我是靠谱客的博主 心灵美跳跳糖,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Maya怎么绘制一辆逼真的汽车?,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


在本教程中,您将看到如何开始可视化并创建逼真的3D经典车。 在接下来的几个问题中,我们将从第一个阻塞阶段到最终渲染的汽车建模过程。在这些教程中,我们将使用Maya来建模汽车,V-Ray的可视化和Photoshop来编辑图像。 尽管如此,您使用的软件实际上并不重要,因为重点将放在创建模型背后的原则上。

我们将创建1939年的Delage D8 120 CabrioletChapron,但使用本教程作为基础,您将能够创建任何车辆。 我们也将使用多边形。 我们将从一个简单的框中创建几何,并且会反复平滑,直到我们获得所需的细节水平,最终得到高度详细的模型。

In this tutorial, you will discover how tobegin to visualize and create a photorealistic 3D classic car. Over the nextfew issues, we will follow the process of modeling a car from its firstblocking stages, to the final render.During these tutorials we will use Maya forthe modeling of the car, V-Ray for its visualization and Photoshop to edit theimage. Despite this, it actually doesn't matter what software you use, as theemphasis will be on the principles behind the creation of a model.

We will create the 1939 Delage D8 120Cabriolet Chapron - but using this tutorial as a base, you will be able tocreate any vehicle. We will also work with polygons. We will create geometryfrom a simple box, and will smooth it repeatedly until we obtain the desiredlevel of detail, ultimately ending up with a highly detailed model.

Step :01 References

First, we need a photo of the car. Shots onall sides of the vehicle are obligatory, so first let's examine the properselection of references:

1. It is preferable that you have a photoof the car on all sides. We need to see the car's shape with all the details.If you don't have enough photos or you don't have a large shot with particulardetails, you need to take a pencil and draw these details in to understand theshapes.

2. It is good to know the car's sizes too:its length, width, height and wheelbase. We need it to better observe andrecreate the proportions.

3. A blueprint is not all that necessaryfor the creation of the car. Very often they are incorrect, though they canhelp during those first stages in the creation of the model, when we need tobuild the main shape quickly and correctly. If you don't have a blueprint, it'snot a problem, as photos and the car's sizes will be enough.


首先,我们需要一张汽车的照片。 首先要检查车辆的各个方面,以便正确选择参考文献:

你最好有车子的所有照片。 我们需要看到汽车的形状与所有的细节。 如果您没有足够的照片,或者您没有拍摄特别细节的照片,则需要用铅笔绘制这些细节以了解形状。


汽车的制作并不是一个蓝图。 很多时候他们是错误的,虽然他们可以帮助在模型的创建的第一阶段,当我们需要快速,正确地建立主要形状。如果你没有蓝图,这不是问题,因为有照片和汽车的尺寸就够了。

Step 02: Problems with references

There can be many problems with referenceimages. The most common mistakes during the work with references are asfollows:

If you have a photo with the side view ofthe car, you may wish to load it into the side projection and start to create achassis with this photo. This will ultimately end up being incorrect as it willlead to distortion of the overall shape of the model. The point is that thephoto has a perspective which will cause a strong distortion. If you don't havea blueprint with a side view, it is better to simply trust your eyes.

Another problem can be caused by using photoswithout taking the camera's characteristics into account. Usually we use up tofive photos to create the accurate shape and there is potential for mistakeswhen setting the scene's camera differently to the settings of the camera thatwas used for taking the photo. If you made the references yourself, you can seethe settings of your camera by just right-clicking on the filename and choosingProperties > Details. If you don't know the settings of your photo, you needto set the camera manually. It takes time, but it helps a lot in comparing yourphoto and model.

Regardless of our approach in the creationof conditions for modeling, the chief thing is not to make the mistakesdescribed above. Of course, it is possible to create a car without any photosor blueprints, but the outcome will depend on how well your eye is developed.If you don't trust your sense of proportions or you want to be absolutely sure,you need to use some auxiliary pictures. The chief thing is not to confusephotos with blueprints and not to use them as replacements for one-another.






Step 03: Blueprints

If you load a blueprint, do it through theImage Plane and don't forget to choose Looking Through Camera in the ImagePlane Attributes.



Step 04: Blocking

As for the present model, we have only onephoto which makes our task much more interesting. The car is exclusive, sothere aren't as many photos as we'd like. But we have all that is necessary.

When working with similar cars, the chiefthing is to take the uniqueness of these cars into consideration. Multiple carmodels are frequently made on the same basis, so you can find photos orblueprints of a very similar car to work on (remember to recognize and applythe differences in detail though).

So, beginning the process of creation ofthe model, we create a simple box.



在使用类似的汽车时,主要是考虑这些车的独特性。 多个车型经常在同一基础上进行,所以您可以找到一辆非常相似的车的照片或蓝图来工作(请记住尽可能地识别和应用差异)。


Step 05: Settings

It is important to place this box in thecenter of the interface co-ordinates. Also, this box must have the overalldimensions of the car. For example, if you know the car's length, width, andheight, you should set them as the dimensions of that box.

The next step is to divide the box exactlyin half. We need to cut exactly in the center of the co-ordinates. If the boxis displaced, you need to align it along the grid by using the snapkey X. Next,delete one half and copy the existing object with the Instance Value,reflecting the geometry. Set a value of -1 in the corresponding cell of theDuplicate Special Options, to reflect the block.


将此框放置在界面坐标的中心很重要。 此外,这个盒子必须具有汽车的整体尺寸。 例如,如果您知道汽车的长度,宽度和高度,则应将其设置为该框的尺寸。

下一步是将框分成两半。 我们需要在坐标的中心精确地切割。 如果框被移动,则需要使用快捷键X将其与栅格对齐。接下来,删除一半,并使用实例值复制现有对象,反映几何。在“重复特殊选项”的相应单元格中设置值-1,以反映该块。

Step 06: Adding polygons

We have two halves and each is part of ourfuture car. To complicate the shape, we need to add polygons. We can do thisnow, remembering that the chief thing is to divide each edge exactly in half.

We could also have initially created a boxwith the required number of edges (the number of edges may have been differentthough).


我们有两半,每个都是我们未来车的一部分。 要使形状复杂化,我们需要添加多边形。 我们现在可以这样做,记住首要的是将每个边缘分成两半。


Step 07: Bending the geometry

Next, we begin to work with the shape.First, we will bend the geometry a little.


接下来,我们开始使用形状。 首先,我们将弯曲几何。

Step 08: More shapes

It is very important to understand that inthis case, the shape of the chassis will consist of three parts; a basis andtwo front fenders. So initially, we will leave a straight line on the sides andwill bend the geometry only at the center. After a simple manipulation, we cancreate the shape seen here.


非常重要的是要了解,在这种情况下,底盘的形状将由三部分组成一个基础和两个前挡泥板。 所以最初,我们将在两侧留下一条直线,只能在中心弯曲几何。经过简单的操纵,我们可以创造出这里所看到的形状。

Step 09: Refining the shape

Now we can safely leave the pentagons andtriangles behind. At this stage, our goal is to give our geometry a better car shape.We delineate the chassis and fenders. To make our work easier later, we need amore precise shape. At this moment, the topology does not matter so we canleave the unmarked areas, but the edges must be aligned. At this stage, we showthe chassis' main elements. Also, we can delete the bottom completely to makeour work easier.






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