insert into mc select * from zzbak_mc limit 0,10000; ERROR 1297(HY000): Got temporary error 1501 'Out of undo space' from NDBCLUSTER mysql>show warnings;+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+| Level | Code | Message |+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+| Warning | 1297 | Got temporary error 1501 'Out of undo space' from NDB | |Error | 1297 | Got temporary error 1501 'Out of undo space' from NDBCLUSTER |+---------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec) ok http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?25,413217,413217 I add another undo log file,it's ok now ,but counld some one tell me how can I know the usage of my undolog file ? SELECT FILE_NAME FROM information_schema.files WHERE FILE_TYPE='UNDOLOG'G; 执行:alter LOGFILE GROUP lg_1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_21.log'UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 33554432 ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; mysql> alter LOGFILE GROUP lg_1ADD UNDOFILE 'undo_21.log' ENGINE NDBCLUSTER; Query OK, 0 rows affected (4.33sec) - undo mysql> SELECTFILE_NAME FROM information_schema.files WHERE FILE_TYPE='UNDO LOG';+-------------+ | FILE_NAME | +-------------+ | undo_2.log | | undo_2.log | |undo_2.log | | undo_2.log |

| | | | | +-------------+ 9

undo_21.log undo_21.log undo_21.log undo_21.log NULL rows in set (0.05

| | | | | sec)

mysql>SELECT FILE_NAME FROM information_schema.files WHERE FILE_TYPE='UNDOLOG'G;
mysql> Query Records: into mc select * 10000 rows 10000Duplicates: OK from zzbak_mc limit affected (0.80 0 Warnings: zzbak_mc limit (2min 0,10000; sec) 0

insert OK,

mysql> insert into mc select * from Query OK, 890000 rows affected Records:890000 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

810000,890000; 10.10 sec)

-- =============================================================================
21 insert --=============================================================================2012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] ERROR -- c_gcp_list.seize() failed: gci:38285338476552 nodes: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000164002012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcp record (gci: 8914/8) ref:0fa2000e from: 0fa2000e 2012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcprecord (gci: 8914/8) ref: 0fa2000a from: 0fa2000a 2012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd]WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcp record (gci: 8914/8) ref: 0fa20010 from: 0fa200102012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] ERROR -- c_gcp_list.seize() failed: gci:38285338476553 nodes:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016400 2012-08-1622:38:05 [ndbd] WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcp record (gci: 8914/9) ref: 0fa2000e from:0fa2000e 2012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcp record (gci: 8914/9)ref: 0fa2000a from: 0fa2000a 2012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] ERROR --c_gcp_list.seize() failed: gci: 38289633443840 nodes:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016400 2012-08-1622:38:05 [ndbd] WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcp record (gci: 8914/9) ref: 0fa20010 from:0fa20010 2012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcp record (gci: 8915/0)ref: 0fa2000a from: 0fa2000a

2012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcp record (gci: 8915/0) ref:0fa20010 from: 0fa20010 2012-08-16 22:38:05 [ndbd] WARNING -- ACK wo/ gcprecord (gci: 8915/0) ref: 0fa2000e from: 0fa2000e
ok】减少 insert 的数量,一次批量从100W 减少到 50Wok,不会报异常信息了。 : mchdba : 2012-8-17 12:33

22 4 data down --=============================================================================ndb_mgm> Node 7: Forced node shutdown completed. Caused by error 2305: 'Nodelost connection to other nodes and can not form a unpartitioned cluster, pleaseinvestigate if there are error(s) on other node(s)(Arbitration error).Temporary error, restart node'. ndb_mgm>

ok】执行 ndbd 重新启动起来 : arron : 2012-8-17 15:46

作者: mchdba

时间: 2012-8-18 23:12

发表于 2012-8-17 15:46

22 -- ============================================================================= 100W

ndb_mgm> Node 4: Node 5: Node 6: Node 4: Node 5: Node 7: Node 6: Node 6:

Node Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

7: Data usage usage usage usage usage usage usage usage

usage increased to 80%(64016 32K pages of total increased to 80%(64007 32Kpages of total increased to 80%(64014 32K pages of total increased to 80%(6400132K pages of total increased to 90%(72005 32K pages of total increased to90%(72014 32K pages of total increased to 90%(72010 32K pages of totalincreased to 90%(72009 32K pages of total decreased to 89%(71772 32K pages oftotal

80000) 80000) 80000) 80000) 80000) 80000) 80000) 80000) 80000)

Node Node Node Node Node Node Node

7: 4: 5: 5: 7: 4: 6:

Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

usage usage usage usage usage usage usage

decreased decreased decreased decreased decreased decreased decreased

to to to to to to to

89%(71271 89%(71215 88%(70607 79%(63850 79%(63673 78%(62947 78%(62932

32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K 32K

pages pages pages pages pages pages pages

of of of of of of of

total total total total total total total

80000) 80000) 80000) 80000) 80000) 80000) 80000)

没有搞懂这是什么情况呢? : mchdba : 2012-8-19 17:03

23 ERROR 1297 (HY000)--=============================================================================mysql> insert into bu.up_2012 select * from test.up_2012 limit1200000,10000; ERROR 1297 (HY000): Got temporary error 899 'Rowid alreadyallocated' from NDBCLUSTER mysql> ok】网上都说需要调大 datamemory,但是我的是磁盘表,应该不是这个原因,不得已只 restart cluster mysql> replaceinto bu.up_2012 select * from test.up_2012 limit 1200000,300000; Query OK,300000 rows affected (59.97 sec) Records: 300000 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 赞叹一句,网上关于STORAGE DISK ndbcluster table 的测试的资料好少啊! : mchdba : 2012-8-19 20:05

-- =============================================================================
25修改了 config.in 之后,data node 启动,需要 ndbd --initial 重新加载之后,原有的*.dat 数据文件无效,启动不起来,sql节点启动之后,show tables; 原来的磁盘表都 --============================================================================= 1 config.inf 2 ndb_mgmd-f /usr/local/mysql/cluster-conf/config.ini --reload 3 ndbd --initial data node 4service mysqld start 5 use bu; show tables; 1 如果我已经导入了很多数据,这个时候发现自己的配置参数不合理,我要修改配置参数,线 2 如果 1 失败,我能否在重新启动管理节点之后,启动data node 的时候,能加载进去以前

的数据呢? : kerlion : 2012-8-20 10:06

--initial reload ndb_mgmd ndbd 一般不需要--initial 启动,只有当有文件文件损坏的时候,它会删除所有本地文件,然 member down mysql cluster 很不稳定,启动很可能失败,修改场数据前最好备份一下,实在不行全部--initial启动,恢复数据



以上就是虚拟小伙为你收集整理的MySQL Cluster 的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决MySQL Cluster 所遇到的程序开发问题。



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